Goddard Earth Sciences (GES) Data and Information Services Center (DISC) gs
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What is Giovanni?

Giovanni is a Web-based application developed by the GES DISC that provides a simple and intuitive way to visualize, analyze, and access vast amounts of Earth science remote sensing data without having to download the data.

Please see our growing list of Giovanni publications to see publications about Giovanni and about how Giovanni is being used for Earth science research.

                        Current Giovanni Interfaces
TRMM Online Visualization and Analysis System (TOVAS), TRMM rainfall products, near- realtime  3hourly, Multi-Satellite Precipitation Analysis, and rainfall ground observations

Northern Eurasia Earth Science Partnership Initiative (NEESPI): Daily and Monthly Muti-Satellite Atmospheric and Land parameters

A-Train along CloudSat Track: CloudSat, MLS, CALIPSO lidar, and coregistered MODIS, AIRS, OMI, POLDER, and ECMWF data and plots of co-located atmospheric parameters

Aerosol Optical Thickness Measurement and Model Comparison: Daily and Monthly Aerosol Optical Thickness from Terra and Aqua MODIS, Aura OMI, and GOCART model;

Surface PM2.5/Particulate Matter Concentration (daily only)

MODIS Terra and Aqua, Daily and Monthly Aerosol, Cloud, Water Vapor and other atmospheric  data from the MOD08 and MYD08 products

MISR Monthly Global Aerosol Data from 0.5°x0.5° MISR product MIL3MAE


Air Quality daily 1°x1° EPA AIRNOW surface PM2.5 concentrations over the continental U.S. and Daily MODIS and OMI aerosol data.

Aqua/AIRS Global Daily  and Monthly Global maps and Vertical Profiles of Atmospheric Parameters and Trace Gases

Aura OMI Daily Global (Level-3) Ozone, Aerosol Optical Thickness, Aerosol Index and Cloud fraction; 

Aura OMI Level 2G (Pixel resolution data binned into Global Grids) Ozone, Aerosol, SO2 and NO2 data, with on-line option of data filtering

Earth Probe and Nimbus-7 TOMS  Ozone, Reflectivity and Aerosol Index data

Aura MLS Daily Near-Global Profiles of Trace Gases

Aura HIRDLS Daily Near-Global Profiles of Trace Gases
UARS HALOE Long-term dataset of Atmospheric Profiles of Trace Gases
Ocean Color Radiometry Online Visualization and Analysis advanced interface for Monthly MODIS Aqua ocean color, SST, nLw, SeaWiFS ocean color, nLW, GSM derived and merged products

Ocean Color Daily and Monthly global MODIS Aqua data, 8-day and Monthly SeaWiFS, Monthly GSM, and Daily and Monthly Model data

Agriculture-oriented TRMM and other derived precipitation data

...and more data products and Giovanni instances are on the way.

Next Generation Giovanni

Our next generation of Giovanni Version 3 is now available. To learn more about Giovanni 3, visit our Giovanni 3 Overview page.

To find out what's new in Giovanni 3, see the Giovanni Release Notes page.

Also, please take a look at the Giovanni 3 Online Users Manual.

Giovanni is Science Oriented

Giovanni development is driven by a team of dedicated scientists with many years of experience in multiple disciplines. This ensures that Giovanni always addresses the real-world needs of the science community.

  • Ask "what if" questions about data and obtain initial results byexploring data.
  • Investigate spatial and temporal characteristics of data products and their relationships.
  • Investigate uncertainty in measurements by intercomparing data from multiple sensors and algorithms.
  • Obtain customized data for further analysis and intercomparison.
  • Easily regenerate, share, and verify results with peers.

The Power of Simplicity

Giovanni can be used by anyone:

  • Only a Web browser is needed.
  • No need to learn data formats and programming.
  • No need to download large amounts of data.
  • Customized data and analysis can be obtained with only a few mouse clicks.

Who Use Giovanni?

  • Modelers (e.g. model verification)
  • Researchers/climatologists (e.g. global or regional trends)
  • Application users (e.g. near-real-time data access)
  • Policy makers (e.g. decision support, resource management)
  • Teachers and students (e.g. hands-on classroom projects)
  • Proposal writers needing justifications for research (e.g. prototyping results and imagery)

Giovanni Features

Listed below are just some of the features currently available in Giovanni:

  • Plot Types for Single Parameters:
    • Area plots of time-averaged parameters
    • Time series plots of area-averaged parameters
    • Meridional averages
    • Zonal averages
    • Vertical profiles
    • Longitude-latitude-pressure-time cross sections
  • Plot Types for Multi-Parameter Intercomparisons:
    • Area plots of overlain time-averaged parameters
    • Time series plots of area-averaged parameters
    • Difference plots
    • Scatter plots with regression
    • Temporal correlation maps
  • Animations
  • Climatology and anomalies
  • ASCII output for maps and plots
  • Web services for downloading subsetted data

...and more functions are on the way.

Where does the name Giovanni come from?

Giovanni is actually an acronym for the GES-DISC (Goddard Earth Sciences Data and Information Services Center) Interactive Online Visualization ANd aNalysis Infrastructure.

More Details

For full descriptions, features, and list of parameters available in each of our Giovanni interfaces, please check our Giovanni Interface Description Web page.

For a comprehensive list of Giovanni parameters, see our Giovanni Parameters Web page.

For a more complete description of these plot types, see the Giovanni Plot Types page.

Next Generation Giovanni

Giovanni is embarking on a vastly improved, Web Services oriented architecture using an underlying workflow framework to better support our users and to provide more data and science services. Some of the new features to look for in the near future are:

  • Additional user preferences that can be saved
  • Data lineage
  • More data download options
  • Asynchronous processing with status available via RSS feeds
  • Additional visualizations
  • Additional statistical analysis options


Please let us know what you think about Giovanni. We are eager to make Giovanni a useful tool to support our customers. You may email us at giovanni-disc@listserv.gsfc.nasa.gov.

Giovanni Resources

The following resources are available to help you use and understand Giovanni.


The GES DISC wishes to thank Dr. Yoram Kaufman (NASA GSFC) for his scientific and financial support of the MODIS Online Visualization and Analysis System (MOVAS) development effort. We will greatly miss him.

Ocean Color instances were supported by NASA HQ and Dr. Watson Gregg (NASA GSFC) through REASoN CAN 02-OES-01.

The Agricultural Online Visualization and Analysis System is part of the NASA Data Integration into Global Agricultural Decision Support Systems Project supported by NASA HQ through REASoN CAN 02-OES_01. The Project PI is Steven Kempler (NASA GSFC).

The NASA NEESPI Data and Services Center project is supported by NASA HQ through ROSES 2005 NNH05ZDA001N-ACCESS.

The A-Train Data Depot Project"Integrating Atmospheric Measurements along the A-Train Tracks Utilizing Data from the Aqua, CloudSat and CALIPSO Missions" is supported by NASA HQ through ROSES 2005 NNH05ZDA001N-ACCESS.









10.22.08 - Scientists from the GES DISC participate in Aura Science Team meeting
+ Read More

09.25.08 - TOVAS Giovanni adds products to new interface
+ Read More

09.17.08 - GES DISC Teams Receive Robert H. Goddard Honor Awards in 2008
+ Read More

07.02.08 - Giovanni use for education highlighted on NASA Web site
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06.17.08 - Giovanni demonstration at ESSEA annual conference
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06.17.08 - Giovanni analyses applied in Mississippi River plume study
+ Read More

03.11.08 - Giovanni Release 3.0.6
+ Read More

11.13.07 - GES DISC participation in the AGU Fall 2007 Meeting in San Francisco
+ Read More

08.02.07 - NEESPI Giovanni 3.03 release available
+ Read More

06.25.07 - A-Train Data Depot Enhancements
+ Read More

06.01.07 - New Giovanni interface for Aqua/Terra MODIS daily aerosols
+ Read More

05.24.07 - OMI L2G OMNO2 Added to Giovanni
+ Read More

+ Giovanni News Archive

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  • Last updated: September 18, 2008 05:46:35 UTC