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The following online resources represent a cross section of information related to the Holocaust available on the World Wide Web. To ease searching, the Web sites are grouped under topical headings and are annotated with brief descriptions. Resources are in English, unless otherwise noted. The Museum does not officially endorse any particular site or its content. We appreciate your comments and feedback about this page; please e-mail the Library at

Latest update: September 2007

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Oral History Projects
Projects dedicated to capturing and preserving survivor testimonies.

Bay Area Holocaust Oral History Project
Web site for an organization that has recorded over one thousand oral histories of survivors in the San Francisco Bay Area. Provides access to several testimonies on the site, a timeline of the Holocaust, electronic versions of the project's newsletter, and additional educational resources.
Fortunoff Video Archive for Holocaust Testimonies
Web site for a notable collection of Holocaust testimonies held at Yale University as part of the manuscripts and archives division at Sterling Memorial Library. Includes excerpts from testimonies and various educational resources. Also provides access to the archive's online catalog that includes records of the more than 4,000 videotaped interviews with witnesses and survivors of the Holocaust.
Fred Roberts Crawford Witness to the Holocaust Project Files, 1978-1983
An online archival finding aid to a collection of Holocaust-related oral testimony, photographs, and film footage. Provides transcripts of selected oral history interviews and audio and video clips of survivors and liberators. Created as part of a series of digital archival collections through the joint efforts of the libraries at Emory University and the Georgia Institute of Technology. Based on a collection gathered by the late Emory faculty member and World War II veteran Fred R. Crawford.
In the First Person: An index to letters, diaries, oral histories and personal narratives
Offers keyword searching of the letters, diaries, oral histories, and personal accounts of more than 18,000 individuals who lived from the 16th century to the present day. Includes audio and video testimonies and transcripts to interviews with Holocaust survivors and World War II veterans.
National Committee for Attending Deportees (DEGOB): Reflections on the Holocaust
Searchable database of over 3,500 survivor testimonies from Hungary collected in 1945-1946. Includes a history of the Holocaust in Hungary, statistical information on survivors interviewed, a glossary of terms and abbreviations used in the testimonies, and other historical information. [English and Hungarian]
Oral History Productions USA – Europe
Oral History Productions is an independent organization which conducts oral history interviews, develops and manages oral history projects and creates personal histories on audio, video and in print. It has conducted interviews with people from all walks of life: From a Nobel Prize winner to peasant refugees, from homemakers and mothers to war veterans and victims of terror, from retired blue-collar workers to business women, teachers, artists and many more. Over 100 interviews for the Steven Spielberg's “Survivors of the Shoah Visual History Foundation” were conducted, as well as to dozens of World War II veterans for the Museum of Jewish Heritage in New York City.
Telling Their Stories Oral History Archives
Presents text and video clips of oral history interviews with Holocaust survivors and liberators, as well as Japanese Americans who were incarcerated in relocation camps in Utah and Wyoming during World War II. A project of the Urban School of San Francisco.
USC Shoah Foundation Institute for Visual History and Education
Informational Web site of the USC Shoah Foundation Institute (formerly the Survivors of the Shoah Visual History Foundation), established by film director Steven Spielberg to document the accounts of survivors and eyewitnesses of the Holocaust.
United States Holocaust Memorial Museum: Personal Histories
Collection of selected segments from oral history testimonies of Holocaust survivors that document a variety of special topics, including: camp survival, liberation, and ghettos.
Voices of the Holocaust (British Library)
An online library of oral history testimonies created from interviews with survivors living in Britain. Provides a teacher's guide with materials for classroom activities. Also presents background on various aspects of Holocaust history, maps, a Holocaust chronology and a glossary, all aimed at students. Prepared by the British Library.
Voices of the Holocaust (Illinois Institute of Technology)
An online collection of transcripts and audio clips of interviews with Holocaust survivors conducted in 1946 by Dr. David Boder. Provides background information on Dr. Boder's project, profiles of the survivors, and summaries of their interviews. Sponsored by the Galvin Library of the Illinois Institute of Technology.
Voice/Vision: Holocaust Survivor Oral Histories
A collection of oral histories drawn from the work of Dr. Sid Bolkosky, Professor of History at the University of Michigan-Dearborn, who has interviewed over 150 Holocaust survivors. Includes the written transcripts and audio versions of eleven interviews available for downloading. Also describes the history of the collection and provides information on interlibrary loan procedures from the Mardigian Library, where the materials are housed. Sponsored by the Fisher Foundation and the University of Michigan-Dearborn, among others.
Witness to the Holocaust Project
An online exhibition that relates the story of life in the concentration camps, liberation by the Allies, and the Holocaust's aftermath in the displaced persons camps through the testimony of survivors and liberators. Provides audio clips of testimony, photographs, and maps of the camps. Based on archival collections gathered by the late sociologist and World War II veteran Fred Crawford that are held at Emory University.