Current Solicitations

Title for the 2008 proposal teleconNASA ROSES-2008 Applied Sciences Proposal Telecons
May 30, 2008, 1 p.m. - 3 p.m.

The NASA Science Mission Directorate solicits project proposals through the NASA Research Announcement entitled Research Opportunities in Space and Earth Sciences (ROSES). Since 2005, the annual ROSES solicitation encompasses all aspects of basic and applied supporting research and technology in space and Earth sciences for the NASA Science Mission Directorate. ROSES serves as a joint, overarching announcement that encompasses all the programs within the Science Mission Directorate. Each program has one or more elements within ROSES to specify topics and solicit proposals supporting its objectives.

The NASA Earth Science Division Applied Sciences Program has two elements in ROSES-2008, Elements A.18 and A.19. The descriptions and schedules for the respective elements are below.

Websites and Information

ROSES 2008 Element A.18:
Decision Support through Earth Science Research Results
The NASA Applied Sciences Program seeks proposals in this ROSES-2008 element to integrate Earth science research results into decision making activities related to one or more of the Program’s applications areas. Proposals may: A) Enhance the performance of existing organizations’ decision-making activities and processes through the integration of NASA Earth science products, or B) Develop new capabilities for decision making, provided that the need and activity can be clearly defined and that end users are strongly involved in the project and expressly committed to maintaining, supporting, and using the decision-making activity. Multi-organizational and disciplinary teams are strongly encouraged. ROSES-2008 Element A.18 (link TBA)

Information to Support Proposal Development

Important Dates
Solicitation Released February 15, 2008
Notices of Intent (preferred yet optional) June 17, 2008
Proposers Telecon May 30, 2008
Full Proposals
Due August 13, 2008
Competitive Peer Review September - October 2008
Project Selections Announcement (expected) November/December 2008
Project State Date (expected) January/February 2009

ROSES 2008 Element A.19:
Earth Science Applications Feasibility Studies
The NASA Applied Sciences Program seeks proposals in this ROSES-2008 element to test the initial feasibility of a concept for potential application of specific NASA Earth science research results to a decision-making activity related to one or more of the Program’s applications areas. Proposals may: A) Enhance the performance of existing organizations’ decision-making activities and processes through the integration of NASA Earth science products, or B) Develop new capabilities for decision making, provided that the need and activity can be clearly defined and that end users are strongly involved in the project and expressly committed to maintaining, supporting, and using the decision-making activity. Multi-organizational and disciplinary teams are strongly encouraged. ROSES-2008 Element A.19 (Link TBA)

Information to Support Proposal Development

Important Dates
Solicitation Released February 15, 2008
Notices of Intent (preferred yet optional) June 18, 2008
Proposers Telecon May 30, 2008
Full Proposals
Due August 27, 2008
Competitive Peer Review September - October 2008
Project Selections Announcement (expected) October/November 2008
Project State Date (expected) December 2008