National Applications

Agricultural Efficiency Agricultural Efficiency

Our goal for the Agricultural Efficiency program is to extend the use of NASA observations and models to support partner organizations that make decisions and policies affecting agriculture.

Air Quality Air Quality

The Air Quality application area focuses on Earth science applications to air quality management and policy issues, particularly issues associated with implementation of air quality standards, policy, and regulation for environmental, economic, and human welfare. The application is organized around themes of Air Quality Planning (includes international policy), Forecasting, and Compliance and crosscutting themes of Climate and Emissions Inventories.

Aviation Aviation

Earth science-based solutions serving aviation involve airspace situation awareness during in-flight operations including severe weather events, potential wind shear, temperatures, precipitation and icing conditions, landscapes and terrain features.

Carbon Management Carbon Management

Potential Earth science contributions to carbon management include direct measurement of CO2 in the troposphere to understand the impact of regional land, atmosphere and ocean interactions, monitoring soil carbon concentration and farming practices to verify soil carbon sequestration activities and effectiveness, and monitoring of vegetation biomass as a measure of carbon sources and sinks on land.

Coastal Managment Coastal Managment

The Coastal Management program extends Earth science research results to decision support systems addressing issues associated with coastal and oceanic environments (including estuaries, near-shore, marine, large inland waters, reefs, etc.). The program has focused its activities to five areas: coastal hazards, resource management (particularly living marine resources), ecosystem management, water quality, and coastal planning associated with sea level change.

Disaster Management Disaster Management

Earth science-based solutions are needed to improved decision support systems. These systems are being developed to address human life and property damage, meet the requirements of planners, early warning systems, first responders, and contribute to impact assessments, risk communication, mitigation, and implementation of relief efforts.

Ecological Forecasting Ecological Forecasting

Ecological forecasting involves the use of Earth observation data and models to predict the impacts of environmental changes on the ecosystems upon which we depend for our very existence. It links the physical world of climate and geology to the living world of biology and ecology.

Energy Management Energy Management

The ability to accurately predict risk and vulnerability to both natural and human influences on energy demand will improve decision making in energy use and conservation planning, trading and transmission infrastructure building and the use of renewable and non-renewable resources needed to generate energy.

Homeland Security Homeland Security

NASA's measurements, observations, and modeling can provide data and information to Homeland Security networks to support risk assessments, vulnerability assessments, and mitigation assessments.

Invasive Species Invasive Species

NASA technology and remote sensing methods are used for extracting land cover data for models that describe the potential for invasive species spread, probable sites, critical locations, etc.

Public Health Public Health

Public health issues such as vector borne infectious diseases, respiratory illness, skin and eye diseases are related to the conditions in the environment.

Water Management Water Management

The Water application area focuses on Earth science applications to water resource management, particularly water quality, water quantity, and seasonal to extreme drought and flooding events. The application emphasizes the use of downscaling of global climate models to support regional water management issues, water allocation, and hydropower management. The application is organized around themes of Water Quality, Flow and Flood Forecasting, Drought, Water Delivery (includes Irrigation).