Department of the Interior 

Departmental Manual



Effective Date:  3/4/05

Series:       Organization

Part 109:    Secretarial Officers

Chapter 1:  Secretary of the Interior


Originating Office:  Office of Planning and Performance Management


109 DM 1


1.1     Secretary.  The Secretary of the Interior, as head of an Executive Department, reports directly to the President and is responsible for the direction and supervision of all operations and activities of the Department.  The Secretary also has certain powers or supervisory responsibilities relating to U.S. affiliated insular areas.


1.2     Secretariat.  The Secretary is assisted in the management and direction of the Department by the Secretariat.  The Secretariat is comprised of the following Secretarial Officers:


          A.      The Secretary


          B.      The Deputy Secretary, who assists the Secretary in supervising and administering the Department and in the absence of the latter performs the functions of the Secretary.  With the exception of certain matters specifically reserved to the Secretary, the Deputy Secretary has the full authority of the Secretary.  The Deputy Secretary is the Chief Operating Officer for the Department.


          C.      The Solicitor (described in 109 DM 3)


          D.      The Inspector General (described in 110 DM 4)


          E.      Assistant Secretaries (described in 109 DM chapters following Chapter 3).


1.3     Assistants to the Secretary.


          A.      A Chief of Staff serves as confidential advisor to the Secretary, supervises the staff of the immediate office of the Secretary, and performs other duties as assigned by the Secretary.


          B.      The Director, Office of Communications serves as principal advisor to the Secretary on public information matters (see 110 DM 5).


          C.      The Director, Office of Congressional and Legislative Affairs serves as principal advisor to the Secretary on the Department's legislative program and carries out Congressional and intergovernmental liaison activities (see 110 DM 6).


          D.      The Director, Office of the Executive Secretariat and Regulatory Affairs serves as principal advisor to the Secretary on regulatory matters, monitors, reviews, and coordinates all regulatory activities of the Department, and is responsible for correspondence control and processing (see 110 DM 17).


          E.      Other Assistants, Counselors, and Advisors to the Secretary serve in varying capacities and as liaison with major program areas as specifically assigned.  All Assistants, Counselors, and Advisors to the Secretary may work directly with Assistant Secretaries in expediting and highlighting matters requiring immediate or specific attention.  Like the Assistant Secretaries, they may issue guidance with the full authority of the Secretary.


1.4     Authority.  Except for authority specifically delegated otherwise by statute, authority to carry out Departmental functions is delegated by the Secretary to the Secretariat who in turn redelegate appropriate authority to heads of bureaus and offices which they supervise.  All permanent delegations made by the Secretary and redelegations made by Assistant Secretaries are issued and documented in the Departmental Manual.  Program officials to whom authority has been delegated are held directly responsible for organization and performance in their assigned program areas.


3/4/05 #3671

Replaces 9/19/97 #3176