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Your Ride Options
Locating Transportation Resources
Ride-share Opportunities in the Puget Sound Area
If you have a Medicaid Card
If you can ride the Bus
If you need a Wheelchair Lift or Pick-up
If you are elderly
Statewide Travel Options

Locating Transportation Resources

The Washington State Department of Transportation maintains a listing of local transportation providers and resources. You can visit the WSDOT Web page for local commute and travel information.

Ride-Share Opportunities in the Puget Sound Area

The Metro Ride-Share Web page offers opportunities to connect with other people looking to share rides.

If You Have a Medicaid Card

If you have a Medicaid Card and you need a ride to a medical appointment, you can contact your Medicaid transportation broker to schedule your trip. Please note that trips frequently have to be scheduled a minimum of 24 hours in advance of the appointment for local trips and up to two weeks prior to the appointment for out of town medical trips. You can check the list of Medicaid transportation brokers in Washington State for your local contact.

If You Can Ride the Bus

If you can ride the bus you can contact the public transit provider that serves your area for route, stop and accessibility information. The WSDOT web site includes links to all of the State's transit systems and their web sites.

If You Need a Wheel Chair Lift or a Pick-up

If you need a wheel chair lift or a pick-up at your door you can contact the public transit system in your area and ask who is providing Americans with Disabilities Act service. The WSDOT web site includes links to all of the State's transit systems and their web sites.

If You Are Elderly

If you are a senior citizen, your Senior Services center may be able to provide rides. The Department of Social and Health Services maintains listings of senior centers in all Washington State counties.

Statewide Travel Options

The Statewide Travel Options Web site will allow you to access route, stop and accessibility information on transportation providers anywhere in Washington state. Statewide Travel Options will allow you to plan a trip within your hometown or to a destination across the State on one web site without having to hunt around for multiple providers or schedules.


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