The following four resolutions were unanimously approved by the DRBC at the September 27, 2006 business meeting/public hearing held at its West Trenton headquarters:

Resolution 2006-18: Establishing a temporary spill mitigation program for Neversink, Pepacton, and Cannonsville Reservoirs to be effective through May 2007. Termination of this interim program will coincide with adoption of a new year-round management program for the New York City Delaware Basin reservoirs which will include a spill mitigation component. Importantly, implementation of Resolution 2006-18 requires the consent of all five parties to the 1954 U.S. Supreme Court Decree -- Delaware, New Jersey, New York State, Pennsylvania, and New York City.

Update: On February 28, 2007, the DRBC approved Resolution 2007-1, with the unanimous consent of the five decree parties, amending Resolution 2006-18 to incorporate revised flood stages established by the National Weather Service. These amendments, retroactive to January 9, 2007, include the following provisions:

1) The maximum combined spill and release flow rate for Neversink Reservoir, listed in Table 2 of Resolution 2006-18, is increased from 1,800 cubic feet per second (cfs) to 3,400 cfs; and the maximum combined spill and release flow rate for Cannonsville Reservoir is increased from 2,200 cfs to 4,200 cfs.

2) Effective December 29, 2006 the official flood stage for the East Branch Delaware River at Fishs Eddy, listed in paragraph 3.ii of Resolution 2006-18, is lowered from 15 feet to 13 feet. Accordingly, the action level, above which supplemental releases from Pepacton Reservoir will no longer be made, is reduced from 13 feet to 11 feet.

3) Effective December 29, 2006 the official flood stage for the Neversink River at Bridgeville, listed in paragraph 3.iii of the Resolution 2006-18, is elevated from 8 feet to 13 feet. Accordingly, the water level at the gage location above which supplemental releases will no longer be made is increased from 6 feet to 12 feet.

Update: On May 10, 2007, the DRBC approved Resolution 2007-7 extending Resolution 2006-18 (as amended) through September 30, 2007.

Update: The Flexible Flow Management Program (FFMP) agreement reached by the decree parties on September 26, 2007 will be implemented on a temporary basis by New York State and New York City, in coordination with the River Master appointed under the decree, beginning on October 1, 2007 while DRBC conducts the public comment and rulemaking process.  The FFMP agreement’s spill mitigation component is intended to reduce the likelihood that the three reservoirs could be full and spilling coincident with a major storm or thaw. It does not include specified void targets.

View Flexible Flow Management Program Page for Additional Information

Resolution 2006-19: Authorizing and directing the DRBC Executive Director to establish a task force to recommend a set of comprehensive flood mitigation measures for the Delaware Basin.

Update: The Delaware River Basin Interstate Flood Mitigation Task Force has completed and forwarded to the four basin state governors its action agenda for a more proactive, sustainable, and systematic approach to flood damage reduction. The final report with 45 consensus recommendations was submitted by letter dated July 12, 2007 from DRBC Executive Carol R. Collier to Delaware Gov. Ruth Ann Minner, New Jersey Gov. Jon Corzine, New York Gov. Eliot Spitzer, and Pennsylvania Gov. Edward Rendell, who serve as DRBC members along with presidential appointee Brigadier General Todd Semonite.

View Interstate Task Force Information

Resolution 2006-20: Authorizing and directing the DRBC Executive Director to accept funds from the basin states to be used to develop a model for evaluating the potential for reservoirs throughout the basin to be used to mitigate flooding on the Delaware River and its tributaries.

View Basin Flood Analysis Model Project Information

Resolution 2006-21: Authorizing the DRBC Executive Director to accept funds from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Automated Flood Warning System Grant Program for the purchase of two snowpack gauges to be installed in the watersheds of the Delaware Basin New York City reservoirs.

View "Snow Pillow" Installation Photo


September 21, 2006 Letter from Four Basin State Governors to DRBC Executive Director

Link to Press Releases from Governor Rendell and Governor Corzine/NJ DEP Commissioner Jackson

"Flood Mitigation in the Delaware River Basin" Article by DRBC General Counsel Ken Warren


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