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Logo Estuaries 101 and Chesapeake Exploration
NERRS/VIMS Teacher Training - August 11-14, 2008     

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Greetings to all teachers participating in the upcoming teacher training!

We have created this page to welcome you to the training next week and also to provide you with some quick instructions that will help you come better prepared to the workshop.

Before the Workshop:
  • Please complete a pre-program survey. We are very interested in learning a bit more about you and appreciate you taking the time to complete this questionnaire.  
  • Review this site. Under the Teacher tab you will be able to find all the modules and the activities for the Estuaries 101 Curriculum. Feel free to browse through the materials before the workshop. Note: We will provide you with actual printed copies of these modules.
  • Come prepared to learn and have fun!

After the Workshop & after you have used the materials with your students:

  • Please come back and complete a post-program survey. This questionnaire  asks about what works well and what can be improved about the materials. This form will remain available for a full year to give all of you an opportunity to use the materials in the classroom and then provide us with feedback. We greatly appreciate your help with this.

Please feel free to contact us, if you have any questions.

Your trainers:

Last Updated on: 08-06-2008


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