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Media-Smart Youth Program
What is Media-Smart Youth?

Media-Smart Youth: Eat, Think, and Be Active! is an interactive after-school education program for young people ages 11 to 13.  It is designed to help teach them about the complex media world around them, and how it can affect their health—especially in the areas of nutrition and physical activity.

Media-Smart Youth is not a weight loss program, but rather is a health promotion program. It helps young people become critical, creative thinkers to help them make smart and positive choices about nutrition and physical activity

What does the Media-Smart Youth program teach?

The Media-Smart Youth curriculum is made up of four key areas:

  1. Media awareness: Helps young people learn to analyze and recognize ways the media tries to get their attention, and to evaluate these media messages
  2. Nutrition: Encourages youth to choose fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and calcium-rich foods, and to reduce the amount of fat and added sugar they eat.
  3. Physical activity: Teaches the importance of daily physical activity for good health and strategies for becoming more active.
  4. Media production: Allows youth to express what they learn through production projects.
Where can I get more information about Media-Smart Youth?