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Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service


Effective October 1, 2004, only requests for on-line panels that are sent via e-mail will be charged $30.00. If one or more of the parties requests delivery by mail or fax, the charge will be $50.

FMCS instituted a lesser fee ($30) for on-line requests because parties would be entering the information. It also provided a mechanism for panels to be received quicker (e-mail). Using regular mail or fax results in additional staff time for handling the panels and postage for mailing, thereby defeating the purpose of instituting the lesser fee.

Please make sure that, if you wish to request panels on-line, you acquire an e-mail address by October 1, 2004. If you currently have an e-mail address, please make sure it is correctly entered into our system..

All panels that request the email option of receiving their panel will need to have Adobe Acrobat Reader in order to view them. If you do not have Acrobat Reader, you can download it for free here.

Thank you. We appreciate your cooperation.

FMCS Office of Arbitration Services
(202) 606-5111