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September 21, 2008

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Breaking Research

Visit The Body PRO for research from the XVII International AIDS Conference, including:

Hot Topics at The Body's
Ask the Experts Forums

Art from the Visual AIDS September gallery of art by HIV-positive artists.

Word on the Street

What is life like for HIV-positive gay men in your country?

Joseph Akoro, Nigeria"To be HIV positive as a young person and a gay man ... in Nigeria is bizarre because the law discriminates against you having sex with a man, so you do not have any access to health care as someone who has sex with a man."

Joseph Akoro, Nigeria

> Read or listen to more responses

Special Report

HIV and Me: A Woman's Guide to Living With HIV

HIV and Me: A Woman's Guide to Living With HIV
This easy-to-read guide from The Body will provide the basics to living with HIV and taking HIV meds. Click here to browse.


Living with HIV? What do you mostly use for?
Talking with doctors at the "Ask the Experts" forums
Connecting with other HIVers at the bulletin boards
Reading overviews and tips on various topics
Staying up to date on news and research
Reading or listening to first-person stories
None of these

> Visit the poll archives!

Fact of the Day

This Month in HIV; Podcasts/Transcripts Every Month; May 2008 Podcast: Top 10 HIV Stories of the Past Year

Video Central

Visit Video Central and meet people from AIDS 2008!

Chicago writer and HIV advocate Keith Green details what made AIDS 2008 worthwhile -- and how the conference may have made him a stronger, angrier activist for HIV-positive gay men.

> Watch more interviews


Looking for a little extra pocket change? Take The Body's HIV/AIDS Knowledge Quiz for a chance to win up to $100. You may also learn some things about HIV that you didn't already know!

> Take this month's quiz