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Economics Division
Fair Market Value
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Royalty Relief

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   Marshall Rose

   OMM Web Team

  Royalty Relief
Welcome to Offshore Energy and Minerals Management Economics


Conduct economic analysis to evaluate and implement policies for the energy and minerals programs relating to lease terms, bidding systems, auction designs, operating conditions and rulemaking.

Develop and maintain economic models/databases in support of sale design, resource evaluation, post-sale and operational activities, rulemaking, and revenue sharing and royalty relief programs.

Structure and update procedures to ensure receipt of fair market value for the rights to produce offshore energy resources, and lead a multidisciplinary team on cases involving appeals of bid rejections.

Forecast annual flows of offshore federal receipts for the President's budget.

Design royalty relief policies and undertake evaluations of applications for royalty relief.

Generate economic assumptions and scenarios for use in post-sale tract evaluations and in applications for royalty relief.

Design auction formats and fiscal terms for the alternative energy program.

Provide economic analysis to other Departments, Bureaus and Executive Agencies in support of energy and mineral leasing policies and national energy strategies.


Revenue Sharing

bullet Coastal Impact Assistance Program
bullet Gulf of Mexico Energy Security Act of 2006 (under development)

Royalty Relief

bullet Deep Water
bullet Shallow Water Deep Gas
bullet End of Life
bullet Special Relief (under development)
bullet Gulf of Mexico Region Royalty Relief Page

Price Thresholds

Historical Reports

bullet Annual Reports to Congress
bullet Post-Sale Reports

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Last Updated:  07/22/2008, 05:44 PM

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