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TRADOC News Service

TRADOC News Service's mission is to tell the story of how TRADOC supports the Army in its three core missions: accessions, training and leader development, and future force development. Therefore we release information pertaining to headquarters TRADOC and TRADOC's mission activities (33 schools at 16 installations). We also portray the people of TRADOC in features found on TNS.

Stories submitted to TNS should portray TRADOC in action and/or be of relevance to TRADOC community members. TNS welcomes stories, for instance, on how training helped Soldiers in Operation Iraqi Freedom; how Warrior Ethos training is being implemented at your local installation; or how lessons-learned and/or changes in doctrine are finding their way into experimentation and training exercises at your post.

Stories submitted to TNS may also be used in our Web specials, which are collections of information about major subject areas that are "hot" in TRADOC or are of interest to members of the command.

Recent HeadlinesRecent headlines

July 2008

Story archives 2008

July | June | May | April | March | February | January

ecember | November | October | September | August | July | June | May | April | March | February | January

December | November | October | September | August | July | June | May | April | March | February | January

December l November l October | September | August | July | June | May | April | March | February | January

December | November | October | September( archives prior to September 2004 available upon e-mail request to the PAO Webmaster)

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Media ReleasesMedia releases

Information on TRADOC activities for local, regional, national and international news media. Includes events such as conferences, Drill Sergeant of the Year competition or Music Under the Stars concert series.

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Web SpecialsWeb specials

TRADOC News Service and Web operations includes Web specials, which are Websites dedicated to a hot topic or subject of major importance to TRADOC.

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TRADOC PerspectiveTRADOC Perspective

TRADOC Perspective, a monthly publication formatted in PDF, complements the headquarters headlines. TRADOC Perspective focuses on hot topics and the top news stories from around the TRADOC community.

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Fact sheets icon Fact sheets/backgrounders

Fact sheets and backgrounders present more in-depth information on the news and trends that appear in TRADOC News Service.

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Closeup on TrainingCloseup on training

One of TRADOC's core missions is training, especially initial-entry training for new Soldiers. Training is transforming in TRADOC, adapting to the demands of the current battlefield and preparing Soldiers to fight and win the nation's wars in the near future. Here TRADOC News Service features training going on in the command's schools and centers.

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People PortraitsPeople portraits

The people of TRADOC have rich, varied stories. As stated in the command's vision statement, "TRADOC remains committed to our Soldiers, civilians and families. ... Our people are the bedrock upon which our Army is built."

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TRADOC poster series icon TRADOC poster series

The current and future Army is portrayed in the TRADOC poster series, which emphasizes many of TRADOC's and the Army’s top issues and priorities. Posters can be printed to fit on an 11x17 piece of paper.

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Army ValuesArmy Values

Army Values” is not merely a phrase for how members of the Army should act; they are who we are. We emulate the seven Army Values because they are the standard for behavior. In Training and Doctrine Command, drill sergeants and instructors teach initial-entry training Soldiers how to be warriors, but in TRADOC the sense of the Army as a values-based institution also begins. Every member of TRADOC – Soldier and civilian – is responsible for living and mentoring others in the Army Values.

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News Video ClipsNews videoclips (coming soon)

Clips pulled from Army News Watch and other sources that are TRADOC-relevant. Subjects may include training, Global War on Terrorism support, Army focus areas that TRADOC supports, force structure news, recruiting and retention news and trends.

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