United States Holocaust Memorial MuseumPublic Programs
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Performing Arts series
Paul Celan by Wolfgang Oschatz/Suhrkamp Verlag
Photos: (above) Paul Celan by Wolfgang Oschatz/Suhrkamp Verlag; (inset) Stanley Kunitz by Ted Rosenberg

Sunday, April 7, 1 p.m.

Stanley Kunitz by Ted Rosenberg
Poetry Reading

By Stanley Kunitz

Paul Celan was a student of romance languages and literature when German troops occupied his Romanian town and deported him and his parents to the ghetto. Eventually, his parents were sent to the Mihailovska concentration camp in the Ukraine, where they both died. During this period, Celan was interned in a labor camp. These experiences impacted the poetry he wrote for the remainder of his life.

In this reading, National Book Award winner and former U.S. Poet Laureate Stanley Kunitz will read his own Holocaust-related work in addition to that of Paul Celan and others. Mr. Kunitz is the author of 12 volumes of poetry, the most recent entitled The Collected Poems of Stanley Kunitz (New York: W.W. Norton, 2000). He has received nearly every honor bestowed upon a poet in this country, including the Pulitzer and Bollingen Prizes, a National Medal of Arts from President Clinton in 1993, and the Frost Medal from the Poetry Society of America.



The Museum's performing arts series is made possible by a grant from The Blanche and Irving Laurie Foundation.
Acts of Courage

  Poetry Reading
  I Will Bear Witness: Parts I and II
  One Righteous Man: The Story of Raoul Wallenberg
  “Better Don’t Talk!”—A Daughter Discovers Her Mother’s Hidden Past

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