United States National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health

NLM Visitors Center and Tours

The NLM Visitor Center, located in the lobby of the Lister Hill Center (NIH Building 38A), is open weekdays except Federal holidays, 9:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. It offers an excellent orientation to the National Library of Medicine through its tours, printed information and interactive computer displays.


Tours of the Library originate in the NLM Visitor Center (Room 127, Building 38A) and take place Monday through Friday (except Federal holidays) at 1:30 p.m. The one-hour tour includes a 12-minute, high-definition television (HDTV) presentation, "Expanding the Medical Universe," an overview of NLM programs and services, demonstrations of MEDLINE®, MedlinePlus® and other databases, and a walking tour that includes the computer room, reading room, exhibition area and History of Medicine Division. Reservations for the 1:30 tour are not required for groups of five (5) or fewer, although it is helpful to notify us in advance once your plans are firm.

Please contact Visitor Center director Shana Potash (301.594.7526, potashs@mail.nih.gov) or Melanie Modlin (301.496.7771, mm354i@nih.gov). Please contact us also if you'd like us to show the NLM video in Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Russian or Spanish. With advance notice, we are happy to honor such requests.

For special group tours at other times, or if you have questions about NLM's tour operation, please call Melanie Modlin in the Office of Communications and Public Liaison, 301-496-7771 or mm354i@nih.gov.

Literature and Giveaway Items

Printed information in the vestibule describes many of NLM's programs and services. In addition, there are NLM giveaways such as pens and postcards. Interactive Displays

Watch for a growing number of interactive displays introducing you to NLM's history, research and development projects and more. "Turning the Pages," a technology that lets users explore classic books from NLM's collection virtually, is now on display and is a favorite with visitors.

Directions to the NLM Visitor Center

The Lister Hill Center (Building 38A) is just off Center Drive (which intersects with Rockville Pike), on the NIH campus. The Lister Hill Center is approximately 300 yards from the Medical Center stop on the Metro Red Line Parking.

Metered parking for visitors is available in front of the main Library (Building 38) at a rate of $.25 in a 10-minute zone and $.50 in a 20-minute zone. Maximum charge is $6.00 for three hours. Please do not park in the "NIH EMPLOYEE ONLY" spaces or other spaces unauthorized for public use. You may be ticketed or towed.

Your comments, inquiries and suggestions are always welcome and may be directed to:

Office of Communications and Public Liaison
National Library of Medicine
8600 Rockville Pike
Bethesda, MD 20894
E-mail: publicinfo@nlm.nih.gov
NLM's website is http://www.nlm.nih.gov

Last reviewed: 22 August 2008
Last updated: 22 August 2008
First published: 20 January 2001
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