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2002 Census Publications
2003 Farm and Ranch Irrigation Survey
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 Format   Table Number and Description
Table 1: Irrigated Farms in the Censuses of Agriculture: 2002 and Earlier Censuses
Table 2: Irrigated Farms by Acres Irrigated: 2003 and 1998
Table 3: Land Use on Farms with Irrigation: 2003 and 1998
Table 4: Land Irrigated by Method of Water Distribution: 2003 and 1998
Table 5: Land Irrigated by Sprinkler Systems: 2003 and 1998
Table 6: Land Irrigated by Drip, Trickle, or Low-flow Micro Sprinklers: 2003 and 1998
Table 7: Land Irrigated with Gravity Flow by Field Water Delivery System: 2003 and 1998
Table 8: Estimated Quantity of Water Applied Using Only One Method of Distribution: 2003 and 1998
Table 9: Estimated Quantity of Water Applied Using Only Sprinkler Systems to Distribute Water: 2003 and 1998
Table 10: Estimated Quantity of Water Applied Using Only Gravity Flow Systems to Distribute Water: 2003 and 1998
Table 11: Estimated Quantity of Water Applied By Source or Supplier: 2003 and 1998
Table 12: Estimated Quantity of Irrigation by Water Applied: 2003 and 1998
Table 13: Water Transfers by Use and Source: 2003 and 1998
Table 14: Irrigation Wells on Farms: 2003 and 1998
Table 15: Irrigation Wells Used on Farms: 2003 and 1998
Table 16: Characteristics for Irrigation Wells Used on Farms: 2003 and 1998
Table 17: Irrigation Pumps on Farms: 2003 and 1998
Table 18: Irrigation Pumps on Farms for Wells: 2003 and 1998
Table 19: Irrigation Pumps on Farms Other Than for Wells: 2003 and 1998
Table 20: Energy Expenses for On-Farm Pumping of Irrigation Water by Water Source and Type of Energy: 2003 and 1998
Table 21: Pumps Powered by Solar and Other Renewable Energy Sources: 2003 and 1998
Table 22: Expenses for Irrigation Water from Off-Farm Suppliers: 2003 and 1998
Table 23: Investment in Irrigation Equipment, Facilities, Land Improvement, and Computer Technology: 2003 and 1998
Table 24: Expenses for Maintenance and Repairs of Irrigation Equipment and Facilities: 2003 and 1998
Table 25: Expenses for Hired and Contract Irrigation Labor: 2003
Table 26: Farms with Diminished Crop Yields Resulting from Irrigation Interruption by Cause: 2003 and 1998
Table 27: Crops Harvested From Irrigated Farms: 2003 and 1998
Table 28: Estimated Quantity of Water Applied and Method of Distribution by Selected Crops Harvested: 2003 and 1998
Table 29: Selected Crops Harvested by Chemigation and Water Source: 2003 and 1998
Table 30: Selected Crops Irrigated and Harvested by Primary Method of Water Distribution by Crop, United States: 2003
Table 31: Other Uses of Irrigation Water: 2003 and 1998
Table 32: Irrigated Farms by Size of Farm: 2003 and 1998
Table 33: Irrigated Farms by North American Industrial Classification System: 2003 and 1998
Table 34: Irrigated Farms by Market Value of Agricultural Products Sold: 2003 and 1998
Table 35: Irrigated Farms by Percent of Total Sales from Irrigated Crops and Livestock Sales: 2003 and 1998
Table 36: Methods Used in Deciding When to Irrigate: 2003 and 1998
Table 37: Water Management Practices used by Operators with Gravity Flow Systems: 2003 and 1998
Table 38: Irrigators Participating in Government Programs: 2003 and 1998
Table 39: Energy and Water Conservation Improvements: 2003 and 1998
Table 40: Barriers to Making Improvements to Reduce Energy Use or Conserve Water: 2003 and 1998
Table 41: Source of Irrigation Information Relied on to Reduce Irrigation Costs or to Conserve Water: 2003 and 1998
Table 42: Discontinuance of All Irrigation by Reason: 2003 and 1998

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Last modified: 02/11/08

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