Remote Sensing Tutorial Table of Contents


RST Notices


Dedication and Foreword

Dedication and Foreword

Overview of Remote Sensing

Overview; Quiz

Introduction: Theoretical, and Technical Perspectives of Remote Sensing; Special Applications

The Concept of Remote Sensing

Principles of Remote Sensing: The Photon and Radiometric Parameters / Optional Reading: The Quantum Physics underlying Remote Sensing; Use of Spectroscopy in Determining Quantum Levels / Transmittance, Absorptance, and Reflectance / The Electromagnetic Spectrum: Distribution of Radiant Energies / Spectral Signatures

Sensor Technology; Types of Resolution

Processing and Classification of Remotely Sensed Data; Pattern Recognition; Approaches to Data/Image Interpretation

History of Remote Sensing; Remote Sensing Systems:

In the Beginning; Launch Vehicles / Table: History of Remote Sensing into the 1970s/ Multispectral Images / Film as a Recording Medium / Color & False Color Composites / Apollo 9 Multispectral Images / Earth Resources Technology Satellite (ERTS-1) / Multi-Spectral Scanner (MSS) / A Landsat Image / MSS Histograms / Table: Best MSS Bands for Identifying Surface Features / Thematic Mapper (TM) / Examples of TM Imagery / Other Remote Sensing Systems: MOMS and SPOT / Envisat, IRS-1, JERS, RESURS, OKEAN, CBERS, and MicroSat (AlSat-1) Series / Hyperspectral Imaging / Radar and Thermal Systems / Meteorological, Oceanographic, and Earth Systems Satellites / The Systems (Multisource) Approach to Remote Sensing / Humans in Space: Long Term Mobile and Fixed Stations (Salut; Soyuz; Skylab; Apollo-Soyuz; Space Shuttle (STS); MIR; International Space Station / Military Intelligence Satellites / The Commercialization of Space / Geophysical Remote Sensing: External Fields; Magnetics / Geophysical Remote Sensing: Gravity / Geophysical Remote Sensing: Crustal Dynamics; Seismology / Medical Applications of Remote Sensing

Concluding Remarks

Section 1: Image Processing and Interpretation - Morro Bay, California

Section 2: Geologic Applications I - Stratigraphy & Structure

Section 3: Vegetation Applications - Agriculture, Forestry, and Ecology

Section 4: Urban and Land Use Applications

Section 5: Geologic Applications II - Mineral & Petroleum Exploration

Section 6: Space Flight Across the U.S - Boston to Denver to San Francisco; Landsat Tours the World

Section 7: Regional Studies - Use of Mosaics from Landsat

Section 8: Radar and Microwave Remote Sensing

Section 9: The Warm Earth - Thermal Remote Sensing

Section 10: Aerial Photography as Primary & Ancillary Data Sources

Section 11: The Earth's Surface in 3D - Stereo Systems and Topographic Mapping

Section 12: The Human Remote Senser in Space - Astronaut Photography
Guest Writer: Dr. Paul D. Lowman Jr.

Section 13: Collecting Data at the Surface - Ground Truth; The "Multi" Concept; Hyperspectral Imaging Spectroscopy

Section 14: The Water Planet - Meteorological, Oceanographic and Hydrologic Applications of Remote Sensing

Section 15: Geographic Information Systems - The GIS Approach to Decision Making

Maps and Attributes / Data Elements and Models / GIS Defined / A GIS Case Study in Africa / Decision Making; Suitability Determination / Conducting a GIS Analysis / The PP&L Siting Problem / A GIS/Remote Sensing Case Study in Archaeology: Burgundy, France / \Using GIS to Study a Rare Flower Habitat on Block Island, Rhode Island

Section 16: Earth Systems Science - Earth Science Enterprise and the EOS Program
Guest Writer: Dr. Mitchell K. Hobish

Section 17: Use of Remote Sensing in Basic Science Studies I - Mega-Geomorphology

Section 18: Basic Science II: Impact Cratering

Distribution of Craters / Cratering Mechanics / Shock Metamorphism / Crater Morphology; Major Impact Structures / Remote Sensing of Craters

Section 19: The Solar System and Planetary Exploration

Section 20: Astronomy and Cosmology: The Description, Origin, and Development of the Universe

Preface (including a review of Relativity and Quantum Physics) / Origin and Early Development of the Universe; Big Bang Eras; Expansion of Space / The Hubble Space Telescope; Birth, Life, and Death of Stars / The Genesis Mission Galaxies / Images of Galaxies and Stars outside the Visible Light Range. / Special Features of Galaxies: Colliding Galaxies; Galactic Gases; Starbursts and Active Galactic Nucleus / Novae and Supernovae; Pulsars, Quasars, and Black Holes; Gamma Ray Bursts; and Colliding Stars / Spectral Analysis of Star Composition; Element Synthesis in Stars / Space-Time and Expansion / Evidence for the Big Bang; the Redshift; Galactic Distances; Age of the Universe; Cosmic Background Radiation; Expansion Models; Dark Matter and Energy / Recent Innovations about the Concept of "Universe": Dark Energy and an Accelerating Universe?; Varieties of Universes (Multiverses); Philosophical Implications / Origin of Planetary Systems / Origin and Nature of Life on Planetary Bodies

Section 21: Remote Sensing into the 21st Century
Guest Writer: William E. Stoney

Appendix A: Modern History of Space
Guest Writer: J. Rosalanka

The 1970's
Introduction / American Space Policy / American Civilian Space Program (NASA) / American Military Space Program: Initial Military Operations / Russian Space Program / European, Asian, and Commercial Space Programs

The 1980's
Introduction / American Space Policy / American Civilian Space Program (NASA) / American Military Space Program: Initial Military Operations / Russian Space Program / European, Asian, and Commercial Space Programs

The 1990's
Introduction & American Space Policy/ American Civilian Space Program (NASA) / American Military Space Program: Initial Military Operations / Russian Space Program / European, Asian, and Commercial Space Programs

Appendix B: Interactive Image Processing
Guest Writer: J. Love

Introduction / The Nature of Satellite Digital Data / Digitization / Image Processing / Introduction to PIT / Installing PIT from the Internet / Installing PIT from the CD-ROM / General Overview of PIT / Displaying Images / Histograms and Scatter Plots / Ratioing and Principal Components / Unsupervised Classifications / Supervised Classifications / Conclusion

Appendix C: Principal Components Analysis
Guest Writer: Dr. Jon W Robinson

Introduction / Linear Combinations / Singular Matrices / Space / Standardizing Sets

Appendix D: Glossary
Guest Writer: J. Weissel



Primary Author: Nicholas M. Short, Sr.

Last Updated: June 18, 2007