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Advanced Construction Materials and Processes

Wednesday, November 17, 1999
Construction materials define the processes and methods used to design and construct all elements of the national infrastructure. While the materials used in construction today perform adequately, the demands placed on the infrastructure are causing increased restrictions on the time required for construction, when construction can be performed, and the associated direct and socio-economic costs. Durability and the cost to maintain constructed facilities are of increasing concern, particularly as the nation's infrastructure ages. Cost-saving, performance enhancing innovations in materials, processes and procedures can have a huge national economic impact. In a series of meetings over the last year, the construction industry has defined a need for stimulating the development of new classes of construction materials and related processes that can better meet the needs of infrastructure repair, renewal, and upgrade and more carefully utilize increasingly limited raw materials. Significant leaps in enabling technologies will rapidly advance the state-of-the-art and create new classes of construction materials that will result in higher performance, increased durability, lower maintenance requirements, reduced cost, waste, and construction time.

Construction industry speakers will discuss the value of participating in high-risk R&D, and when teaming with public and private partners can be of value. Some do's and don'ts of successfully proposing research ideas to ATP will be given in the context of hypothetical construction industry R&D projects.

Attendees should include materials manufacturers, designers, constructors, materials researchers, and others involved in the development, manufacture and application of construction materials that may be interested in proposing ATP partnership in their research activities.

8:30 a.m. Christine Platt, NIST/ATP
Welcome and Introduction
8:45 a.m. Doug Barno, Vice-Chair, CONstruction MATerials (CONMAT) Council and FRP Materials Industry Chair, CONMAT,
"ATP for the Construction Industries…Seize the Moment
9:15 a.m. ATP Criteria
9:30 a.m. J. C. Roumain, Alternate Materials Coordinator, Holnam Inc.
Bringing Technology to Market
10:00 a.m. ATP Technical Requirements
10:20 a.m.   Coffee Break
10:45 a.m. Ned Givens, Assoc. Director for Breakthrough Strategy and Globalization, Construction Industry Institute
CII: Yesterday and Tomorrow
11:15 a.m. Research Needs and Payoffs
11:30 a.m. ATP Business Requirements
11:45 a.m. Wrap-up

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