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Presenters & Producers

kimoext.jpgVirtually all of the events that take place at the KiMo Theater are created, presented or produced by various individuals, community and private organizations that rent the KiMo. These persons or organizations are known as the Presenter or Producer.

The KiMo's rental availability is "First come - First served."

None of the events taking place at the KiMo are presented or organized by the KiMo's administrative staff.

Most of the Presenters that rent the KiMo are local non-profit organizations, some are commercial Producers.  The name of an event's Presenter is usually posted in the listing for that event and when available, is a link to their Webpage.

The Presenter; selects, hires or creates the event, sets the admission price(s), staffs the event, pays for all goods & services needed, and collects any remaining ticket revenue.


Legal Notice & Disclaimer

The KiMo Theatre's administrative staff will be unable to provide you with complete information about an Event if the Presenter/Producer has not provided it to us. Some scheduled events, or information about them, may change with short notice.

The City of Albuquerque and the KiMo Theatre assume no responsibility for circumstances beyond their control, or the content of Events presented at the KiMo, nor do these Events necessarily reflect the opinions, standards or policies of the City of Albuquerque, its officials, agents or employees.


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