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This document describes the approved 2003 General Obligation Bond Program and 2003-2012 Decade Plan for Capital Improvements. Collectively these projects are also referred to as the Capital Improvement Program, or CIP, for the City of Albuquerque.

Major capital improvements are funded primarily with general obligation and revenue bonds. In many cases, these bond funds are matched with Federal and/or State contributions, and private assessments. Matching funds include those from the Federal Department of Transportation, Federal Aviation Administration, Environmental Protection Agency, Economic Development Administration, State Highway and Transportation Department, the State Legislature, and local special assessment districts.

General obligation bonds (GO bonds) fund a host of capital improvements that directly affect the basic needs and quality of life of every Albuquerque resident. Public safety equipment, including police and fire facilities and vehicles; street and storm drainage improvements; public transportation improvements; parks, recreation and open space facilities; cultural institutions, including the zoo and museums; senior and community centers; all these capital facilities and more are funded by general obligation bonds. Revenue bonds fund improvements to the Sunport, to the Water and Wastewater system, and to the Solid Waste management and disposal system.

The planning process for establishment of the capital program is a collaboration among Mayor Martin J. Chávez and his staff, the public, and the City Council. The process began in early 2002 with adoption by the City Council of a resolution establishing policies and criteria by which projects submitted for inclusion in the capital program were to be evaluated. Staff and senior management of the City of Albuquerque evaluated projects proposed by the departments and final recommendations were approved by the Mayor. The Mayor sent his recommended CIP to the Environmental Planning Commission (EPC), who held a public hearing on the program. EPC found that the program as presented conformed to the policies and criteria established by the City Council for preparation of the program. They had no other recommendations.

The City Council undertook an exhaustive analysis of the capital program and conducted two public hearings before it was amended and adopted on May 5, 2003. The 2003 general obligation bond program will be placed on the ballot for voter consideration in the municipal election.

This document contains detailed descriptions of GO bond funded projects, the 10-year plan for capital improvements, and the revenue bond capital programs.

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