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Discharges of contaminated
industrial stormwater to the
King County sanitary sewer system

The Discharging Contaminated Stormwater into the King County Sewer System Fact Sheet includes the following topics:

  • Under what conditions does King County accept contaminated stormwater into the sanitary sewer?
  • How do I get permission to discharge contaminated stormwater to the King County Sewer System?
  • How do I show that stormwater has been contaminated by "Industrial activity"?
  • What are "Best Management Practices (BMPs)"?
  • How do I show that other disposal options are not reasonable?
  • What flow restrictions apply to a contaminated stormwater discharge?
  • How can I minimize the volume of flow going to the sanitary sewer?
  • What discharge limits apply to contaminated stormwater discharges to the King County sewer?
  • What fees apply to contaminated stormwater discharges?

The supplemental application for discharge of contaminated stormwater in PDF format (must be accompanied by an IW permit application.)

For More Information
For more information or to obtain a waste discharge permit application and a supplemental application for discharge of contaminated stormwater, contact:

King County Industrial Waste Program
130 Nickerson Street, Suite 200
Seattle, Washington 98109-1658
(206) 263-3006
(206) 263-3001 fax
e-mail Kristin Painter


(Page revised 9/25/07. For further information, e-mail
Doug Hilderbrand.)


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