National Institute for Literacy

Discussion Announcement

Hello all,

One of the suggested topics I received when surveying subscribers about possible online discussions was "Transition to Adulthood."

I am very pleased to announcement that Dr. Arlyn Roffman has accepted my invitation to have an online discussion on this topic.

Guest's Bio:

Dr. Arlyn Roffman author of the recently published Guiding Teens with Learning Disabilities: Navigating the Transition from High School to Adulthood, (Princeton Review/Random House) will be our next guest speaker on the topic of Transition on November 8 & 9.

Dr. Roffman is a Professor of Special Education at Lesley University in Cambridge, Massachusetts, where she served as the founding director of the Threshold Program, a non-degree transition program for young adults with LD, from 1981-1996. A licensed psychologist, she also maintains a private practice focusing on the adjustment of youth and adults with learning disabilities.

Dr. Hoffman earned her Ph.D. in developmental psychology at Boston College, an M.Ed. in special education from Lesley University, and a B.A. at Connecticut College. She is the author of numerous articles and chapters on learning disabilities and two other books, A Classroom Teacher's Guide to Mainstreaming and Meeting the Challenge of LD in Adulthood.

Dr. Roffman has served on the professional advisory boards of the Learning Disabilities Association of America (LDA), National Center for Learning Disabilities (NCLD), the National Adult Literacy and Learning Disability Center, and several other organizations. She has consulted and made conference presentations on issues related to special education and psychology throughout the U.S. and abroad and has served as an expert witness on several cases related to transition for students with disabilities.

Tentative Outline for the Discussion

  1. Laying the Foundation for a Successful Transition
    • What do K-12 teachers need to know about how to prepare students for the real-life, practical challenges of the adult world in terms of
      • Continuing education
      • Entering the workforce
      • Participating in community life?
    • What do adult educators need to know about their students' needs beyond basic skills in order to help them successfully transition into adult life
  2. Meeting Students' Legal rights
    • What does the law say about transition during the middle and high school years?
      • How can teachers help students participate in the transition planning process?
    • What laws protect students after a student exits high school?
    • What can adult educators expect students to know if they have been on an IEP in high school? What can adult educators do for those who have not been diagnosed and served under IDEA?

Suggested Background Reading

To set the stage this discussion, please consider reviewing / reading one or more of the following:

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Last updated: Friday, 25-Apr-2008 15:28:37 EDT