Department of the Interior

Departmental Manual

Effective Date: 4/25/80

Series: Energy and Minerals Programs

Part 650: Geothermal Programs

Chapter 2: Geothermal Operations on Unleased Lands

Originating Office: Bureau of Land Management


This chapter has been given a new release number.* No text changes were made.

650 DM 2

2.1 Purpose. This chapter sets forth the policy and procedures governing geothermal resources research and development operations carried out on unleased lands under the jurisdiction of the Secretary of the Interior pursuant to research, development, and technology demonstration programs.

2.2 Policy. It is the policy of the Department of the Interior to require that such operations be conducted in accordance with the same operational requirements as are applicable to geothermal resources operations conducted on lands leased pursuant to the Geothermal Steam Act of 1970 (30 U.S.C. 1001-1025).

2.3 Procedures. Bureaus and offices within the Department of the Interior having jurisdiction or control over unleased lands, as a condition of permitting entry on said lands by individuals, public or private agencies, institutions or organizations for the purpose of conducting any geothermal resources research and development program, shall require the following:

A. All drilling, well testing, production or related activities shall be conducted in accordance with the provisions of Title 30 CFR 270 and the Geothermal Resources Operational (GRO) Orders issued pursuant to said regulations.

B. All project areas and all wells and facilities thereon shall be open at all reasonable times for inspection by appropriate officials of the permitting bureau or office who are responsible for enforcing compliance with Title 30 CFR 270 and the GRO Orders.

C. Geothermal resources research and development projects which the controlling bureau or office sponsors or conducts itself shall likewise be conducted in accordance with Title 30 CFR 270 and the GRO Orders.

D. Permittees shall furnish to the Director, Geological Survey, or his designated representative, a copy of all notices, reports, well logs, maps, plats, temperature surveys, geophysical and geological data, records, and all other information collected as a result of the activities conducted. Bureaus and offices within the Department are likewise to furnish the Director, Geological Survey, with a copy of all such notices, reports, technical data, and information which are collected as a result of geothermal resources research and development projects which they sponsor or conduct.

E. Except as specifically prohibited by statute or regulation, authorized employees of the Geological Survey may provide technical advice, and shall make available to appropriate individuals, agencies, institutions, or organizations, who are permitted entry in conformity with this chapter, such records and information as may be necessary or appropriate for the most efficient performance of those activities and operations.


4/25/80 #3490

Replaces 4/25/80 #2256

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