National Institute for Literacy

LINCS Resource Collections

Resource Collection Review Process

The National Institute for Literacy has developed a structured internal and external review process to ensure that the research, materials, and products included in the Resource Collections are of the highest quality. The process is described below.

Beginning in March 2007, three initial steps were undertaken to prepare for the resource reviews. The National Institute and its LINCS grantees and advisors:

  1. Developed selection criteria appropriate for selecting high quality resources for the Collections. Draft criteria and related review documents were implemented in a pilot test, revised, and finalized.
  2. Identified expert reviewers for each of the topic areas. Lists of potential reviewers, including researchers and practitioners, were submitted to the National Institute staff for review and approval.
  3. Identified existing research and resources for review. Project staff with expertise in the collection topic searched-and continue to search- existing resource databases, searched the literature, and queried members of the National Institute's electronic discussion lists and others to identify potential research and materials relevant to the topic and useful to the field.
All resources go through the following process:
  1. Internally, Collections staff begin by determining if the resource to be reviewed is appropriate for adult learners or for program staff providing adult basic education services, available on-line at no cost, and that materials appear to be based on research and that research appears to be applicable to practice.
  2. The external review is initiated only if the resource meets the basic criteria. The resource is then sent to two of the topic's approved expert reviewers. These individuals review the resource, attending to the research and/or theory on which the resource was developed. Their review and comments determine whether the resource will be included in the Collections. If the reviewers disagree, a third expert is asked to review the resource.

Resources that the expert reviewers approve are then placed in the Collection. A profile for each resource provides practitioners with information about the resource, including reviewer comments and, in some cases, cautions in using the materials or products effectively, or in considering application of the research findings.

Resource Collection Expert Reviewers

  • Kaye Beale - World Education, Inc.
  • Miriam Burt - Center for Adult English Language Acquisition
  • Jeff Carter - DC Learns
  • Laura Chenven - Healthcare Career Advancement Program
  • Jennifer M. Cleary - The State University of New Jersey
  • David Collings - Delaware Adult and Community Education Network
  • Jane Eguez - Comprehensive Adult Student Assessment Systems (CASAS)
  • Mariann Fedele - Literacy Assistance Center
  • John Fleischman - Sacramento County Office of Education
  • Diane Foucar-Szocki - James Madison University
  • Margaret Frank - Learning Disabilities Association of Minnesota
  • Victoria Purcell Gates - University of British Columbia
  • Debra Hargrove - Aha Learning Resources
  • Judy Hofer - University of New Mexico-Taos
  • Susan Joyner - Independent Contractor
  • Paul Jurmo - Union County College
  • Rochelle Kenyon - 21st Century Creative Consulting
  • Charles A. MacArthur - University of Delaware
  • Linda Mason - The Pennsylvania State University
  • Peggy McGuire Center for Literacy Studies
  • Nancy Padak - Kent State University
  • Nancie Payne - Payne & Associates
  • John Sabatini - Educational Testing Service
  • Karen Scheid - Ohio State Department of Adult Education
  • Robin Schwarz - Independent Consultant
  • Reggie Stites - Center for Education Policy
  • Marian Thacher - Outreach and Technical Assistance Network
  • Amy Trawick - Independent Consultant
  • Patti White - Arkansas Adult Learning Resource Center
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Last updated: Friday, 25-Apr-2008 15:11:54 EDT