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West Central Metropolitan Redevelopment Area

The West Central Metropolitan Redevelopment Plan was adopted by the City Council as Bill No. FS-R-04-56 in June 2004.

The City Council drafted several versions of legislation to support West Central area community development groups to help implement the West Central MRA Plan.  An intensive effort to reach agreement among the many neighborhood stakeholders was carried out including two mediated community meetings led by Peace Builders and Consensus Builder, thousands of notices sent to property owners and neighborhood association officers, smaller group meetings, and public hearings.  At the conclusion of these efforts, we found at the time it was not possible to achieve consensus on the organization to lead the community redevelopment effort.

Consequently, the City Council adopted Bill No.FS-R-04-188, which includes support for two different approaches supported by neighborhood association leaders.

The main elements of Bill No. FS-R-04-188 include:

  • Appropriates $325,000 from the General Fund Community and Local Economic Development Reserve:
    • $175,000 for the Alamosa Neighborhood Association (ANA) and West Central Community Development Group (WCCDG) for an approximately 18 – 24 month period.
    • $150,000 for a new Community Development Corporation (CDC) for an 18-24 month period.
  • Contains an additional $100,000 to establish a city-wide Community Based Economic Development Training program.  The funds would be used to secure the services of a community / neighborhood economic development training support organization through an RFP process.
  • Establishes requirements for the activities of the Alamosa Neighborhood Association and the West Central Community Development Group; a list of potential neighborhood and merchant associations eligible for membership in the WCCDG; and a budget for this approach.
  • Establishes requirements for the activities of the Community Development Corporation; a list of potential neighborhood associations eligible for membership in the CDC; and a budget for this group.  The initial activities involve setting up the CDC, adopting by-laws, and hiring staff.
  • Within 18 months, the legislation calls for the City to issue an RFP to select one or more CDCs to lead the redevelopment effort in the West Central MRA.  This would be an opportunity to assess the progress of each of the approaches and change the City’s support program if appropriate.
  • The City Metropolitan Redevelopment Agency within the Planning Department is responsible for implementing Bill No. FS-R-04-188 , including the city-wide neighborhood economic development training program.

A technical amendment to Bill R-05-286 was adopted that affects the Alamosa Neighborhood Association – WCDCG.  Please see this amendment to complete the record of the adopted legislation.

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