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Pattern Formation in Cahn-Hilliard-Type Models

Thomas Wanner
George Mason University, Department of Mathematical Sciences

Tuesday, February 17, 2004 15:00-16:00,
NIST North (820), Room 145
Tuesday, February 17, 2004 13:00-14:00,
Room 4550

Abstract: Phase separation processes in compound materials can produce intriguing and complicated patterns. Yet, explaining the formation and the geometry of these patterns mathematically can be quite challenging. In this talk, I will concentrate on Cahn-Hilliard-type models for spinodal decomposition and nucleation in binary and multi-component alloys. I will briefly survey recent mathematical results on spinodal decomposition, which provide a basic explanation of the pattern formation process. Methods from computational topology are then used to further characterize the geometry of the observed patterns. These methods allow for a quantification of the morphology differences between deterministic and stochastic models. Time permitting, I will present numerical results for nucleation in multi-component alloys.

Speaker Bio: Thomas Wanner studied mathematics and computer science at the University of Augsburg, Germany, where he received his Vordiplom (B.S.) in 1989, his Diplom (M.S.) in 1991, and his Dr.rer.nat. (Ph.D.) in 1993. After holding postdoctoral positions at the University of Augsburg, Germany, and the Georgia Institute of Technology, he became an Assistant Professor in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County in 1998. Dr. Wanner joined the faculty of George Mason University in Fall 2002. His research interests include partial differential equations, stochastic dynamical systems, and pattern formation phenomena in materials sciences.

Contact: P. M. Ketcham

Note: Visitors from outside NIST must contact Robin Bickel; (301) 975-3668; at least 24 hours in advance.

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