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Theory and Computation of Martensitic Microstructure

Bo Li
Department of Mathematics, University of Maryland College Park

Tuesday, March 25, 2003 13:00-14:00,
Room 145, NIST North (820)
Tuesday, March 25, 2003 11:00-12:00,
Room 4511

Abstract: Martensitic crystals such as shape memory alloys are a class of smart material that can undergo diffusionless, structural, reversible, solid-to-solid phase transformations. Such martensitic transformations are characterized by the exhibition of martensitic microstructures that are fine-scale mixtures of distinct but coherent martensitic variants. In this talk, both experimental results and nonconvex energy minimization properties of martensitic microstructures will be first reviewed. A mathematical theory of the stability of laminated martensitic microstructures with its application to the numerical analysis of such microstructures will be then presented. Numerical models and simulation results of a martensitic microstructure near an interface between a laminate and a single variant that has been observed in a series of biaxial loading experiments will be finally described.
Contact: A. J. Kearsley

Note: Visitors from outside NIST must contact Robin Bickel; (301) 975-3668; at least 24 hours in advance.

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