BFRL Staff | Nicos S. Martys
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  Photograph of Nicos Martys   Dr. Martys joined the Inorganic Building Materials Group of the Building Materials Division in October 1992. His research interests include moisture and diffusive transport in porous materials as a function of saturation, phase separation of fluids in confined geometries, wetting, and the rheology of suspensions. His most recent research concerns the role particle shape and size influence the rheological properties of dense suspensions.

Prior to becoming a staff physicist at NIST, Dr. Martys was a NIST/ASEE Postdoctoral Fellow from 1990 to 1992.

Dr. Martys is an editor for the NIST Journal of Research. He is also a member of the American Ceramics Society and the Materials Research Society.


Nicos S. Martys


State University of Geneseo, B.A., Music Theory, 1976
State University of Geneseo, M.A., Physics, 1982
John Hopkins University, M.A., Physics, 1984            Ph.D, Theoretical Physics, 1990


Inorganic Materials Group
Materials and Construction Research Division
Building and Fire Research Laboratory

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Information Last updated: 2/6/2008