Kevin Mills at NIST

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"Measurement science for large distributed systems."  

100 Bureau Drive Stop 8920
Gaithersburg, Maryland 20899-8920
Tel. 1.301.975.3618
Fax 1.301.590.0932


I'm enjoying life in the Information Technology Laboratory (ITL) at NIST, and working within the networking division and collaborating with members of other divisions (software, mathematics and statistics). At the lab, we have considerable freedom to formulate problems and investigate solutions that promise the highest public return on taxpayer investment. Most of my current research focuses on global behavior in large-scale information systems. At present, I am working on three things:

  1. modeling and analyzing emergent behavior in computational economies,
  2. assessing systems based on service-oriented architectures, and
  3. investigating collective behavior and emergence in large-scale networks.

My research project ("Measurement Science for Complex Information Systems") is midway through its life. We have begun sharing preliminary results with some local organizations, including America On-Line, George Mason University, NIST and the US Government's Large-Scale Networking group. In May 2009, we will be briefing the Internet Congestion-Control Research Group. We have also shared our initial results with the Transport Modeling Research Group. We anticipate issuing a fairly complete draft report on our work in the fall of 2009.

                "So it goes."

Kurt Vonnegut, Jr.!,  Slaughter-House Five

Modified on: April 15, 2009
Modified by: mills Mills