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This glossary, part of the IncidentNews Web site, contains approximately 300 terms and definitions related to oil and chemical spills and response. The purpose of the glossary is to help students or laypersons, as well as professional spill responders, to understand the language and terminology of oil and chemical spill response. Terms were selected for inclusion from spill event summaries, reports, maps, photos, etc. that are available on the IncidentNews site.

We encourage IncidentNews visitors to contribute terms to the glossary, particularly if a term is encountered in IncidentNews that is not part of the glossary. Suggestions will be reviewed by the IncidentNews staff. If you would like to suggest a term for inclusion in the glossary, please provide the term, its definition, and your reference source. Please also tell us where you encountered the term in the IncidentNews site. Send your suggestions to the IncidentNews Team.

Literature sources are listed on the References page.