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United States National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health

Finding Aid to the Donald S. Fredrickson Papers, 1910-2002 (bulk 1960-1999)


Descriptive Summary

Biographical Note

Collection Summary

Index Terms

Administrative Information


Series Descriptions

Series I: Personal and Biographical, 1914-2002 (bulk 1960-1990)

Series II: Correspondence, 1948-1998

Series III: Writings, 1910-2001

Series IV: Recombinant DNA Materials, 1947-2001 (bulk 1974-1989)

Series V: Director, National Institutes of Health, 1962-2001 (bulk 1974-1981)

Series VI: Reports and Committees, 1970-1991

Series VII: Travel, 1961-1997

Series VIII: Professional Activities, 1958-2000

Series IX: NIH Clinical Center, 1937-1996

Series X: Photographic Materials, 1914-1997

Series XI: Audio-Visual Materials, 1978-1997

Archives and Modern Manuscripts Program, History of Medicine Division

Processed by Kent Woynowski; Processing Completed January 2003; Encoded by Kent Woynowski

Descriptive Summary

Collection Number: MS C 526
Creator: Fredrickson, Donald S.
Title: Donald S. Fredrickson Papers
Dates: 1910-2002 (bulk 1960-1999)
Quantity: 55.4 linear feet (53 boxes)
Abstract: Donald Sharp Fredrickson (1924-2002) was an American physiologist and science administrator who made contributions to American medicine over the course of four decades, first as a laboratory scientist, then as a leader of several prominent medical research institutions. As director of the National Institutes of Health from 1976 to 1981, Fredrickson mediated between scientists and the federal government during contentious, far-ranging debates over the direction of medical research policy, research funding, and the dangers of genetic engineering. The collection consists of a wide range of materials related to Fredrickson's scientific and administrative careers

Biographical Note

Donald S. Fredrickson (1924-2002), a physiologist and science administrator, made signal contributions to American medicine over the course of four decades, first as a laboratory scientist, then as a leader of several prominent medical research institutions. Fredrickson's studies of the connection between lipid metabolism (the processing of lipids, chief among them fats and cholesterol, in the body) and heart disease made him one of the most widely cited physiologists of the 1960s and 1970s. His system of classifying disorders in lipid metabolism was adopted by the World Health Organization as an international standard for identifying increased risks of coronary artery disease, heart attack, and stroke linked to the consumption of fats and cholesterol. He also discovered two diseases, cholesterol ester storage disease and Tangier Disease, caused by genetic disorders in the storage of cholesterol in the body. As director of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), the world's foremost biomedical research facility, Fredrickson mediated between scientists and the federal government during contentious, far-ranging debates over the direction of medical research policy, research funding, and the potential dangers of genetic engineering that took place in the second half of the 1970s.

Donald Sharp Fredrickson was born in Cañon City, Colorado, on August 8, 1924. During World War II he enlisted in the army reserves at the University of Colorado before transferring to the Army Specialized Training Program in engineering at the University of Michigan, a subject for which military tests had indicated a special aptitude. After another aptitude test and with the end of the war in sight, Fredrickson settled on medicine as his true calling. He received his bachelor's degree in 1946 and his medical degree in 1949, both from the University of Michigan. He was certified by the American Board of Internal Medicine in 1957.

While touring Europe by bicycle, Fredrickson met Henriette Priscilla Dorothea Eekhof, a law student at the University of Leyden. They married in her hometown of The Hague in 1950. After one year of separation, Henriette joined her husband in the United States. During the 1950s, she supported the junior scientist and their two sons through an import company for Dutch cigars she founded in their home.

Fredrickson conducted postgraduate research at Harvard University Medical School and Massachusetts General Hospital before arriving at the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, Maryland, in 1953. He was one of ten young physicians chosen by NIH Director James Shannon as clinical associates in the National Heart Institute and assigned to the Institute's research laboratories in the newly opened NIH Clinical Center. From an early stage in his professional career, Fredrickson sought to integrate laboratory research with clinical practice, and to place science in the service of treating disease.

After a research career in laboratories devoted to cellular metabolism, physiology, and molecular diseases, he became director of the National Heart Institute (NHI), now known as the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute (NHLBI), in 1966, a position he held until 1968. During his term as director the first heart transplant in man was performed by South African heart surgeon Dr. Christiaan Barnard, with whom Fredrickson arranged a meeting on December 18, 1967, at Chicago's O'Hare airport. The historic meeting was attended by prominent heart surgeons in the United States who soon after replicated Barnard's feat. Fredrickson remained at the National Heart Institute as Director of Intramural Research until 1974.

In late spring of 1974, Dr. Fredrickson left the NIH to become the second President of the Institute of Medicine, a Washington, D.C. health care and medical research policy think tank under the auspices of the National Academy of Sciences. He recalled that he was attracted to his new position because "there was a rich mixture of the dialects and ethics operative in the world outside the laboratory walls" that offered "an unparalleled view of the complex field of human health." During his brief tenure at IOM he proved an effective fundraiser, a new role for an official used to administering, not soliciting, research funds.

Almost from the moment Dr. Fredrickson joined the Institute of Medicine, he was drawn once again into the administrative politics of NIH. The directorship of NIH had become vacant for the second time in as many years. Fredrickson received phone calls from federal officials indicating dissension in the upper ranks of NIH, and asking Fredrickson to step into the void of leadership by becoming NIH director. On April 19, 1975, Fredrickson returned to Bethesda as director of NIH. In a conversation with Philip Handler, the President of the National Academy of Sciences, Fredrickson justified his decision by stating that leading NIH was "not a job; it's a cause."

Over the next six years, Fredrickson's administrative and political skills were frequently tested during the most turbulent period in the history of the NIH. Immediately he was thrown into the growing controversy over the environmental hazards and the ethics of recombinant DNA research, cutting-edge genetic experimentation that, critics warned, could produce new and untreatable pathogens and presented an unwarranted human manipulation of the natural order. During the economic and budget crises of the late 1970s, the U.S. Congress considered reducing government funding on which NIH and, through its extramural grant program, most biomedical research in the United States depended. Fredrickson had to counter arguments from members of Congress who sought to curtail NIH funding by arguing that basic research sponsored by NIH did not yield clinical applications and therapies rapidly enough to benefit patients. Not least, Fredrickson had to adjust to the changing priorities of the three U.S. Presidents and five Secretaries of Health, Education, and Welfare (since 1980, Health and Human Services) under whom he served.

Fredrickson's main successes as NIH director lay in devising guidelines for recombinant DNA research that preserved the freedom of scientific inquiry while allaying public fears of genetic manipulation; stabilizing NIH funding at a time of retrenchment; and fostering consensus among clinical and scientific researchers at NIH, groups that often found themselves at odds in their research objectives and struggle for funding. With these controversies alleviated, Fredrickson stepped down as director of NIH in June of 1981.

After two years as Scholar-in-Residence at the National Academy of Sciences, Fredrickson first became vice president, then president, CEO and trustee of the Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI), founded in 1953 by the aviator and industrialist. Fredrickson oversaw the sale of the Institute's sole asset, the Hughes Aircraft Company, for six billion dollars, as well as the Institute's subsequent expansion into the largest source of philanthropic support for biomedical research in the United States, dispensing research grants and supporting laboratories in hospitals, academic institutions, and research organizations. Moreover, Fredrickson organized the relocation of the Institute from Coconut Grove, Florida, to Chevy Chase, Maryland, in close proximity to NIH. He resigned all of his positions at HHMI in 1987 under allegations of financial irregularities, allegations he strongly denied and which were never proved.

From 1987 until his death, Fredrickson was Scholar-in-Residence at the National Library of Medicine, as well as a consultant on medical research and health care issues in the United States and abroad as President of D. S. Fredrickson Associates. Drawing on his early medical training, he became medical adviser to King Hassan II of Morocco in 1975, a service for which he was elected a member of the Academy of the Kingdom of Morocco in 1991.

Dr. Fredrickson died at his home in Bethesda on June 7, 2002.

Brief Chronology

Date Event
1924 Born in Cañon City, Colorado (August 8)
1943-1946 Engineering student in the Army Specialized Training Program
1946; 1949 Receives B.S. and M.D. degrees from the University of Michigan
1949-52 Postdoctoral training in internal medicine at Peter Bent Brigham Hospital in Boston
1950 Marries Dutch law student Henrietta Priscilla Dorothea Eekhof in The Hague, Netherlands
1950-1951 James Jackson Cabot Research Fellow in Medicine, Harvard Medical School
1952-1953 Research fellow in medicine at the Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston
1953-1955 Clinical Associate, National Heart Institute, National Institutes of Health (NIH) in Bethesda, Maryland; investigates lipid transport in the blood
1955-1961 Member of the senior research staff in the Laboratory of Cellular Metabolism, National Heart Institute
1957 Certified by the American Board of Internal Medicine
1960 First to describe and name Tangier disease, an abnormality in the storage of cholesterol in the body
1960 Publishes standard textbook, The Metabolic Basis of Inherited Disease, with John B. Stanbury and James B. Wyngaarden
1961-66 Clinical Director, National Heart Institute
1962-66 Head of the Section on Molecular Diseases in the Laboratory of Metabolism, National Heart Institute
1966-68 Director, National Heart Institute
1967 New England Journal of Medicine publishes a five-part review of Fredrickson's work on abnormalities in lipid metabolism
1968-74 Scientific director, National Heart Institute
1973 Participants at the Gordon Conference on Nucleic Acids in New Hampshire call on their fellow scientists to voluntarily suspend certain experiments with recombinant DNA
1974-75 President of the Institute of Medicine of the National Academy of Sciences
1975-81 Director, National Institutes of Health
1975 Over 140 prominent molecular biologists and geneticists attending the Asilomar conference on the dangers of genetically reengineered microorganisms propose a voluntary moratorium on recombinant DNA research until its scientific and ethical implications could be explored
1975-78 Chairman, Recombinant DNA Advisory Committee (RAC)
1975-81 Chairman, Interagency Committee on Recombinant DNA Research
1976 Releases NIH Guidelines for Research Involving Recombinant DNA Molecules (June 23)
1976 Issues a draft Environmental Impact Statement for recombinant DNA experiments (September); a final statement is issued October 1977
1977 Initiates NIH Consensus Development Conferences to bridge scientific and professional differences among NIH personnel
1978 RAC expanded to include non-scientists, among them the new RAC chairman
1978 Chairs National Conference on Health Research Principles, held at NIH
1978 Establishes the Office of Medical Applications of Research at NIH
1979 Revised recombinant DNA guidelines take effect (January 2), easing containment requirements particularly for experiments involving Escherichia coli strain K-12 as a host-vector system
1979 In a time of federal budget shortfalls, Fredrickson secures funding for a minimum of 5,000 new NIH research grants
1981-83 Scholar-in-Residence, National Academy of Sciences
1983-87 Vice President, then President and CEO of the Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Chevy Chase, Maryland
1987-2002 Scholar at the National Library of Medicine, Bethesda
1987-2002 President, D.S. Fredrickson Associates, a health and science policy consulting firm
2002 Dies at his home in Bethesda (June 7)

Awards and Prizes

American College of Physicians Award
American College of Cardiology Distinguished Service Award
American College of Cardiology Gold Medal Award
American Heart Association Award of Merit
American Society for Clinical Nutrition McCollum Award
Arthur M. Sackler Foundation Award for Service to Science
Commandeur de Ouissam Alaouite
Department of Health and Human Services Distinguished Public Service Award
Fondazione Lorenzini Medal (Milan)
Gairdner Foundation Award
Intrascience Award
James F. Mitchell International Award for Heart and Vascular Research
Jimenez Diaz Award (Madrid)
La Madonnina Prize for Science (Milan)
Lifetime Achievement Award, Sandoz Research Institute
Modern Medicine Distinguished Achievement Award
National Cholesterol Award for Public Health Scientific Achievement
New York Academy of Science Sarah L. Poiley Award
Phi Rho Sigma Irving Cutter Medal
Purkinje Medal (Prague)
Society of Research Administrators Distinguish Contribution to Research Administration Award

Editorial Appointments

American Journal of Medicine, Editorial Board
American Physiology Society, Chairman, Publications Committee
Circulation Research, Editorial Board
Health Affairs, Member of the Advisory Board
Issues in Science and Technology, Member of the Advisory Board
Journal of Atherosclerosis, Editorial Board
Journal of Clinical Investigation, Editorial/Advisory Boards
Journal of Lipid Research, Advisory Board
Physiology in Medicine, Advisory Board

Honorary Degrees

George Washington University
Georgetown University
Karolinska Institutet
Medical University of South Carolina
Mount Sinai School of Medicine
University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey
University of Michigan
University of North Carolina
University of Rochester
Yeshiva University


American Academy of Dermatology, Marcus R. Caro Memorial Lecture
American College of Cardiology, Seventeenth Annual Convocation Lecture
American Dermatological Association, The Carl Herzog Guest Lecture
American Swiss Foundation for Scientific Exchange University Lectures (Basel, Bern, Lausanne, Geneva, Zurich)
Association of American Medical Colleges, Symposium Speaker
Association of American Physicians, The Distinguished Lecture
Columbia University Conference Science, the Endless Frontier, Speaker
Cornell-N.Y. Hospital Policy Conference, Speaker
Deutsch Gesellschaft für Klinische Chemie (Bonn), Plenary Lecture
Institute of Medicine, Twentieth Annual Meeting, Chairman
International Atherosclerosis Society, First Donald S. Fredrickson Lecture on Lipoprotein Research
National Institutes of Health Centennial, Plenary Lecture
National Library of Medicine, Lister Hill Center, Lecture
National Research Council Facilities, Keynote Address, Dedication
Royal Academy of Morocco, Casablanca, Speaker
Royal Academy of Morocco, Paris, Speaker
Royal Academy of Morocco, Rabat, Speaker
Stanford University, John Kent Lewis Memorial Lecture
Tokyo University, Lecture
University of Alabama Birmingham, The Reynolds Lecture
University of Pennsylvania, Third Bernard H. Pastor Memorial Lecture


Alpha Omega Alpha
American Academy of Arts and Sciences
American Association for the Advancement of Science, Fellow
American College of Cardiology, Fellow
American College of Physicians, Fellow
American Federation for Clinical Research
American Heart Association, Council for the Study of Arteriosclerosis
American Philosophical Society
American Physiological Society
American Society for Clinical Investigation
American Society of Human Genetics
Association of American Physicians
British Cardiac Society, Corresponding Member
College of Medicine of Valencia (Honorary)
Cosmos Club
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Innere Medizine, Corresponding Member
Harvey Society (Honorary)
Institute of Medicine, Academy of Sciences
International Society of Cardiology
Medical Society of Sweden (Honorary)
National Academy of Sciences
Peripatetic Club
Phi Beta Kappa
Phi Kappa Phi
Royal Academy of the Kingdom of Morocco
Royal College of Physicians, London, Fellow
Society of Pediatric Research

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Collection Summary

Correspondence, photographs, diaries, research materials, reports, writings, drafts, and audiovisual materials (1910-2002; 55.4 linear feet) document the semi-official portion of Donald S. Fredrickson's professional career as a leading biomedical administrator and policy maker. Beginning with his clinical laboratory career at the National Heart Institute, Fredrickson spent over 28 years at NIH, culminating in 1975-1981 when he was Institute Director. During the course of his career, Fredrickson became world-renowned for his dynamic leadership qualities and creative vision about the future directions of biomedical research in the U.S. and NIH's role in that future.

The collection consists largely of records of Fredrickson's activities (travel, talks, etc.) outside the institutions with which he was associated and of subject files he used primarily for his historical researches later in his career. The collection includes a significant amount of correspondence, as well as a large selection of biographical materials, including diaries, scrapbooks, and reminiscences.

Fredrickson began his career as a clinical associate at the National Heart Institute (NHI) in 1953, where he discovered two genetic disorders of the storage of cholesterol in the body: cholesterol ester storage disease and Tangier disease. Aside from articles and speeches, there is very little primary source material (e.g., lab notebooks) documenting his clinical research career at NHI. As Director of NHI, he organized a Conference on Cardiac Transplantation in response to the first human heart transplant, performed by South African heart surgeon Dr. Christiaan Barnard. The collection contains a fair amount of materials on this conference, including memos, schedules, and photographs in Series VIII: Professional Activities, National Heart Institute sub-series.

In 1975, Fredrickson was appointed Director of the National Institutes of Health. As Director, Fredrickson led NIH in developing guidelines for recombinant DNA research, and stabilized NIH funding for extramural grants in the face of Congressional budget cuts. Important documentary materials from this period of Fredrickson's career include research materials he prepared for his book The Recombinant DNA Controversy: A Memoir, and the materials of Series V: Director, NIH, Authorization sub-series, which include reprints, correspondence, memos, notes, etc. relating to grant funding at NIH.

Following his career at NIH, Fredrickson became President and CEO of the Howard Hughes Medical Institute. Series VIII: Professional Activities, Howard Hughes Medical Institute sub-series contains diaries, correspondence, and newspaper clippings relating to Fredrickson's HHMI presidency.

After a long career of administration, Fredrickson turned to historical research, as a Scholar-in-Residence with the U.S. National Library of Medicine. The materials of Series IX: Clinical Center are the product of that research and provide valuable insight into the history of the NIH Clinical Center. They include photographs, notes, correspondence, and interviews.

The files of Series IX: Clinical Center, Series IV: Recombinant DNA Materials and the Authorization sub-series of Series V: Director, National Institutes of Health are peculiar in their nature and arrangement. These materials tend not to be original documents, but rather photocopies of the originals, along with additional comments by Fredrickson, which he created on his computer and printed out. The digital files are no longer available, but Fredrickson preserved their arrangement in his paper filing system, noting the titles of the original hard drive folder and sub-folder on each item. In order to preserve the original organization, sub-series titles replicate the computer hard drive's top-level file naming convention. Fredrickson discusses his filing system arrangement for these series in an interview titled "Fredrickson on the Recombinant DNA Controversy," located in Series XI: Audio-Visual Materials, Audio Materials sub-series.

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Index Terms

These terms are indexed in the National Library of Medicine's online catalog LocatorPlus. Researchers wishing to find related materials should search the catalog using these terms.
MeSH Subjects
Biomedical Research -- ethics
DNA, Recombinant
Health Policy
Public Health Administration
Corporate Names
National Institutes of Health (U.S.)

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Administrative Information

Alternate Forms Available

Portions of the Collection have been digitized and are available at:

Preferred Citation

Fredrickson, Donald S. Donald S. Fredrickson Papers. 1910-2002 (bulk 1960-1999). Located in: Modern Manuscripts Collection, History of Medicine Division, National Library of Medicine, Bethesda, MD; MS C 526.


Gift of Donald S. Fredrickson, 2001. Accession #2001-75.

Processing Information

Fredrickson was the subject of the first prototype website of Profiles in Science, the U.S. National Library of Medicine's Digital Manuscripts Program's digital archive and exhibition of the papers of key figures in the fields of science and health. Fredrickson was very active in the creation of this digital archive, rearranging many of his papers, adding comments and annotations to specific documents, and collecting files into new series and sub-series, particularly in Series I: Personal and Biographical and Series X: Photographic Materials. As a result, it is difficult to ascertain the "original" order of the documents in the collection.

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Series Descriptions


Series I: Personal and Biographical, 1914-2002 (bulk 1960-1990)

The Personal and Biographical Series contains materials related to the personal life of Donald S. Fredrickson. This series consists of seven sub-series covering: resumes, Curriculum Vitae and biographies; diaries; scrapbooks; awards; personal reminiscences; memorabilia; and newspaper clippings about Fredrickson.
The series contains a great deal of information about Fredrickson's childhood and early years in the form of a scrapbook maintained by his mother. However, his college years and residency in Boston are under-represented. Throughout much of his later professional career, Fredrickson kept detailed diaries, which reveal his personal thoughts and motivations.
Additional biographical information can be found in the Audio-Visual Materials Series, Audio Materials sub-series in the form of an interview with Fredrickson conducted by archivists from NLM.
The Resumes, CVs, and Biographies sub-series contains information on Fredrickson's personal life and professional career. Created from loose materials found in the collection, this series is semi-artificial in nature. The majority of materials in this sub-series are files collected by NLM's Digital Manuscripts Program and Fredrickson for the purpose of creating the prototype website for Profiles in Science.
Box Folder
Resumes, Curriculum Vitae, and Biographies, 1965-2002
1 1 Modern Medicine Biography, 1965 Dec 20
1 2 Biographical Information, 1965-1981
1 3 DSF Publicity, 1967
1 4 [Area Knowledge Report], [ca. 1970]
1 5 [Various Chronologies, Publication Lists, and CVs], 1975-1997
1 6 "America's Research Baron", 1977
1 7 Some Data for Future Biography, 1980-1989
1 8 Executive Personnel Financial Disclosure Report, 1981
1 9 Who's Who in the East, 1981
1 10 FBI and IRS Background Check, 1982
1 11 DSF's Parents' Obituaries, 1982, 1984
1 12 "How Washington Has Changed" [Washingtonian Biography of DSF], 1985 Oct
1 13 [IOM Biographical Essay], 1990
1 14 [Autobiography], 1992
1 15 Curriculum Vitae, 1996 Mar
1 16 Biographical Sketch for 50th Anniversary Celebration, 1996 May
1 17 A Short Biography of Dr. Fredrickson, 1997 Oct 29
1 18 "Fredrickson Reflects on Politics of Recombinant DNA Research", 2002 Jan 22
The Diaries sub-series contains the diaries and journals that Fredrickson kept throughout most of his career. In addition to the journal entries, correspondence, newspaper clippings, magazine articles, and notes are present in the diaries. The diaries include personal information, as well as information on Fredrickson's professional activities and interests.
The "Green Diaries" date from 1972 to 1981 and deal primarily with Fredrickson's career at the National Institutes of Health, which included his tenures at the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI), and as NIH Director. Volume II and Volumes V through X are missing from the collection. It is presumed that Fredrickson did not donate the volumes and that they remain with his family. Much of the information contained in these volumes is available in the collection, but the information is scattered throughout the different series. Before donating his papers, Fredrickson reorganized them, inserting comments throughout the collection. Many of these comments come in the form of annotated diary entries copied from the "Green Diaries."
The "Black Diaries" date from 1983 to 1996. Included at the end of the last volume is a list of Fredrickson's diary entries found only on diskette. The diskettes are not included in the collection and their whereabouts are unknown.
1 19 Diary II - 50s through 70s, 1967-1976
Green Diary
1 20 Volume I, 1972 Jan - 1979 Feb
1 20a Volume I [Extraneous Materials], 1972 Jan - 1979 Feb
1 21 Volumes III/IV, 1980 Jun - 1980 May
1 22 Volume XI, Excerpts, 1981
Black Diary
1 23-42 Volume 1-9, 1983-1987
2 1-22 Volume 9 (cont'd.)-19, 1987-1996
2 23 Record of Diary Entries on Diskettes "Diary 1, 2, 3, 4", 1987-1997
2 24 Diskette Entries, 1987-1996
2 25 Scan, 1984-2000
2 26 DSF Diary (see also Black Diaries), 1989-1997
Scrapbooks, 1914-1990
OS1 1 Notes, 1990 May 19
OS1 2-29 Childhood Scrapbook, [1914-1940s]
OS2 Childhood Scrapbook (cont'd.)
2 27-36 Brown Scrapbook, [1958-1975]
3 1-5 Brown Scrapbook (cont'd.), [1958-1975]
3 6-45 Clippings Scrapbook [5 volumes], 1963-1981
OS4 1 Resignation Scrapbook, [1974]
3 46 NIH Alumni Reunion Scrapbook, 1975
3 47-48 Letters Scrapbook, 1979-1981
3 49 Vincent T. DeVita Scrapbook, 1980
2 27 [Various unidentified scrapbook pages], [ca. 1940-1950]
2 28 [Unidentified scrapbook pages], 1949-1972
Awards, 1951-1992
3 50 [Admission to the] Medical and Metaphysical Society, 1951
3 51 Stouffer Prize, 1967-1969
3 52 27o Congresso Brasileiro de Cardiologia [27th Brazilian Congress on Cardiology], 1971
3 53 Modern Medicine Award for Distinguished Acheivement, 1971 Jan 11
3 54 American Academy of Arts and Sciences, 1975
3 55 Karolinska Institutet, 1977
3 56 Gairdener Award, 1978
3 57 Irving S. Cutter Medal, Phi Sigma Rho, 1978 Feb
3 58 University of Athens, Honorary Degree, 1980-1981
OS3 1 Medical University of South Carolina Honorary Degree, 1985 May 17
OS3 2 Sackler Award, 1986
3 59 Fuiggi International Award, 1987
3 60 Who's Who in America, 1991
3 61 Sandoz Publicity, 1991-1992
Reminiscences, 1963-1997
3 62-63 DSF Calendar, 1981-1982
3 64 DSF - Personal, 1976-1989
4 1 Congrel [Congresional Relations], 1978
4 2 Aagenl [General], 1990-1992
4 3 DSF Papers Info, 1981-1990
4 4 Personal - NIH 1975, 1968-1989
4 5 Personal - NIH 1976, 1975-1976
4 6 Citation, 1977-1991
4 7 Obituaries, 1977-1998
4 8 Personalities, 1969-1999
4 9 Docs in NLM, 1989
4 10 Farewell Lunch [Anderson, French], 1992
4 11 NLM and Elsevier [?], 1982
4 12 DSF Papers 1976, 1976, 1990
4 13 Personal - NIH 1977, 1977
4 14-17 DSF Papers 1977, 1977-1980
4 18 Testimony on National Arthritis Institute, Senate Committee on Labor, 1982 Jul 20
4 19 Sundry Memberships [EPCOT Center], 1981
4 20 DSF to be processed, 1965-1971
4 21 C, 1963-1990
4 22 "Grist for the Mill", 1968-1974
4 23 Trustees, 1986
4 24 Brigham and Women's Hospital Medical Staff and Alumni Directory, 1992
4 25 [Cañon City History], 1992
4 26 [64th Birthday], 1988
4 27 First Heart Transplant in Man, 1997 Apr 26
Memorabilia, 1944-1981
4 28 University of Michigan Honors Convocation and Commencement, 1944, 1946, 1949
Map Drawer 7 [Tangier Disease Collage], [1960s]
OS3 3 [Tangier Disease Collage Viewing Copy], [1960s]
OS3 4 [Signed Photograph of President Lyndon Johnson's Visit to NIH], 1965 Aug 9
OS3 5 [Signed Photograph of President Lyndon Johnson's Visit to NIH], 1967
4 29 Memorabilia, 1967-1981
OS3 6 [Franco Conti, Cesare Sirtori, and Oreste Mantero], 1975
4 30 NIH Director Badge, 1975
4 31 Passports, 1976-1981
4 32 NIH Challenge Relay, 1976
4 33 University of Michigan 1977 Winter Commencement, 1977
OS3 7 [Autographed portrait of Ted Kennedy and Paul Rogers], 1977
OS3 8 [Autographed photograph of Jimmy Carter], 1980 May
4 34 Steve Hall Drawings, [n.d.]
Newspaper Clippings, 1957-1981
4 35 New York Times - "The Visible Hand", [n.d.]
4 36 Pueblo (Colo.) Star-Journal - "Drug to Curb Cholesterol", 1957 Mar 3
4 37 Scope Weekly - "Experts Weigh Effects of Dietary Fats", 1957 Mar 27
4 38 Virginia Pilot - "Tonsils May Cure Hearts", [ca.1960s]
4 39 Washington Post - "Ted's Tonsils Offer Heart Disease Cure", [ca.1960s]
4 40 InternistObserver - "Blood Lipids", 1963 Mar-Apr
4 41 Oklahoman - "Additional Public Support Urged at Medical Institute", 1963 May 5
4 42 Evening Bulletin, Philadelphia - "Specialists Doubt Cholesterol's Importance in Heart Disease", 1967 Feb 23
4 43 Modern Medicine - "Defining High Cholesterol", 1968 Oct 7
4 44 Clinical Laboratory Forum - "Classical Laboratory Technique Now Applicable to Study of Lipidemia", 1969 Apr
4 45 Otago Daily Times, New Zealand - "Women Less Susceptible to Heart Attack 'Plague'", 1971 Sep 23
4 46 Southland Times, New Zealand - "Premature Heart Attacks on Increase", 1971 Sep 24
4 47 Christ Church Star, New Zealand - [Television listing], 1971 Sep 25
4 48 The Press, New Zealand - "N.Z. Diets Questioned", 1971 Sep 26
4 49 Christchurch Star - "Killer 'We Must Arrest at Once'", 1971 Sep 27
4 50 The Press, New Zealand - "Heart Week", 1971 Sep 27
4 51 The Press, New Zealand - "Smoking a Factor in Heart Attacks", 1971 Sep 28
4 52 Honolulu Star Bulletin - "The Boss? He's at his Summer Home", 1971 Sep 29
4 53 New Zealand Herald - "Lessons Which Must Be Taken to Heart", 1971 Oct 1
4 54 New Zealand Herald - "Diet Link with Heart Trouble", 1971 Oct 2
4 55 Canberra Times, Australia - "One-in-Four Potential Heart Attack Victim", 1971 Oct 5
4 56 West Australian - "Early Checks for Heart Risks Urged", 1971 Oct 9
4 57 The Rising Nepal, 1971 Oct 11
4 58 The Rising Nepal, 1971 Oct 12
4 59 Latest Advancement in Health Research, 1972
4 60 Washington Post - "Shift to Coal Seen Shortening Lives", 1974 Feb 16
4 61 Drug Research Reports - "NIH's Fears Become Real", 1974 Dec 11
4 62 Washington Post - "NIH and the Real World", 1974 Dec 27
4 63 Washington Report on Medicine and Health - "Cooper and Fredrickson Nominations Sent to Senate by Ford", 1975 Apr 28
4 64 Washington Post - "Worldviews", 1975 May 11
4 65 Washington Post for Tangier File, 1975 Jun 2
4 66 Philadelphia Inquirer - "Cancer Research Unit Opens", 1975 Jun 12
4 67 Washington Post - "A Scientific Breakthrough", 1976 Jul 2
4 68 York, PA Newspaper - "Legion Disease: Man-made Virus?", 1976 Aug
4 69 The Nation's Health [APHA] - [June Christmas Awarded Domestic Award], 1976 Nov
4 70 Washington Star - "A Black Quota in Research?", 1976 Nov 1
4 71 New York Times - "American Scientists Report Important Benefits from Joint Medical Research with the Russians", 1976 Nov 23
4 72 Observer, Great Britain - "The Babies That Need Not Die", 1976 Dec 12
4 73 Washington Report on Medicine and Health - "Harris-NIH Dispute Continues", 1980 May 12
4 74 Washington Star - "NIH Director Fredrickson Announces He Will Resign", 1981 Jun 19
4 75 New York Times - "Director of the National Institutes of Health Quits Post Citing Personal Reasons", 1981 Jun 20
4 76 Washington Post - "NIH Director Fredrickson Resigns, Citing 'Personal Reasons'", 1981 Jun 20
4 77 Washington Star - "Fredrickson Resigns as Director NIH", 1981 Jun 20
4 78 Nature - "Fredrickson Quits Without Warning", 1981 Jun 25
4 79 The NIH Record, 1965 Feb 9 - 1991 Apr 2

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Series II: Correspondence, 1948-1998

The Correspondence Series consists of Fredrickson's professional and personal correspondence with individuals and organizations, discussing a wide variety of subjects, and covering all aspects of Fredrickson's career. The series is divided into five sub-series, mostly based on Fredrickson's own organizational scheme: professional correspondence, personal correspondence, resignation letters, daily letter files, and writing engagements.
A good deal of personal information is available in the Personal Correspondence sub-series, especially in the Fredrickson family correspondence. Researchers interested in family correspondence should also consult the Scrapbooks sub-series of Series I: Personal and Biographical, which contains a great deal of early correspondence between Fredrickson and his parents.
The "Inquiries" folders, as labeled by Fredrickson, range from 1966-1974 and cover Fredrickson's time at the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute (NHLBI). These files relate to requests for information or research guidance from Fredrickson, mostly concerning his experience with Tangier Disease and lipoproteins.
Box Folder
Professional Correspondence, 1954-1997
5 1 A - Ahr, 1956-1990
5 2 Alaupovic, Pierre, 1964-1993
5 3 Alm - And, 1962-1992
5 4 Anfinsen, Christian B., 1954
5 5 Anl - Ari, 1975-1995
5 6 Armstrong, Neil A., 1989
5 7 Aro - Asp, 1960-1996
5 8 Assmann, Gerd, 1975-1997
5 9 Att - Bay, 1958-1992
5 10 Bea - Berge, 1971-1992
5 11 Bergström, Sune, 1956-1975
5 12 Berk - Berl, 1994-1997
5 13 Bernard, Jean, 1986-1994
5 14 Bers - Blai, 1967-1997
5 15 Blankenhorn, David, 1965-1970
5 16 Blas - Bra, 1960-1992
5 17 Bre - Bu, 1958-1993
5 18 C - Cau, 1961-1995
5 19 Ce - Cri, 1961-1994
5 20 Crocker, Allen C., 1959-1966
5 21 Cu - Di, 1955-1993
5 22 Dole, Vincent P., 1959-1987
5 23 Dr - E, 1961-1995
5 24 F - Fl, 1958-1997
5 25 Ford, Gerald R., 1974-1981
5 26 Fordh - Fra, 1965-1995
5 27 Fredrickson, Donald T., 1972
5 28 Free - Gil, 1956-1994
5 29 Gin - Gord, 1956-1992
5 30 Gore, Albert, Jr., 1981
5 31 Gorl - Gott, 1957-1997
5 32 Graham, Katharine, 1966
5 33 Graham, W - Hal, 1956-1993
5 34 Hamburg, David A., 1982
5 35 Hame - Han, 1963-1989
5 36 Harden, Victoria, 1983-1997
5 37 Harlan, W. - Haw, 1959-1994
5 38 Havel, Richard, 1957-1983
5 39 Hay - Hey, 1966-1994
5 40 Hi - Hut, 1956-1994
5 41 I - J, 1961-1992
5 42 K - Ke, 1961-1993
5 43 Khachadurian, Avedis K., 1964-1971
5 44 Khar - Kis, 1961-1991
5 45 Klenk, E., 1964-1965
5 46 Kler - Kod, 1962-1992
5 47 Koop, C. Everett, 1987-1989
5 48 Kop - Kun, 1962-1992
5 49 Kuo, Peter, 1959-1982
6 1 Kuz - Lan, 1960-1995
6 2 Lasker, Mary, 1967-1988
6 3 Laudat, Philippe, 1960-1986
6 4 Le - Lindb, 1959-1993
6 5 Lindgren, Frank T., 1965-1972
6 6 Linds - Ly, 1965-1984
6 7 M - Ma, 1961-1992
6 8 Mc - Me, 1961-1989
6 9 Mi - My, 1965-1992
6 10 N, 1963-1990
6 11 O - Pac, 1962-1994
6 12-14 Page, Irving H., 1956-1991
6 15 Pal - Pel, 1962-1990
6 16 Perpich, Joseph G., 1978-1982
6 17 Perr - Pop, 1958-1991
6 18 Porter, Phil, 1990
6 19 Pot -- Pz, 1969-1989
6 20 R - Re, 1958-1994
6 21 Rh - Roc, 1962-1996
6 22 Rodbell, Martin, 1960-1994
6 23 Rog - Ru, 1974-1994
6 24 S - Schm, 1961-1995
6 25 Schnaper, Harold W., 1962-1970
6 26 Schne - Sh, 1959-1994
6 27 Si -- Sir, 1957-1997
6 28 Sjoerdsma, Albert, 1988-1989
6 29 Sk - Sp, 1956-1997
6 30 Staats, Elmer B., 1983-1987
6 31 Stamler, Jeremiah, 1964-1975
6 32 Stan - Sz, 1954-1997
6 33 T - Thom, 1959-1991
6 34 Thorn, George W., 1954-1987
6 35 Thornt - Tz, 1959-1994
6 36 W - Wh, 1960-1996
6 37 Wi - Wo, 1958-1994
7 1 Wyngaarden, James B., 1961-1996
7 2 Y - Zi, 1959-1987
7 3 Zöllner, Helmut, 1961-1972
7 4 Zu, 1973-1990
7 5-14 Inquiries, 1966-1978
Invitations Declined, 1982
7 15 A - C
7 16 D - K
7 17 L - O
7 18 P - W
7 19 Writing Obligations, 1966-1974
Personal Correspondence, 1948-1997
7 20 Abelson, Philip H., 1982
7 21 Allen, C. R., 1981
7 22 Altrocchi, Paul H., 1961-1962
7 23 Anderson, W. French, 1987-1997
7 24 Anlyan, William G., 1981
7 25 Arantes, E Oliveira Amalia and Eduardo, 1995
7 26 Asper, Samuel P., 1981
7 27 Beattie, Richard I., 1980
7 28 Benaissa, Mohamed, 1997
7 29 Berglund, Ragnhild, 1960
7 30 Bergstrom, Sune, 1974-1976
7 31 Berliner, Robert W., 1961-1973
7 32 Bersot, Tom, 1971-1972
7 33 Bevan, William, 1985-1993
7 34 Bilheimer, David J., 1988
8 65 Biking, 1979-1981
7 35 Blobel, Günter, 1997
7 36 Blokhin, N. H., 1980
7 37 Blomquist, Nancy L., 1981
7 38 Bloom, Max R., 1981
7 39 Bond, Enriqueta C., 1994
7 40 Bosch, Jan K., 1992
7 41 Brandt, Edward, 1981
7 42 Briner, William H., 1978
7 43 Brinkley, Joe, 1986
7 44 Brooks, David J., 1981
7 45 Brown, Sarah, 1975
7 46 Bulger, Roger J., 1975
7 47 Bunim, Miriam, 1964
7 48 Butler, Robert N., 1987-1994
7 49 Cahill, George F., [1981]-1993
7 50 Califano Jr., Joseph A., 1979
7 51 Capron, Alexander, 1981
7 52 Carter, James, 1985
7 53 Carter, Tim Lee, 1980
7 54 Charles, David, 1981
7 55 Chase, Robert O., 1994
7 56 Chase, William, 1975
7 57 Christie, George C., 1993
7 58 Cohen, Robert, 1977-1978
7 59 Cohen, Sheldon, 1978
7 60 Coleman, John S., 1974
7 61 Comroe, Julius, 1976-1981
7 62 Cooper, Theodore, 1974-1978
7 63 Corn, Milton, 1987
7 64 Corning, Mary, 1982
7 65 Cornwell, Jean, 1992
7 66 Crane, Stanley, 1987
7 67 Crawford, Bryce, Jr., 1987
7 68 Cummings, Carol, 1996
7 69 Cummings, Martin, 1975-1976
7 70 Darnell, James, 1987
7 71 Davies, Norman, 1981
7 72 Davies, William D., 1985-1988
7 73 Davis, R. B., 1990
7 74 DeRábago, Pedro, 1990
7 75 DeSanctis, Roman, 1993-1998
7 76 Determan, Helmut, 1987-1997
7 77 Dow, Michael M., 1981
7 78 Ebert, Richard V., 1967
7 79 Egeli, Bjorn, 1982
7 80 Eisenberg, Leon, 1981
7 81 Engelhorn, Victoria, [n.d.]
7 82 Engelhorn-Vechiatto, Traudl, 1992
7 83 Evens, Ronald G, 1978
7 84 Fairweather, Jane, 1997
7 85 Fennessy, Róna, 1990
7 86 Fennesy, John, 1991
7 87 Finley, Wayne H., 1991-1994
7 88 Ford, Gerald R., 1975
7 89 Fouraker, Lawrence, 1978
7 90 Fredrickson, Bryan, 1973
7 91 Fredrickson, C. Arthur and Blanche Sharp Fredrickson (parents), 1948-1975
7 92 Fredrickson, Donald S., 1959
7 93 Fredrickson, Eric, 1972-1997
7 94 Fredrickson, Henrietta P. D., 1971
7 95 Fredrickson, Robert G., 1989-1997
7 96 Fretter, William B., 1981
7 97 Gajdusek, D. Carleton, 1977-1997
7 98 Giocometti, Luigi, 1984
7 99 Glaser, Robert J., 1981
7 100 Glenner, George G., 1981
7 101 Godber, George, 1974
7 102 Goodman, Ann, 1992
7 103 Goodman, Dewitt S., 1971
7 104 Gordon, Betsy, 1985
7 105 Greene, Warner C., 1987
7 106 Gromyko, 1995
7 107 Gronvall, John A., 1981
7 108 Halbach, Detlef M., 1992-1993
7 109 Handler, Philip, 1974-1975
7 110 Hatch, Orrin G., 1982
7 111 Hassan II, King of Morocco, 1977-1995
7 112 Hegyeli, Ruth J., 1987
7 113 Hitachi, Masahito, 1978
7 114 Hobbins, Peter C., 1995
7 115 Hofmann, Alan F., 1995-1996
7 116 Hollis, Calvin V., [n.d.]
7 117 Hugenholz, Paul G., 1978
7 118 Ideh, A. E., [n.d.]
7 119 Jacobs, Robert P., 1978
7 120 Jardine, Bryan W., 1990-1996
7 121 Johnston, Mrs. Franklin N., 1971
7 122 Jolly, William P., 1994
7 123 Jones, James R., 1981
7 124 Jover, David, 1995
7 125 Kadigamar, Vee, 1996
7 126 Kalkhuis, Teunis, 1996
7 127 Kannel, William B., 1978
7 128 Karateas, Dorian, 1991
7 129 Keimowitz, Robert I., 1979
7 130 Kellner, Aaron, 1981
7 131 Killip, Thomas, 1981
7 132 King, James, 1971
7 133 Klimov, Anatoly N., 1965
7 134 Klocke, Francis J., 1968
7 135 Kowalczyk, Mercy, 1987-1990
7 136 Lambo, Tom A., 1980
7 137 Li, David K. P., 1987
7 138 Lindgren, Frank T., 1978
7 139 Lindsey, Charles, 1997
7 140 MacLean, Paul D., 1975-1977
7 141 Margolis, George, 1981
7 142 Mark Twain Society, 1973
7 143 Marland, S. D., 1978
7 144 Masprangelo, Santino, 1989
7 145 McDermott, Walsh, 1981
7 146 McDowell, James E., 1969
7 147 McLachlan, Ken J., 1992
7 148 Mernissi, Mohammed, 1978
7 149 Morehead, D. E., 1978
7 150 Moure, Richard, 1981
7 151 Muhlstock, B. J., 1991
7 152 Nature, 1982
7 153 Nemetz, Martin, 1981
7 154 Neufeld, Elizabeth, 1981
7 155 Newman, Lanny, 1981
7 156 Nienhus, Arthur, 1981
7 157 Oldham, Robert K., 1981
7 158 Olseth, Nancy and Dale, [n.d.]
7 159 Omenn, Gilbert S., 1978
7 160 Ouazzani, Wafa, 1982
7 161 Owen, William R., 1968
7 162 Page, Irving H., 1981
7 163 Paskin, Norman, 1982
7 164 Pearce, Robert A., 1981
7 165 Peeters Van Hoorenbeek, Herbert and Thèrése, [n.d.]
7 166 Pena, Ada R., 1978
7 167 Perpich, Joseph G., 1979-1981
7 168 Perry, Dan, 1981
7 169 Perry, Seymour, 1982
7 170 Petito, Frank, Jr., 1986
7 171 Pines, Maya, 1987-1988
7 172 Porter, Phillip B., 1973
7 173 Prager, Dennis J., 1981
7 174 Press, Frank, 1980-1991
7 175 Price, Don K., 1981
7 176 Project Hope, 1981-1982
7 177 Radi, A., 1982
7 178 Rall, David P., 1982
7 179 Raub, William F., 1982
7 180 Reagan, Ronald, 1989
7 181 Reich, Aurora K., 1995
7 182 Rhode, Barbara, 1988
7 183 Rice, Dorothy P., 1982
7 184 Rich, Patrick [?], 1994
8a 1 Rifkind, Richard A., 1981
8a 2 Robinson, Joseph A. and Madeleine, 1992-1997
8a 3 Roman, Aurelia, 1989-1996
8a 4 Roman, George, 1982
8a 5 Rose, Richard, 1981
8a 6 Rosenblith, Walter A., 1979-1982
8a 7 Rotem, Zeev, 1982
8a 8 Roth, Jesse, 1981-1982
8a 9 Sabatos, Chuck, 1990
8a 10 Sanders, Charles, 1981
8a 11 Sarrett, Lewis H., 1982
8a 12 Saunders, Joseph F., 1981
8a 13 Schaeffer, Juergen, 1991-1997
8a 14 Schecter, Alan, 1981
8a 15 Schettler, Gotthard, 1981
8a 16 Schmid, Rudi, 1981-1982
8a 17 Schmidt, Benno C., 1982-1986
8a 18 Schultz, Julius, 1981
8a 19 Scientists' Institute for Public Information, 1981
8a 20 Scoular, Charring Connett, 1987-1995
8a 21 Setlow, Jane K., 1981-1982
8a 22 Seward, Ralph T., 1987
8a 23 Shelley, Julian H., 1981
8a 24 Sheps, Cecil G., 1981
8a 25 Sherwood, Bruce, 1996
8a 26 Simopoulos, Artemis, 1982
8a 27 Smith, Louis C., 1982
8a 28 Smith, Robert L., 1973
8a 29 Sokol, Herman, 1981
8a 30 Stadtman, Earl, 1981
8a 31 Stamatoyannopoulos, George, 1981
8a 32 Stark, Nathan, 1982
8a 33 Steinberg, Daniel, 1981-1982
8a 34 Stewart, William, 1982
8a 35 Stokes, Joseph, 1982
8a 36 Storey, Patrick B., 1981
8a 37 Temin, Howard, 1981
8a 38 Terrab, Aicha Aloui, 1982
8a 39 Thorton, Ray, 1982
8a 40 Timour, John A., 1981
8a 41 Tomizaura, Tom, [n.d.]
8a 42 Trivelpiece, Alvia, 1982
8a 43 Unger, Walter, 1982-1993
8a 44 Vagelos, P. Roy, 1982
8a 45 Wagner, Galen S., 1981
8a 46 Wall, James J., [n.d.]
8a 47 Ward, Lady Mary, 1976-1982
8a 48 Watt, James, 1961
8a 49 Weinberger, Caspar W., 1975
8a 50 Weissman, Sherman, 1982
8a 51 Whaley, Storm, 1981
8a 52 Whelan, William, 1980
8a 53 White, Paul Dudley, 1982
8a 54 Whitehead, Jack, [n.d.]
8a 55 Winkelstein, Warren, 1981
8a 56 Womeldorf, G. Raymond, 1978
8a 57 Woolf, Patricia, 1982
8a 58 Wormser, Ellen, 1981
8a 59 Wright, Lonnie M., 1981
8a 60 Xuma, Mtutuzeli, 1978-1981
8a 61 Yarmonlinsky, Adam, 1974
8a 62 Young, Leo, 1979-1982
8a 63 Zinder, Norton, 1981
8a 64 Unidentified, 1977-1991
Job Offers, 1965-1982
8a 66 1965
8a 67 1966
8a 68 1967
8a 69 1969
8a 70 1970-1973
8a 71 1975-1979
8a 72 1980
8a 73 1981
8a 74 1982
8a 75 [n.d.]
Congratulatory Letters, 1973-1977
8a 76 A - I, 1973
8b 1 J - P, 1973
8b 2 R - Z, 1973
8b 3 A - F, 1974
8b 4 G - L, 1974
8b 5 M - R, 1974
8b 6 S - Z, 1974
8b 7 A - D, 1975
8b 8 E - J, 1975
8b 9 K - N, 1975
8b 10 O - R, 1975
8b 11 S - Z, 1975
8b 12 Reappointment Congratulatory Letters, 1977
Recommendation Letters, A-Z, 1961-1995
Resignation Letters, 1981, 1987-1998
9 1 DSF's Announcement, 1981
9 2 Advisory Committee to the Director, NIH, 1981
9 3 Interagency Radiation Research Committee, 1981
9 4 House of Representatives and Senate, 1981
9 5 A - B, 1981
9 6 C - D, 1981
9 7 E - G, 1981
9 8 H - K, 1981
9 9 L - M, 1981
9 10 N - P, 1981
9 11 R - S, 1981
9 12 T - Z, 1981
9 13 HHMI Resignation Letters, 1987-1998
Daily Letter Files, 1981-1982
9 14 Jun 1981
9 15 Jul 1981
9 16 Aug 1981
9 17 Sep 1981
9 18 Oct 1981
9 19 Nov 1981
9 20 Dec 1981
9 21 Jan 1982
9 22 Feb 1982
9 23 Mar 1982
9 24 Apr 1982
9 25 May 1982
9 26 Jun 1982
9 27 Jul 1982
9 28 Aug 1982
9 29 Sep 1982
9 30 Oct 1982
9 31 Nov 1982
9 32 Dec 1982
Writing Engagements, 1966-1980
9 33 American Journal of Medicine, 1974-1975
9 34 American Physiological Society (Strydom-Hoffenberg), 1969-1970
9 35 American Physiological Society (ii), 1966-1969
9 36 Atherosclerosis, 1974-1975
9 37 Circulation Research, 1970-1976
9 38 Genetics, 1975
9 39 Invitations to Write, 1970-1973
9 40 JAMA, 1974-1976
9 41 Journal of Laboratory and Clinical Medicine, 1974-1975
9 42 Reviews - Misc., 1959-1980

Return to the Table of Contents


Series III: Writings, 1910-2001

The Writings series contains both published (articles, essays, contributions to books, etc.) and unpublished (speeches, lectures, talks, eulogies, etc.) materials. The series is divided into four sub-series: Speeches and Unpublished Materials; Publications; Interviews; and Publications by Others. For the most part these materials are reprints, photocopies of typescripts, or printouts; occasionally these items are accompanied by associated correspondence or printed matter (e.g., programs or brochures).
The Speeches and Unpublished Materials sub-series includes, but is not limited to, speeches, lectures, addresses, talks, and other presentations by Fredrickson. These files are divided into several categories, following Fredrickson's original organization. The first is composed of a six-volume set of speeches given by Fredrickson from 1975 to 1982. The speeches are individually numbered, and each volume has an index to its contents. The second consists of a collection of lectures and an essay ("The Unpublished Lectures - An Annotated Anthology of Lost Words") about these materials. Each lecture mentioned in the essay was given a number, and these numbers have been included in the titles of the folders. The third section includes the remaining unpublished works found scattered throughout the collection, including lectures, eulogies, speeches, drafts, etc.
This series consists primarily of typewritten texts or photocopies; some correspondence, notes, and copies of programs are also included. Some of these pieces were later published, but are included here in their earlier unpublished form. Other items included here (eulogies, for example) were "published," but not widely distributed.
Also included is a set of 8-inch floppy disks, which contain documents created with Wang word processing software. There is a list of the titles of these documents, but the contents of the disks are inaccessible until the digital information can be converted to a readable format.
The Publications sub-series includes copies of articles, essays, and other published work by Fredrickson. For the most part these materials are reprints, photocopies of typescripts, or printouts; sometimes these items also have associated drafts, correspondence or printed matter (e.g., programs, brochures). Materials up to the late 1970s generally report on laboratory work; after that time they largely deal with broader biomedical issues - a change in focus reflecting Fredrickson's career shift from research to administration.
The majority of reprints in this sub-series come from a volume entitled Selected Reprints and Lectures, which includes a bibliography created by Fredrickson in June of 1987; a smaller percentage have been removed from other parts of the collection and gathered here. Also of interest are the three microfilm reels of Fredrickson's publications created prior to March 1, 1979. These reels contain 207 published articles and several pamphlets, mostly concerning Fredrickson's scientific research. A list of these titles is included in the folder entitled "Publications of Dr. Donald Fredrickson Available for Microfilming as of March 1, 1979," box 11, folder 86.
Box Folder
Speeches and Unpublished Materials, 1942-1995
10 1 Book I Index, 1975 Sep - 1976 Nov 23
10 2 Book I #1-5, 1975 Sep - Dec 15
10 3 Book I #6-10, 1976 Feb 2 - Feb 19
10 4 Book I #11-15, 1976 Mar 3 - Apr 29
10 5 Book I #16-20, 1976 May 3 - Jun 4
10 6 Book I #21-25, 1976 Jun 8 - Oct 13
10 7 Book I #26-30, 1976 Nov 9 - Nov 23
10 8 Book II Index, 1976 Dec 9 - 1977 Dec 8
10 9 Book II #31-35, 1976 Dec 9 - 1977 Apr
10 10 Book II #36-40, 1977 Apr 4 - May 2
10 11 Book II #41-45, 1977 May 20 - Jun 27
10 12 Book II #46-50, 1977 Sep 12 - Sep 19
10 13 Book II #51-55, 1977 Sep 28 - Oct 25
10 14 Book II #56-60, 1977 Oct 27 - Dec 8
10 15 Book III Index, 1978 Feb 8 - 1979 Jan 17
10 16 Book III #61-65, 1978 Feb 8 - Apr 9
10 17 Book III #66-70, 1978 Apr 10 - May 11
10 18 Book III #71-75, 1978 May 31 - Jun 19
10 19 Book III #76-80, 1978 Jul 26 - Sep 14
10 20 Book III #81-85, 1978 Sep 17 - Oct 18
10 21 Book III #86-1990, 1978 Nov - Dec 12
10 22 Book III #91-1994, 1979 Jan 5 - Jan 17
10 23 Book IV Index, 1979 Jan 25 - 1980 Oct 9
10 24 Book IV #95-100, 1979 Jan 25 - Mar 14
10 25 Book IV #101-110, 1979 Apr 3 - 1980 Feb 5
10 26 Book IV #111-120, 1980 Feb 27 - May 6
10 27 Book IV #121-130, 1980 May 7 - Oct 9
10 28 Book V Index, 1980 Oct 10 - 1981 Jun 19
10 29 Book V #131-140, 1980 Oct 10 - Mar 30
10 30 Book V #141-151, 1980 Mar 31 - 1981 Jun 19
10 31 Book VI Index, 1981 Oct 15 - 1982 Nov 26
10 32 Book VI #151A-160, 1981 Oct 15 - 1982 Mar 3
10 33 Book VI #161-167, 1982 Apr 7 - Nov 26
10 34 The Unpublished Lectures (An Annotated Anthology of Lost Words), 1998 Feb 14
10 35 #1 Freedom From Want, 1942
10 36 #2 Newly Recognized Disorders of Cholesterol Metabolism, 1963 Apr 1-5
10 37 #3 A Sorcerer's Advice to His Apprentice, 1965 Aug
10 38 #4 The Second George C. Griffith Lecture: Diet, Genes and the Early Atheroma, 1969 Oct 1
10 39 #6 Research and the Prize, 1967 Nov 10
10 40 #8 Time for Renewal, 1981 Oct 15
10 41 #9 Biomedical Research: Today and Tomorrow, 1981 Sep
10 42 #10 Eulogy of Jan Laan, 1981 Sep
10 43 #11 AOA Lecture, Baylor University, 1982 Mar 23
10 44 #13 Science and the Culture Warp: rDNA as a Case Study, 1982 Jan 7
10 45 #14 Science and the Culture Warp: rDNA as a Case Study, 1982 Apr 7
10 46 #15 From LP Types to APO Isomorphs: The Status of Dyslipoproteinemia in 1982, 1982 Apr
10 47 #16 Address to the Board, Miriam Hospital Corporation, 1982 May 13
10 48 #17 The State of the Union, 1982 May 26
10 49 #18 Guelph in Green, 1983 Sep 30
10 50 #19 The Knowledge Imperative, 1984 Feb 7
10 51 #20 Medical Science, Thomas Paine and H.R. 5098, 1984 Apr 11
11 1 #21 Diastole (Notes of a Cardiology Watcher), 1984 Nov 12
11 2 #22 Comparative Professions Part 1, 1985 May 24
11 3 #23 Shaping a Mission, 1986 Sep 5
11 4 #24 The Big Table, 1987 Sep 21
11 5 #25 The Health of Science, 1987 Oct 17
11 6 Acceptance of Presidency of Institute of Medicine, 1974 May 8
11 7 Ad Hoc Committee on Government-University Relationships in Support of Science, [ca. 1981]
11 8 Après Consensus, le Déluge, 1989 Jan 26
11 9 Asilomar: The End of the Beginning, 1990
11 10 Beacon of Hope: The Clinical Center Through 40 Years of Growth and Change in Biomedicine, 1944-1984, [1993?]
11 11 Chairman's Remarks, 1990 Oct 9
11 12 Chemistry and Health, 1982 Jan 7
11 13 Clinical Center Origins, 1993 Jul 9
11 14 Columbia Talk, 1994 Dec 9
11 15 [Columbia Talk], 1995 Jun 9
11 16 [Eulogy for] Ernest William Goodpasture, 1972 Feb 21
11 17 [Eulogy for] James Augustine Shannon, 1994
11 18 [Eulogy for] James Augustine Shannon, 1996 Mar
11 19 [Eulogy for] Max Boulin, [ca. 1985?]
11 20 [First and Second] Draft Reports of the Subcommittee on Principles, 1982 Jan 4
11 21 Gene Therapy: The Promise and the Problems of Providing Normal Genes to Treat Human Genetic Abnormalities, 1986 Nov 27-29
11 22 The Government Role in the Recombinant DNA Controversy, 1982 Jan 7
11 23 Graduate Education and Research, [n.d.]
11 24 A History of Recombinant DNA Guidelines in the United States, 1979 May 22
11 25 Impressions from the Interface, 1987 Jul 12
11 26 Improving Detection and Management of Those Susceptible to Premature Vascular Disease, [1970]
11 27 Intramural Program of NIH, 1972 Apr 7
11 28 Introductory Notes on a Bibliography, 1978 Oct
11 29 IOM: Mémoires À L'Accouchement, 1990
11 30 NHLI, Clinical Research Today and Tomorrow, 1973 Jul 6
11 31 Notes on an Editorial, 1979 Feb 6
11 32 Opening Remarks [from a Symposium in Memory of Gordon Tomkins], 1976 Feb 2
11 33 Opening Statement: Testimony before the House Committee on Science and Technology, 1986 Apr 23
11 34 Our Common Faith, 1981 Nov 8
11 35 Pitfalls and Promises in Contemporary Support of Science in Universities, 1981 Oct 20
11 36 Remarks [on the] Receipt of Distinguished Contribution to Research Administration Award, 1982 Sep 13
11 37 Remarks on Receipt of Honorary Degree, Rochester University Medical School, 1986 May 25
11 38 Remarks to the NIH Community [Resignation Speech], 1981 Jun 19
11 39 The Role of the Government in the Support and Shaping of Academic Medicine, [1981-1983]
11 40 Science: The Endless Frontier, Columbia University, 1994-1995
11 41 Slide Session on Hyperlipoproteinemia, [n.d.]
11 42 Statement of DSF, Former Director of the NIH and Member of the White House Science Council, 1988 Feb 17
11 43 Stockholm Reflections, 1979 Feb 5
11 44 Science and the Culture Warp: rDNA as a Case Study, 1982 Apr 7
11 45 Testimony of Donald S. Fredrickson, President and CEO, Howard Hughes Medical Institute, before the Subcommittee on Health and Long Term Care of the House Select Committee on Aging, 1987 Mar 6
11 46 University of Michigan, 25th Anniversary of the Clinical Center, 1982 Oct 29
11 47 Wang Documents, 1982-1983
Publications, 1964-2001
11 48 Speeches, Articles and Selected Papers [Bibliography], 1976
11 49 Bibliography I, 1987 Jun
11 50 Publications by DSF on Research Related to Plasma Lipids and Lipoproteins, [n.d.]
11 86 Publications of Dr. Donald Fredrickson Available for Microfilming as of March 1, 1979, 1979
13 Dr. D.S. Fredrickson nos. 1-99 [Microfilm], 1979
13 Dr. D.S. Fredrickson nos. 100-183 [Microfilm], 1979
13 Dr. D.S. Fredrickson nos. 184-207 and Pamphlets [Microfilm], 1979
11 51 Abnormal Concentration and Anomalous Distribution of Alipoprotein A-I in Tangier Disease, 1978 Feb
11 52 Aesculapian Merry-Go-Round, 1976 Oct
11 53 Biomedical Research in the 1980s, 1981 Feb 26
11 54 Biomedical Science and the Culture Warp, 1993
11 55 Birth Defects Compendium, 1982
11 56 Camelot-in-Bethesda: The Roots of the Magic Kingdom, 1991 Feb 15
11 57 A Comparison of Heritable Abnormal Lipoprotein Patterns as Defined by Two Different Techniques, 1968
11 58 Communal Resources, Community Responsibilities, 1981
11 59 Cutaneous Cholesterol Ester Deposition in Tangier Disease, 1967
11 60 Discours: Acadámie du Royaume du Maroc, 1982 Nov 29
11 61 Dyslipoproteinemia: From Phenotypes to Genotypes ... A Remarkable Quarter Century, 1993 Apr
11 62 Fat Transport in Lipoproteins - An Integrated Approach to Mechanisms and Disorders, 1967 Jan-Feb
11 63 Finding Answers to Health Care Problems, 1975 Oct
11 64 Functions of Plasma Lipoproteins, [ca. 1967]
11 65 The Government Role in Biomedical Research, 1976 Jun 8
11 66 Health and the Search for New Knowledge, 1977
11 67 A History of Recombinant DNA Guidelines in the United States, 1981 May
11 68 In Defense of Washington, 1986 Oct 7
11 69 Introduction: The Anfinsen Series, [ca. 1984?]
11 70 Is There a Federal Philosophy about Academic Medicine?, 1980 Oct 10
11 71 Lilly Lecture, 1982 Apr 29
11 72 Lipoprotein Patterns and Atherosclerosis, [n.d.]
11 73 The Meaning of the Prize, 1980
11 74 The National Institutes of Health: Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow, 1978 Nov 12
11 75 Neuropathy in Tangier Disease, 1967
11 76 On Cultivating Prognosis in Cardiovascular Research, 1968
11 77 On the Cultivation of Virtue, 1983
11 78 Overview Statement of the National Conference on Health Research Principles, 1979
11 79 The Pathology of Tangier Disease, 1975
11 80 Proceedings - Joseph C. Wilson Day, 1977
11 81 The Public Governance of Science, 1976 Dec 9
11 82 The Recombinant DNA Controversy: A Memoir, 2001
11 83 The Recombinant DNA Controversy: The NIH Viewpoint, 1986
11 84 Review of "Puzzles, Problems, and Enigmas" in Nature, 1982 Aug 2
11 85 The Rights of Man and the World Wide Web, 1996 Apr 22
12 1 Seeking Technical Consensus on Medical Interventions, 1978
12 2 Snippets of Science, 1982 Jul 15
12 3 Sorting Out the Doctor's Bag, 1980
12 4 Stockholm Reflections, 1979 Feb 10
12 5 Tangier Disease (Familial Cholesterolosis with High-Density Lipoprotein Deficiency), 1962
12 6 Tangier Disease (Familial High Density Lipoprotein Deficiency), 1964 Oct 26
12 7 Tonsils and Alipoproteins: Lesson about Plasma Lipoproteins Derived from Tangier Disease and Other Mutants, 1974
12 8 Two Challenges to Negative Prophecy: 'Clinical Applications Units' and 'The Cloister Project', 1984 Jul 21
12 9 The Use of Animals in Biomedical Research [Panel Discussion], 1984 May
12 10 Values and the Advance of Medical Science, 1990
12 11 "Venice" is not Sinking (The Water is Rising), 1982 Jun 11
12 12 Welcoming Remarks, 1978 Nov 30
Interviews, 1979, 1986
12 13 A Conversation with Donald Sharp Fredrickson, 1979
12 14 An Interview with Dr. Donald S. Fredrickson by Stephen P. Strickland, Ph.D., 1986 Oct
Publications by Others, 1910-1995
12 15 Ahuja, M. M. S., et al. - Interrelationship of Vascular Disease and Blood Lipids in Young Indian Diabetics, 1969
12 16 Ahuja, M. M. S., and V. V. Gossain - Dietetic Analysis and Blood Lipids, Chemical and Isotopic Studies in Vascular Disease among Indian Diabetics, 1967
12 17 Albertine, A. von - Gutartige Riesenzellgeschwülste, 1928
12 18 Archiv für Dermatologie und Syphilis, 1921-1933
12 19 Archiv für Gynäkologie, 1927
12 20 Archiv für Klinische Chirurgie, 1931
12 21 Archiv für Ophthalmologie, 1925
12 22 Archiv für Pathologische Anatomie und Physiologie, 1924
12 23 Archiv für Wissenschaftliche Praktische Tierheilkunde, 1930
12 24 Bergen Stanley S. - The Hastings Center Activities Report, 1987 Nov
12 25 Bernard, Jean - Donald Fredrickson, 1982 Nov 24
12 26 BioRad Laboratories - Lipoprotein Phenotyping by Agarose Gel Electrophoresis, 1970 Jan
12 27 Bloch, Bruno - Metabolism, Endocrine Glands and Skin Diseases, with Special Reference to Acne Vulgaris and Xanthoma, 1931
12 28 Bosch, V. et al. - Lípidos y Lipoproteínas Sericas en Personas Normales y Pacienes con Cardiopatía Isquémica, 1970
12 29 Brinkley, Joel - The Richest Foundation, 1986 Mar 30
12 30 Brooks, Harvey - Research Universities and the Social Contract for Science, 1993 May 9
12 31 Brown, Helen B. - Food Patterns That Lower Blood Lipids in Man, 1969 Nov
12 32 Brown, Helen B. - The Market Basket, [n.d.]
12 33 Carter, Luther J. - State Scientific Advisers: The Effort in Michigan, 1976 Nov
12 34 Clifton-Bligh, P., et al. - Tangier Disease: Report of a Case and Studies of Lipid Metabolism, 1972 Mar
12 35 Consensus Development Conference - The Consensus Development Process for Medical Technologies, 1982
12 36 Culliton Barbara J. - NIH: Who is Running the Show: Scientists or Politicians?, 1974 Mar 1
12 37 Curtis, A. C., et al. - The Involution of Cutaneous Xanthomata Caused by Diets Low in Calories, 1929
12 38 Dirks, Harley - Departments of Labor and Health, Education and Welfare, and Related Agencies Appropriations, Part 2, 1979
12 39 Eckstein, H. C. and Udo J. Wile - The Cholesterol and Phospholipid Content of the Cutaneous Element of Man, 1926
12 40 Ergebnisse der Innere Medizin und Kinderheilkunde, 1928
12 41 Ergebnisse der Lipoidstoffewechselforschung, 1928
12 42 Fasold, Anna von - Studien über Verebung von Hautkrankheiten, [ca. 1925]
12 43 Fleischmajer, Raul and Alan M. Schragger - Familial Lipoproteins, [n.d.]
12 44 Flint Laboratories - The Five Faces of Hyperlipidemia, 1973 Mar
12 45 Fox, Renée C. et al. - The Study of the Sick, 1991 May 20-21
12 46 Frank, Allen Dodds - Killing the Goose?, 1984 Oct 22
12 47 Gaál, Andreas M. - Untersuchungen über Cholesterinstoffwechsel bei Xanthomatotis Essentialis, 1930
12 48 Gilbert-Hamburg, W. von - Über Xanthomatose der Hornhaut und Lederhaut, 1925
12 49 Goe, Don R. - Hyperlipidemia: Origin, Identification, Characterization and Clinical Significance, 1970 Aug
12 50 Grosse, F. [Review] - The Metabolic Basis of Inherited Disease, 1961
12 51 Grouse, Lawrence D. - A Medical Misdemeanor: I Harbored Evil Thoughts About the Fredrickson Fat Classification, 1980 Nov 7
12 52 Hatch, F.T. et al. - Semi-Quantitative Paper Electrophoresis of Serum Lipoproteins, 1970
12 53 Haust, M. Daria - Tribute to Dr. Robert W. Wissler, the 1994 D.S. Fredrickson Career Awardee, 1995
12 54 Hitachi, Masahito - Tumors in Fishes, [ca. 1976]
12 55 Hoffman, Alan F. - Presentation of the Julius M. Friedenwald Medal of the American Gastroenterological Association to Dr. Hugh Roland Butt: A Laudation, 1979 May 21
12 56 Holden, Constance - NIH moves to debar cholesterol researcher, 1986
12 57 Howard Hughes Medical Institute - Bulletin, 1997 May
12 58 Howard Hughes Medical Institute - A New Opportunity for Research Careers in Medicine, 1985
12 59 Hubbard, William N. - The Educational Environment in the Large Medical School, 1967 Jul
12 60 Hunter, J. D. - Diet, Body Build, Blood Pressure, and Serum Cholesterol Levels in Coconut-eating Polynesians, 1962
12 61 Hunter, J. D., et al. - The Mobilization of Free Fatty Acids in Relation to Adipose Tissue Triglyceride Fatty Acids in the Rat, 1970
12 62 Hunter, J. D. and L. C. K. Wong - Plasma Cholesterol Levels in New Zealand, 1961
12 63 Iglehart, Joan K. - The NIH Appropriation, 1984 Oct 25
12 64 International Summer School on Pathological Neurochemistry - Symposium on Cerebral Lipidosis, 1967
12 65 JAMA Medical News - Questions Surround the Treatment of Children with High Cholesterol, 1970 Dec 7
12 66 Jensen, Julius - The Story of Xanthomatosis in England Prior to the First World War, 1967
12 67 Kennedy, Edward - Partners of Protagonists - Congress and the Academic Medical Centers, 1974 Dec 2
12 68 Kocen, R. S., et al. - Familial a-Lipoprotein Deficiency (Tangier Disease) with Neurological Abnormalities, 1967 Jun 24
12 69 Kummer, H., et al. - Familiäre Analphalipoproteinäimie (Tangier-Krankheit), 1968
12 70 Maxwell, William - Grape Bay (1914), 1999
12 71 Milbradt, W. - Lipämiestudien, [ca. 1925]
12 72 Morrow, Lance - Religious Wars, 1975 Oct
12 73 National Institutes of Health - Centennial Highlights, 1987
12 74 National Institutes of Health - Centennial Highlights, 1987
12 75 National Institutes of Health - Population Strategies for Blood Cholesterol Reduction, [ca. 1989]
13 1 National Institutes of Health - Research Plan, 1980
13 2 National Institutes of Health - USA-Russia: 20 Years of Cooperation in Cardiopulmonary Research, 1992
13 3 National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute - A Salute to the Past, 1987 Sep
13 4 National Science Foundation - American Science Manpower, 1968, 1970 Jan
13 5 Norman, Colin - The Threat to Peer Review, 1976 Apr 29
13 6 O'Leary, Paula and Hamilton Montgomery - Xanthomatoses, 1947
13 7 Page, Irvine H. - Steering Clear of the Federal Bureaucracy, 1976 Sep 1
13 8 Perry, Seymour - The NIH Consensus Development Program: A Decade Later, 1987
13 9 Peter Bent Brigham Hospital - Annual Report, 1949-1950
13 10 Pollitzer, S. - The Nature of the Xanthomata, 1897
13 11 Rey, Louis - Fundamental Aspects of Lyophilization, [ca. 1975?]
13 12 Rey, Louis - Glimpses into the Fundamental Aspects of Freeze-Drying, 1976
13 13 Rey, Louis - New Adventures in Freeze-Drying, 1990 May 10
13 14 Rogers, David E. and Eli Ginzberg - The Metropolitan Academic Medical Center, 1995
13 15 Schaaf, Fritz - Der Lipidstoffwechsel, [ca. 1925]
13 16 Schweiker, Richard S. - Dedication of the Magnuson Clinical Center: A National Treasure, 1982 Apr
13 17 Scott, P. J. - Preliminary Study of Family with Hereditary Hypercholesterolæmic Xanthomatosis, 1961
13 18 Shacklady, Maureen M., et al. - Red-cell Lipids in Familial Alphalipoprotein Deficiency (Tangier Disease), 1968 Jul 20
13 19 Siemens, Hermann Weiner - Zur Kenntnis der Xanthone, 1921
13 20 Simmons, Roberta G. - Issues of Informed Consent, 1976 May 28
13 21 Sonderabdruck aus Klinische Wochenschrift, 1922, 1931
13 22 United Medical Laboratories - The Serum Lipid Profile and Hyperlipidemia, [n.d.]
13 23 United States Congress - An Agenda for a Study of Government Science Policy, 1985
13 24 United States Congress - Agriculture, Rural Development and Related Agencies Appropriations for 1979, 1978
13 25 United States Congress - Compilation of Selected Acts within the Jurisdiction of the Committee on Energy and Commerce, 1986 Mar
13 26 United States Congress - Compilation of Selected Acts within the Jurisdiction of the Committee on Energy and Commerce, 1990 Jun
13 27 [Unknown] - [Jimmy Carter's Visit to Morocco], [n.d.]
13 28 Unna, P. G. - Dem Hamburger Dermatolgen, 1910
13 29 Urbach, Erich - Imbibitio Lipoidica Telae Elasticae Degeneratae, 1934
13 30 Urbach, Erich - Lipoidstoffwechselerkrankungen Der Haut, 1931
13 31 Urbach, Erich and William R. Hill - A Proposed Classification of Cutaneous Lipoidoses, 1940
13 32 Urbach, Erich - Über Lipoidsen mit Cutanen Erscheinugen, [n.d.]
13 33 Urbach, Erich - Zusammenfassende Arbeiten Diagnostichen und Therapeutischen Inhalts, 1933
13 34 Urbach, Frederick, et al. - The Therapeutic Uses of Low Fat, Low Cholesterol Diets, 1952
13 35 US News and World Report - [National Heart Institute Report], 1959 Feb 27
13 36 US News and World Report - Who Runs America?, 1981 May 18
13 37 Wade, Nicholas - Send Not to Know for Whom the Nobel Tolls: It's Not for Thee, 1978 Oct
13 38 Ward, Sinclair - Disease of the Month Clubs' Clamour for Dues, 1980 Mar 20
13 39 Watkins, Robert - Drs. Stone, Edwards Exit Amid Continuing Discontent at NIH, 1975 Feb 1
13 40 Wile, Udo J. and Werner Duemling - Familial Xanthoma, 1930
13 41 Wile, Udo J., et al. - Lipid Studies in Xanthoma, 1929
13 42 Wood, Margaret Gray, et al. - Histochemical Study of a Case of Lipoid Proteinosis, 1955
13 43 Zietschrift für die Gesamte Experimentelle Medizin, 1925
13 44 Zietschrift für Kinderhelkunde, 1924

Return to the Table of Contents


Series IV: Recombinant DNA Materials, 1947-2001 (bulk 1974-1989)

The Recombinant DNA Materials Series contains files compiled by Fredrickson in preparation for his book, The Recombinant DNA Controversy: A Memoir. The monograph reveals his involvement as director of NIH specifically during debates in the U.S. Congress, and among scientists, concerning rDNA experiments and the establishment of NIH guidelines on the use of rDNA molecules. The book itself is included in the Publication sub-series of Series III: Writings. The series is divided into 16 sub-series. Materials in each sub-series include reprints, correspondence, memos, notes, newspaper articles, etc. These materials tend not to be original documents, but rather photocopies of the originals, along with additional comments by Fredrickson, which he created on his computer and printed out. The digital files are no longer available, but Fredrickson preserved their original arrangement in his paper filing system, noting the titles of the original hard drive directory and sub-directory on each item. Most folders include a brief summary of their contents.
The materials in the folders remain in their original order. In order to preserve the original organization of these materials, sub-series titles were duplicated from the top-level file naming structure found on his computer. Fredrickson discusses his file arrangement system for this series on his computer in the beginning of an interview on audiotape entitled "Fredrickson on the Recombinant DNA Controversy," in the Audio Materials sub-series of Series XI: Audio-Visual Materials. This tape also provides a personal account of the events surrounding the rDNA controversy.
Fredrickson's sub-divisions tend to be chronological. Whenever possible, his original abbreviations have been expanded to their full terms. When years are used as sub-series titles, they refer to the dates of the events discussed in the materials, not the actual dates of the documents. The sub-series are arranged with the Index sub-series first, followed by the year-titled sub-series (which includes the Asilomar sub-series in the original arrangement), and then the subject-titled sub-series in alphabetical order. Reprints of others' publications from Fredrickson's rDNA research and activities are the last sub-series. Folders within each sub-series are arranged alphabetically by title with three minor exceptions where "index," "contents," and "chronology" appear first.
The General sub-series consists of two divisions identified as AAGENL and DNAGENL, which stand for "general." Any unlabeled folders were also placed in the General sub-series. These files include general information on rDNA, files on key players in the rDNA controversy, event chronologies, and Fredrickson's notes and annotations.
The Asilomar sub-series consists of information concerning the Asilomar conference on the dangers of genetically reengineered microorganisms. The meeting was organized by future Nobel laureate Paul Berg and held in February 1975 at Pacific Grove, California. The conference voluntarily endorsed what would become the seminal moratorium on rDNA experiments with E. coli bacteria and certain other organisms. It was the first time that scientists in any discipline had voluntarily adopted a moratorium on experiments in a new field of research. The principles formulated at Asilomar served as the basis for the development of the detailed technical guidelines on containment facilities and safety procedures in rDNA research of the NIH Guidelines. Materials in this sub-series served as research materials for Chapter 1 of The Recombinant DNA Controversy.
Box Folder
Index, 1989
14 1 Index of ASKSAM Document Entries, 1989
14 2 [Index for 1975-1979], [1989?]
General, 1974-2001
14 3 Contents - Files on DNA (PC) Diskettes, [n.d.]
14 4 Chronology, 1988 Sep 21
14 5 ABC, 1977-1995
14 6 Author's Notes, 1997-1999
14 7 Book, 1990-1991
14 8 Cloning Man, Early Refs, 1978-2001
14 9 Contentious Views, 1974-1996
14 10 DSF Notes, 1981-1988
14 11 DSF Notes, 1989
14 12 DNAGENL, 1977-1980
14 13 DNA Extra Sources, 1979-1996
14 14 DNA Michigan Meeting, 1976
14 15 DNA Press Notes, 1978-1980
14 16 EIA (Environmental Impact Statement), 1978
14 17 Environmental Impact Statement, 1977-1978
14 18 Executive RAC, 1977
14 19 Federal Register, 2000
14 20 Gene Therapy, 1980-1999
14 21 [Genetic Engineering Play], [n.d.]
14 22 Hans Stetten Papers, 1978-1985
14 23 IBC [International Biosafety Committees], 1981-1998
14 24-25 Industry, 1976-1980
14 26 Insurance, 1977
14 27-28 Interagency Interactions, 1977-1980
14 29 Interagency Subcommittees (Meetings), 1977
14 30 Kitchen RAC, 1978
15 1 Legislation Summary, 1977-1989
15 2 Libassi Committee, 1978
15 3 Litigation, 1977-1979
15 4 [Loose Notes], [n.d.]
15 5 MIT DNA Collection Finding Aid, 1988
15 6 [Ou, Jonathan and Anderson, Thomas], 1978
15 7-9 Patent, 1977-1981
15 10 Politics, 1993-1994
15 11 Pyoloma and Mack Suit, 1978
15 12 Quotes, 1978
15 13 RAC Documents, 1979-1989
15 14 [RAC Members], 1978-1999
15 15 RAC Minutes, 1988 Oct 3
15 16 Recombinant Odyssey, 1976-1977
15 17 Recombinant Odyssey, 1977-1990
15 18 Recombinant Odyssey - Denmark, 1990
15 19 Recombinant Odyssey - Finland, 1990
15 20 Recombinant Odyssey - UK2, 1990
15 21 Retrospectives, 1999-2000
15 22 Risk Assessment, 1977-1979
15 23 Section 361, 1978-1988
15 24 Stem Cell Research, 2001
15 25 Wright, [Susan], 1976-2001
[Events of the] 1960s, 1947-1989
15 26 Asilomar, 1973
15 27 Curtiss, [Roy], 1974
15 28 Molecular Biology, 1947-1989
15 29 NIH, 1974
Asilomar, 1966-1995
15 30 Appendix, 1975
15 31 Berg, P., 1966-1976
15 32 Final Manuscript, 1990-1991
15 33 Interviews, 1972-1990
16 1-3 Interviews (cont'd.), 1972-1990
16 4 Meeting Tapes, 1975-1989
16 5 MIT Archives Documents, 1972-1975
16 6 National Academy of Science Archives Documents, 1973-1989
16 7 NIH Central File, 1974-1975
16 8 Participant List, 1975
16 9 Pre-Asilomar, 1973-1974
16 10 References, 1970-1975
16 11-13 References - Books, 1977-1990
[Events of] 1975, 1973-1996
16 14 Chapter 2 - RAC and Background Notes, 1974-1979
16 15 Correspondence, 1974-1995
16 16 Guideline Sets, 1976
16 17 News Editorials, 1975
16 18 News Editorials Summaries, 1975
16 19-20 RAC Minutes and Charter, 1974-1995
16 21 RAC Working References, 1975-1996
16 22 Stetten, DeWitt, 1973-1995
[Events of] 1976, 1975-1989
16 23 ADHEW, 1976-1989
16 24 Cambridge, 1976-1977
16 25 Correspondence, 1976
16 26 Critique of NIH, 1976
16 27 DAC February, 1976
17 1 Draft, Environmental Impact Statement, 1976
17 2 FACA Notes, 1975-1997
17 3 First Public Review of NIH Guidelines, 1975-1976
17 4 Guidelines Versions Regulations, 1976-1989
17 5 Interagency Committee Birth, 1976-1977
17 6 Interagency Committee Meeting, 1976 Nov 4
17 7 Interagency Committee Meeting, 1976 Nov 23
17 8 Legislation, 1976
17 9 Memo from Ford, 1976 Sep 22
17 10 News Editorials, 1976
17 11-12 NIH Guidelines, 1976-1986
17 13 ORDA (Office of Recombinant DNA Activities), 1976
[Events of] 1977, 1976-1977
17 14 Administration Bill, 1977
17 15 Correspondence, 1977
17 16-17 DAC Meeting, 1977 Dec 15-16
17 18 Debate, 1977
17 19 DNA Bills, 1977
17 20 Falmouth, 1977
17 21 Final Environmental Impact Statement, 1976-1977
17 22 FOE Seeks Injunction, 1977
17 23 Forums, 1977
17 24 Green Diary, 1977
17 25 Guideline Revisions, 1977 Jan-Sep
17 26 Guideline Revisions after September 1977, 1977-1978
Interagency Committee Meetings
17 27 1977 Feb 25
17 28 1977 Mar 10-14
17 29 1977 Mar 29
18 1 1977 Apr 8
18 2 1977 May 6
18 3-15 Legislation, 1977
18 16 Legislation Summary, 1977
18 17 NAS Forum, 1977 Mar 7-199
18 18 News Editorials, 1977
18 19 Recombinant Reflections Diary, 1986
18 20 Senator Stevenson, [Adlai], 1977-1978
18 21 Special Meeting, 1977 Feb
18 22 State Legislation, 1977
19 1 State Legislation (cont'd.), 1977
19 2 US Guidelines Abroad, 1977
[Events of] 1978, 1977-1980
19 3 Ascot/Plant, 1978
19 4 Correspondence, 1978
19 5 DNA Bills, 1978
19 6 Executive rDNA Committee, 1978
19 7-8 Forming NeoRAC, 1977-1980
19 9-10 Green Diary, 1978
19 11 Green; Krimsky; UK, 1978
19 12 Guidelines Revisions, 1978 Jul 28
19 13-21 Legislation, 1978
19 22 Legislation Info, 1978
19 23 Libassi, Peter, 1976-1978
19 24 News Editorials, 1978
19 25 Post DAC II Revision, 1978
19 26 Risk Assessment, 1978
19 27 State Legislation, 1978
[Events of] 1979, 1979-1997
19 28 Assessing the Risks of rDNA Research, 1979
19 29 Correspondence, 1979
19 30 DNA Hisbytes, 1979-1997
19 31 Green Diary, 1979
19 32 Legislation, 1979
19 33 Neo-RAC, 1979
19 34 News Editorials, 1979
20a 1 RAC, 1979-1995
20a 2 Reprisal to Singer Editorial, 1979
20a 3 Shuster & Cantley, 1979-1994
20a 4 Singer, 1979
20a 5 State Legislation, 1979
[Events of the] 1980s, 1980-1989
20a 6 AAAS Symposium, 1981
20a 7 Correspondence, 1981-1987
20a 8 General, 1985-1987
20a 9 GD, 1980
20a 10 Judge Wright's Rulings (NIH), 1985
20a 11 Legislation, 1980-1985
20a 12 Letter to Members of RAC, 1981
20a 13 Litigation, 1984-1987
20a 14 News Editorials, 1974-1989
20a 15 RAC, 1981
20a 16 RAC Meeting, 1980 Jun 5-6
20a 17 Secretary Harris, 1980
[Events of the] 1990s, 1974-2000
20a 18 Advisory Committee on Genetic Manipulation, 1990-1994
20a 19 American Society of Microbiology, 1996
20a 20 Asilomar II Celebration, 1999-2000
20a 21 Biotechnology Science Coordinating Committee, 1989-1990
20b 1 Biotechnology Science Coordinating Committee (cont'd.), 1989-1990
20b 2 Cloning Man, 1997-1998
20b 3 Environmental Regulations (EASE), 1988-1990
20b 4 Gene Therapy, 1990
20b 5-6 Gene Therapy - Earlier References, 1982-1999
20b 7 Legislation, 1990
21 1 Mortis RAC, 1996-1998
21 2 Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), 1990
21 3 Post-book, 1999
21 4 Present Biotech, 1996-1998
21 5-6 RAC 1977 to 1990, 1974-1990
21 7 RAC 1990, 1989-1990
21 8 RAC, 1991
21 9 RAC/Biotech, 1993-1994
21 10 RAC General, 1979-1999
21 11-12 Recombinant Odyssey II/European Community, 1989-1990
21 13 Recombinant Odyssey II/France, 1990
21 14 Recombinant Odyssey II/FRG (Federal Republic of Germany), 1989-1990
21 15 Recombinant Odyssey II/Holland, 1990
21 16-17 Recombinant Odyssey II/UK, 1989-1992
21 18 State Regulations, 1991
Drafts, 1998-1999
21 19 Archive Summary of "Memoir", 2001 Jan 1
21 20 Synopsis, 1999
21 21 Preface, 1999
21 22 Chapter 1: Asilomar, 1989
21 23-27 Chapter 1-4, 1999
22 1-15 Chapter 4 (cont'd.)--Chapter15, 1998?
22 16 Outline of First Version, 1999
22 17 [Outlines and Overviews], [n.d.]
Guidelines, 1975-1986
22 18 1980s Revisions, 1986
22 19 Concern, 1975-1980
22 20 Definition, 1976-1978
22 21 Dissent, 1977-1980
22 22 Dissent/Laity, 1977
22 23 Dissent/Lay Public, 1978-1980
22 24 Dissent/Scientists I, 1977
22 25-27 Dissent/Scientists II, 1976-1979
22 28 General, 1981
22 29 Guideline Revision Retroactive, 1978-1994
23 1-2 Pro-rDNA, 1976-1980
23 3 Technical Bulletin, 1977-1985
International, 1974-1984
23 4 Canada, 1975-1977
23 5 CEC, 1978
23 6 COGENE, 1974-1984
23 7 EMBO, 1976-1977
23 8 EMBO, 1978-1980
23 9 EMRC, 1977-1978
23 10 ESF, 1976-1981
23 11 Germany, 1976-1979
23 12-13 GMAG, 1975-1979
23 14 Other (A-H), 1976-1977
23 15 Other (I-Z), 1976-1978
23 16 USSR, 1976-1977
24 1 WHO, 1976-1977
Violations, 1977-1981
24 2 Cline Affair, 1980-1981
24 3-7 Cline Case, 1980-1981
24 8 General, 1977-1978
24a 1 Guideline Violations, 1977-1978
24a 2 University of California San Francisco, 1977
Reprints, 1975-1998
24a 3 Addendum to Comments on NIH Proposed Revised Guidelines for rDNA Research, 1977 Sep 27
24a 4 An Agenda for a Study of Government Science Policy, 1985
24a 5 Asilomar: The End of the Beginning, 1990 Jan 30
24a 6 Asilomar: The End of the Beginning, 1990 Apr 9
24a 7 The Case for Continuation of the European Molecular Biology Conference and its General Purpose Executed by the European Molecular Biology Organization, 1978 Jun
24b vol. Biotechnology and the Law: Recombinant DNA and the Control of Scientific Research, 1978 Sep
24b vol. Departments of Labor and Health, Education, and Welfare Appropriations for 1980, 1979
24b vol. DNA Recombinant Molecule (Research Supplemental Report II), 1976
25 1 Environmental Impact Statement on NIH Guidelines Involving Recombinant DNA Molecules Part 1, 1977 Oct
25 2 Federal Register, 1979 Jan 15 - 1979 Jul 20
25 3 Federal Register, 1980 Jan 17 - 1982 Aug 27
25 4 Federal Register, 1983 Jan 10 - 1984 Nov 23
25 5 Federal Register, 1985 Mar 11 - 1989 Mar 13
25 6 Federal Register, 1998 Feb 17, 1999 Feb 17
25 7 Federal Research: The National Academy of Sciences and the Federal Advisory Committee Act, 1998 Nov
25 8 Field Testing Genetically Modified Organisms, 1989
25 9 First Report to COGENE from the Working Group on Risk Assessment, 1978 Jul
25 10 Health and Safety at Work, 1976
25 11 Human Gene Therapy: Scientific and Ethical Considerations, 1985
25 12 Human Gene Therapy, Volume 1 Number 1, 1990
25 13 In Defense of DNA, 1978 Aug
25 14 Industrial Applications of Recombinant DNA Techniques, 1980 May 20
25 15 International Symposium on Genetic Engineering, 1978 Mar 29-31
25 16 [Japanese Guidelines for rDNA Research], 1979
25 17 The New Human Genetics, 1984 Sep
25 18 NIH Guidelines for Research Involving Recombinant DNA Molecules, 1994 Jun
25 19 NIH Guidelines for Research Involving Recombinant DNA Molecules, 1995 Apr
25 20 NIH Guidelines - Recombinant DNA Research, 1976 Jul 7
25 21 NIH Guidelines - Recombinant DNA Research - Proposed Revised Guidelines, 1978 Jul 28
25 22 NIH Guidelines - Recombinant DNA Research - Revised Guidelines, 1978 Dec 22
25 23 NIH Review of Intramural Research, 1961
25 24 The Patenting of Recombinant DNA Research Inventions Developed Under DHEW Support, 1977 Nov
25 25 Poorly-developed legislation to ban human cloning could inhibit life-saving research, says industry representatives, 1998 Jul 17
25 26 Recombinant DNA Regulation Act Hearing, 1977 Apr 6
25 27 Recombinant DNA Research Vol. 1, 1976 Aug
25 28 Recombinant DNA Research Vol. 1 [Fredrickson annotated], 1976 Aug
25 29 Recombinant DNA Research Vol. 2, 1978 Mar
26 1-8 Recombinant DNA Research Vol. 2 - Vol. 7 [Fredrickson annotated], 1978
27 1 Recombinant DNA Research Vol. 9 [Fredrickson annotated], 1986 Mar
27 2 Recombinant DNA Research Act of 1977, 1977 Mar
27 3 Recombinant DNA Research Act of 1978, 1978 Apr 11
27 4 Recombinant DNA Research and its Applications, 1978 Aug
27 5 Recombinant DNA Safety Considerations, 1986
27 6 Recombinant DNA Technical Bulletin, 1977
27 7 The Regulation of Modern Biotechnology: A Historical and European Perspective, 1995
27 7a Regulation of Recombinant DNA Research, 1977 Nov
27 8 The Release of Genetically Engineered Organisms to the Environment, 1989 Jul
27 9 Report of the Committee in Charge of the Control on Genetic Manipulation, 1977 Mar
27 10 Report to COGENE from the Working Group on rDNA Guidelines, 1980 May
27 11 Research with Recombinant DNA, 1977
27 12 Restriction of Research with Recombinant DNA, 1978 Sep
27 13 Risk Assessment of rDNA Experimentation with Escherichia Coli K12, 1977 Jun 20-21
27 14 Role of Institutional Biosafety Committees, 1987 Dec
27 15 Safety Considerations for Biotechnology, 1992
27 16 SAGENE 1979 Revised Guidelines, 1979 Jul
27 17 Science Policy Implications of DNA Recombinant Molecule Research, 1977 Mar - Sep
27 18 Science Policy Implications of DNA Recombinant Molecule Research, 1978 Mar
27 19 Selective Control of DNA Helix Openings During Gene Regulation, 1976 Feb
27 20 The Social Contract for Science: Congress, the National Institutes of Health, and the Boundary between Politics and Science, 1993 Jun
27 21 Values and the Advance of Medical Science, [ca. 1990]

Return to the Table of Contents


Series V: Director, National Institutes of Health, 1962-2001 (bulk 1974-1981)

The files of the Director, National Institutes of Health Series contain materials related to Fredrickson's tenure as the director of NIH. The series consists of four sub-series covering: office files; the Advisory Committee to the Director; NIH budget authorization; and the Secretary of Health and Human Services. Fredrickson divided his files into topical categories at a later date, possibly to prepare them for inclusion on the Profiles in Science website. Materials in this series include memos, correspondence, notes, meeting minutes, reports, etc.
These files are not a complete record of the Office of the Director, NIH. They are instead a selection of materials concerning different aspects of Fredrickson's term as Director. Researchers interested in Fredrickson's involvement with rDNA as NIH Director should consult Series IV: Recombinant DNA Materials.
The files in the Authorization sub-series relate to the Health Research Act of 1980, an attempt by the U.S. Congress to remove Section 301 of the Public Service Act of 1944 for conduct and support of medical research. Section 301 allows for NIH's extramural program of grants and training. Fredrickson and his allies fought against Congress over changes to Section 301, and prevented its passage. Fredrickson claimed the struggle was "the bitterest I experienced in my career" (Quoted from the "Summary" folder, Authorization sub-series, Box 30, Folder 9).
Most folders have a brief summary of their contents written by Fredrickson in 1988. The materials in the folders remain in their original order, and the folders themselves are organized according to Fredrickson's computer's hard drive filing structure. The folder titles in this sub-series were modified from Fredrickson's hard drive titles, and the original titles are noted on the folders. Materials include reprints, correspondence, memos, notes, newspaper articles, etc. These materials tend not to be original documents, but rather photocopies of the originals, with additional comments by Fredrickson.
Box Folder
Office Files, 1974-1989
28 1 Appointment, 1974-1980
28 2 [Nomination], 1975
28 3 Henkin, Robert I., 1975
28 4 Guest Book Signatures, 1975-1981
28 box Daily Agenda of Appointments, 1975-1981
28 5 Events, 1975-1989
28 6 SEC, 1977-1980
28 7 Responsibilities of NIH, 1977-1979
28 8 National Toxicology Program, 1978
28 9 "Science Deputy" Position, 1978
28 10 NTOXP/GDI, 1978 Mar 5
28 11-12 [Radiation], 1978-1979
28 13 Three Mile Island, 1978-1979
29 1 Three Mile Island (cont'd.), 1978-1979
29 2 Stabilization Institute, 1978-1990
29 3 Federal Committees on Three Mile Island, 1979
29 4 Ethics, 1979
29 5 1982 OMB Briefing Book, 1980
29 6 Consensus Development Conference Summaries, 1980
29 6a Disbarment Regulations, 1980
29 7-8 1983 Institutes' Preliminary Budgets to NIH, 1981
29 9 Research Plan, 1981
29 10 An Assessment of the Office of Health and Environmental Research, 1981
29 11 1982 House/Senate Briefing Book, 1981
29 12 Small Business Set-Aside Bills, 1981
29 13 Research Manpower, 1981
29 14 Indirect Costs of Health Care, 1981
29 15 1983 PHS Appeals, 1981 Jun 10
29 16 [Resignation], 1981
29 17 Resignation, 1981
29 18 Bulloch et al. vs. USA, Salt Lake Radiation Suit, 1982
29 19 Transcript of the Meeting of Subcommittee 3 (The Forum), 1982 Jan 29
29 20 Congressional Relations, 1988
29 21 [Hans Stetten's Resignation], [n.d.]
29 22 Testimony, [n.d.]
Advisory Committee to the Director, 1980-1981
30 1-2 41st Meeting, DAC, 1980 Oct 20-21
30 3-4 42nd Meeting, DAC, 1981 Mar 16-17
30 5-6 43rd Meeting, DAC, 1981 Jun 8-9
30 7 DAC Working Groups on Costs of Biomedical Research and Cooperative Research Relationships with Industry, 1981 Jun 9
30 8 3rd Meeting, DAC Working Group on Cooperative Research Relationships with Industry, 1981 Jul 30-31
Authorization, 1962-2001
30 9 Summary, 1980-2001
30 10 ABC, 1978-1991
30 11 DSF Notes, 1962-1988
30 12 Bulwinkle, Alfred Lee, 1950-1971
30 13 Kennedy, Edward M., 1977
30 14 Legislative History of NIH, 1930-1950
30 15 Public Health Service Act History, 1943-1944
30 16 Evolution of Public Health Service Act, 1944-1988
30 17 Public Health Service Act 1940s, 1946-1948
30 18 Public Health Service Act 1950s, 1950-1957
30 19 Public Health Service Act 1960s, 1960-1969
30 20-21 Public Health Service Act 1970s, 1971-1978
30 22 Public Health Service Act 1980s, 1980-1985
30 23 Green Diary 3 Entries, 1980 Feb-May
30 24 Green Diary 5 Entries, 1980 May-Oct
30 25 Green Diary 7 Entries, 1980 Oct-Dec
30 26 Bills - Summary, 1979-1988
31 1 Bills - Health Research Act of 1980, 1980
31 2 Bills - H.R. 6902, 1980 Mar 24
31 3 Bills - H.R. 7036, 1980 Apr 20
31 4 Bills - H.R. 7036, as marked-up 5/11, 1980 May 1
31 5 Bills - S. 988, 1979 Apr 23
31 6 Bills - Zimmerman Bill, 1980-1988
31 7 Bills - Critiques, 1980-1988
31 8 Legislation Hearings, 1980-1988
31 9 Lobbyists, 1980-1988
31 10 Bill Mark-ups, 1980-1988
31 11 Administration Position, 1980-1988
31 12 Outcome of Legislation, 1980-1988
31 13 [Loose Files], 1982-1996
31 14 NIH Authorization Act, S. 2889, 1988 Jan 25
31 15 NIH Revitalization Act of 1993, 1993
Secretary of Health and Human Services, 1976-1995
31 17 Califano - Advent, 1976-1978
31 18 Califano - Congress, 1978
31 19 Califano - Exit, 1979-1995
31 20 Harris - Advent, 1979
31 21 Harris - Exit, 1980-1981
31 22 Acting Secretary, 1981
31 23 Actions as Acting Secretary, 1981
31 24 Schweiker - Advent, 1981
31 16 General, 1988

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Series VI: Reports and Committees, 1970-1991

The Reports and Committees Series includes reports, notes, and correspondence relating to Fredrickson's work on various committees throughout his career. The series is divided into five sub-series according to the committee. Reprints have not been removed from this Series as they directly relate to the committee reports and meetings. Fredrickson himself separated these committees from his "professional activities" grouping in his original arrangement. It is assumed that he felt these committees were important enough to his career that they warrant their own series. The sub-series are arranged chronologically.
The Interagency Task Force on Ionizing Radiation and the Committee on Federal Research into the Biological Effects of Ionizing Radiation (FREIR) sub-series includes reports of the committees, research compilations, and transcripts of Congressional hearings related to the committee's work.
On March 28, 1979, the threat of a breakdown at the nuclear reactor at Three Mile Island, Pennsylvania initiated a number of committees and other responsibilities involving the director of NIH. Fredrickson, as NIH Director, served as the Chairman of FREIR, which was chartered on June 18, 1979. The Interagency Task Force on Ionizing Radiation had released two reports on the subject, one in February followed by a second in April 1979.
The White House Science Council, Federal Laboratory Review Panel sub-series includes pamphlets and articles, research reprints, supporting documentation, correspondence, notes on site visits, draft reports, itineraries, etc. relating to Fredrickson's work as a member of the Federal Laboratory Review Panel of the White House Science Council. The Panel's mission was to inspect federal research laboratories, and offer recommendations on how efficiency could be improved. The Panel visited a number of laboratories, and there is extensive material on the facilities at Argonne, Los Alamos, and Oak Ridge, as well as the Naval Research Laboratory. The Office of Science and Technology Policy, Executive Office of the President (OSTP), and the Energy Research Advisory Board, Department of Energy (ERAB) all assisted the Panel.
Box Folder
National Heart and Lung Institute Panel on Hyperlipidemia and Premature Atherosclerosis, 1970
31 25 NHI-RC Formation, 1970 Report, 1970 Jun 12-13
Task Force on Genetic Factors in Atherosclerotic Disease, National Heart and Lung Institute, 1974-1975
31 26 Report from the National Heart and Lung Institute, 1974-1975
Interagency Task Force on Ionizing Radiation and the Committee on Federal Research into the Biological Effects of Ionizing Radiation, 1978-1981
31 28 Effect of Radiation on Human Health, Vol. 2, 1978 Jul 11-14
31 29 Effects of Nuclear Weapons Testing on Health, Vol. 1, 1979
32 1-2 Effects of Nuclear Weapons Testing on Health, Vol. 2-3, 1979
32 3 Low-Level Radiation Effects on Health, 1979, Apr 23, May 24, Aug 1
32 4 Public Comments on the Work Group Reports, 1979 Jun
32 5 Report of the Work Group on Care and Benefits, 1979 Jun
32 6 Report of the Work Group on Exposure Reduction, 1979 Jun
32 7 Report of the Work Group on Institutional Arrangements, 1979 Jun
32 8 Report of the Work Group on Public Information, 1979 Jun
32 9 Report of the Work Group on Records and Privacy, 1979 Jun
32 10 Report of the Work Group on Science, 1979 Jun
32 11 Biological Effects of Ionizing Radiation, 1979 Aug
32 12 Biological Effects of Ionizing Radiation, Appendix I, Vol. 1, 1979 Aug
32 13 Biological Effects of Ionizing Radiation, Appendix I, Vol. 2, 1979 Aug
32 14 Biological Effects of Ionizing Radiation, Appendices II and III, 1979 Aug
32 15 Follow-up Studies on Biological and Health Effects Resulting from the Three Mile Island Nuclear Power Plant Accident, 1979 Aug
32 16 Report of the President's Commission on the Accident at Three Mile Island, 1979 Oct
32 17 Report on a Proposal to Create a Tri-state Commission to Study Possible Health Effects of Radiation from Nuclear Weapons Testing, 1979 Nov
32 18 To Address a Proposed Federal Radiation Research Agenda, Vol. 1, 1980 Mar 10-11
33 1 To Address a Proposed Federal Radiation Research Agenda, Vol. 2, 1980 Mar 10-11
33 2-3 Research on the Health Effects of Radiation, Vol. 1, Part A-B, 1980 Sep
33 4 Consideration of Three Proposals to Conduct Research on Possible Health Effects of Radiation from Nuclear Weapons Testing in Arizona, Nevada, and Utah and Nuclear Weapon Testing and Studies Related to Health Effects: A Historical Summary, 1980 Oct
33 5 Problems in Assessing the Cancer Risks of Low-Level Ionizing Radiation Exposure, Vol. 2, 1981 Jan
33 6 Federal Strategy for Research into the Biological Effects of Ionizing Radiation, 1981 Jun
33 7 The FREIR Report, 1981
31 27 Radiation-Related Documents, [ca. 1990s]
White House Science Council, Federal Laboratory Review Panel, 1980-1984
33 8-10 Federal Labs Panel, 1981-1982
33 11 FLP General, 1982
34 1 FLP General (cont'd.), 1982
34 2 Draft Report, 1982
34 3 Progress Report on Implementing the Recommendations of the WSHC's Federal Laboratory Review Panel, 1984 Jul
34 4 Argonne, 1981-1982
34 5 Argonne National Laboratory Institutional Plan FY1982-FY1987, 1981 Nov
34 6 Beltsville Agricultural Research Center, 1982
34 7 Brookhaven Lab, 1982
34 8-9 DOD Laboratories, 1981-1982
34 10-11 Department of Energy Site Visits Material, 1981-1983
34 12 Hanford, 1982
34 13 Inhalation Toxicology Research Institute, 1982
34 14 Jet Propulsion Laboratories, 1982
34 15-16 Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, 1981-1982
35 1-5 Los Alamos, 1980-1982
35 5 National Bureau of Standards, 1982
35 6 The National Laboratories: Their Evolution, 1987 May 2
35 7-9 Naval Research Laboratory, 1981-1982
35 10-12 Oak Ridge, 1982
35 13 OSTP, 1982-1988
35 14 Sandia, 1982
Evaluation of the Fourth Medical and Health Research Programme, 1987-1991
35 15-16 Comité Consultif National D'Ethique, 1984-1991
36 1 Official Journal of the European Communities, 1987-1990
36 2-5 Annex 1-4, 1987-1991
36 6 Objectives and Scientific Content, 1987-1991
36 7 MHR4 Research Targets, Outlines #18-25, 1987-1991
36 8 MHR4 Target Data, 1988
36 9-10 MHR4 Evaluation, 1988-1991
36 11 Questionnaire, 1989-1990
36 12 EC Supplementary, 1990
36 13 Europe Report, 1990
36 14 Laredo and Akehurst, 1990
36 15 Maynard, Alan, 1990
36 16 Sample Contracts, 1990
36 17 Proposal to Consult for the European Community, 1990 Feb 7
36 18 EC Visit March 21/23, 1990 Mar
36 19 Bibliometric Study for the Evaluation of the European Communities' Programme on Medical and Health Research, 1990 May
36 20 EC - Brussels, 1990 May 7
36 21 EC/AKM, 1990 May 7-11
36 22 Evaluation of the Fourth Medical and Health Research Programme, 1987-1991, 1990 Jul
36 23 Dresden, 1997
36 24 Biometric Study, [n.d.]

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Series VII: Travel, 1961-1997

The Travel Series contains materials related to Fredrickson's travels both in an official capacity for the National Institutes of Health, and on his own as a lecturer, speaker, or consultant. Most of the trips were to attend conferences or give lectures, while a few were to collect awards. Fredrickson provided summaries of many of the longer trips. A majority of the papers consist of correspondence between Fredrickson and his hosts, usually to discuss travel arrangements or lecture topics. Other items include lecture notes, program books, and a few newspaper clippings.
Noteworthy trips include: the U.S.S.R. (1963 and 1973); New Zealand, Thailand, Nepal, and India (1971); and China (1978). There are travel journals from the 1963 U.S.S.R. and 1978 China trips.
Box Folder
36 25 Calendar, Date Sorted, 1961-1997
36 26-28 Russia, 1963 Sep 21 - Oct 16, 1963-1984
36 29 Russia, 1963 Sep 21 - Oct 16, Diary, 1963
36 30 Russia, 1963 Sep 21 - Oct 16, Memorabilia, 1963
36 31 Europe, 1965 Apr 28 - May 2, 1964-1965
36 32 Switzerland, 1964 Jun, 1964 Jun
36 33 Milan, 1965 Sep 13-15, 1964-1965
36 34 England, 1966 Mar 17-19, 1966
36 35 Athens, 1966 May 30 - Jun 3, 1966
36 36 Beirut and Israel, 1967 May 11-14, 1967
36 37 Portugal, 1967 Jul 12-15, 1967
36 38 Montreal, 1967 Aug 31 - Sep 1, 1966-1967
36 39 Como, Italy, 1967 Oct 11-14, 1967
36 40 London, 1967 Dec 7-10, 1967
37 1-2 1968 Travels, 1968
37 3 1969 Travels, 1969
37 4 1970 Travels, 1969-1970
37 5 1971 Travels, 1971 Feb - Aug
37 6 New Zealand, 1971 Sep 10 - Oct 9 and Thailand, Nepal, and India, 1971 Oct, Journal, 1971 Sep 10 - Oct 18
37 7-9 New Zealand, 1971 Sep 10 - Oct 9 and Thailand, Nepal, and India, 1971 Oct, 1971 Aug - Nov
37 10 1972 Travel, 1972 Mar - Sep
37 11 China, 1972 Oct 13-14, 1972 Oct
37 12-13 Russian Exchange, 1972-1973
37 14 USSR, 1973 Mar 18-25, 1973
37 15 USSR-US Joint Committee Meeting, 1973 Mar
37 16 Report of USSR Trip, 1973
37 17-18 1974 Travel, 1974 Jan - Mar
China [Science and Technology sharing], 1978 July
37 19 China 1978, remembrances, 1998
37 20-21 Briefing materials
37 22 Banquet
37 23 Journal
38 1 Medical information exchange
38 2 U.S. delegation and Chinese participants [list]
38 3 Visit to counterpart institutions--Fu Wai Hospital, Inst. Materia Medica
38 4 Medicine/biomedical research discussion
38 5 Summary of conversation with counterpart group
38 6 Politburo of the Chinese Communist Party
38 7 Peking general information/background
38 8 Thank-You Notes, 1978 Aug - Sep
38 9 U.S. Delegation to the People's Republic of China Photos [2], 1978
38 10 Reference Notes, 1977 Sep - 1978 Jul
38 11 1978-1979 Travel, 1978 May - 1980 May
38 12-14 1980 Travel, 1979-1980
38 15-17 1981 Travel, 1981
38 18 IRRC Meeting, 1981 Aug 6
38 19 Meeting with Hanna Gray, 1981 Sep 17
38 20 COGENE Symposium, Rome, 1981 Sep 20-23
38 21 Burke Zimmerman's Class, 1981 Sep 23
38 22 Groundbreaking, University of Michigan, 1981 Oct 15
38 23 IOM Presentation: NIH: Autumn or Spring?, 1981 Oct 19
38 24 Columbia University, 1981 Oct 20
38 25 Genentech, San Francisco, 1981 Oct 22
38 26 Dedication of ACRF Building, Bethesda, MD, 1981 Oct 22
38 27 President's Budget Conference, 1981 Oct 26-27
38 28 Foundation Cardiologique, Brussels, 1981 Oct 28
38 29 NAE Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, 1981 Nov 4-5
38 30 Honorary Degree, Albert Einstein College of Yeshiva University, New York City, 1981 Nov 8
38 31 Smithsonian Symposium, Washington, DC, 1981 Nov 9
38 32 University of California, Santa Barbara, 1981 Nov 11-13
38 33 Ad Hoc Seminar, Century Association, New York, 1981 Nov 19
38 34 GURSS Forum, 1981 Nov 20
38 35 NAS/NRC Organization Review, 1981 Nov 30
38 36 Research Seminar in Health Policy, Harvard University, 1981 Dec 2
38 37 Sarah Poiley Award, New York Academy of Science, 1981 Dec 3
38 38 AAAS Public Lecture - Science and the Culture Warp, 1982 Jan 7
38 39 Providence, RI, 1982 Feb 1
38 40 John Gardner, 1982 Feb 3
38 41 Ad Hoc Committee on Agricultural Science, 1982 Feb 11
38 42 University of Georgia, 1982 Feb 12
38 43 External Advisory Committee, Dallas, TX, 1982 Feb 16-18
38 44 COSEPUP Meeting, GURSS Presentation, 1982 Feb 22
38 45 DOD Forum Meeting, 1982 Feb 24
38 46 Baylor University, Houston, 1982 Mar 3
38 47 University of Texas Science Center, Houston - Visiting Committee, 1982 Mar 4-5
38 48 Duke University Round Table Meeting on Science, Durham, NC, 1982 Mar 17-18
38 49 Potter Lecture, Philadelphia, PA, 1982 Apr 7
38 50 Fox Chase Cancer Center, Philadelphia, PA, 1982 Apr 8
38 51 New York University, 1982 Apr 14-15
38 52 Mt. Sinai, New York City, 1982 Apr 14
38 53 Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, New York City, 1982 Apr 15
38 54 Wiesbaden, West Germany, 1982 Apr 17-21
38 55 Lilly Lecture, London, England, 1982 Apr 25-30
39 1 NAS Annual Meeting, 1982 Apr 25-28
39 2 Association of American Physicians, Shoreham-DC, 1982 May 7-10
39 3 Thorn Lecture, Harvard University, 1982 May 21
39 4 Rockefeller Archive Center - Invitation, 1982 May 25-27
39 5 University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey - Honorary Degree, 1982 May 26
39 6 Cornell University Medical School Commencement, 1982 May 26
39 7 Keenan Convention, Chapel Hill, NC, 1982 Jun 2-5
39 8 OSTP Meeting / Agricultural Research, Morrilton, AR, 1982 Jun 14-15
39 9 Federal Executive Institute Meeting, Fort McNair, 1982 Jun 29
39 10 National Science Board, 1982 Jul 9-10
39 11 Universal Foods Executive Seminar, Milwaukee, WI, 1982 Jul 12
39 12 Penn State Board of Trustees, 1982 Jul 19
39 13 Cornell Medical College Medical Advisory Committee, 1982 Jul 28
39 14 Whitehead / HHMI / MIT, Boston, MA, 1982 Aug 25
39 15 Society of Research Administrators, Atlanta, GA, 1982 Sep 13
39 16 MIT, Boston, MA, 1982 Oct 14
39 17 DOD / University Forum Meeting, 1982 Oct 26
39 18 NAS Consortium Foundation, Washington, DC, 1982 Oct 27
39 19 University of Michigan Clinical Center Anniversary Celebration, 1982 Oct 29
39 20 University of Alabama Advisory Committee, Birmingham, AL, 1982 Nov 9-11
39 21 NIEHS Dedication, Chapel Hill, NC, 1982 Nov 15
39 22 Whitehead Institute, Boston, MA, 1982 Nov 19
39 23 Scripps Clinic Scientific Review Committee, La Jolla, CA, 1983 Jan 10-12
39 24 Ad Hoc Coalition on Medical Research, 1983 Jan 13
39 25 American College of Cardiology, New Orleans, LA, 1983 Mar 23
39 26 Cardiovascular Research Institute, San Francisco, CA, 1983 Oct 19
39 27 Nobel Festival, Stockholm, 1985 Dec
39 28 Nobel Festival, Stockholm - [Newspapers], 1985 Dec
39 29 Nobel Festival, Stockholm - [Memorabilia], 1985 Dec
39 30 Les Droits de L'Homme - NAS - University of Virginia, 1989 Oct 27
39 31 European Community, 1990 Mar - Jun
39 32 Columbia University, 1994
39 33 XIth International Symposium on Atherosclerosis, Paris, 1997

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Series VIII: Professional Activities, 1958-2000

The files of the Professional Activities Series relate to Fredrickson's activities before and after his tenure as NIH Director. The series is divided into eight sub-series including: the National Heart Institute; the Institute of Medicine; Fredrickson's involvement as medical advisor to King Hassan II of Morocco; the Howard Hughes Medical Institute; the Advisory Committee on NIH; the Foundation for Biomedical Research; his research for his 1993 paper "Biomedical Science and the Culture Warp;" and his study of clinical research.
Fredrickson began his career at the National Heart Institute (NHI) (later known both as the National Heart and Lung Institute and the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute) in 1953 as a clinical associate, eventually rising to the ranks of Director of the institute in 1966, and Director of Intramural Research of NHI in 1969.
The files of the National Heart Institute sub-series relate to Fredrickson's early scientific work at NIH, and include memos, notes, correspondence, and newspaper clippings. The main topics are Fredrickson's research into the typing of abnormalities in blood lipoproteins and Tangier Disease. There is very little primary source material (e.g. lab notebooks) for Fredrickson's research career at NHI. Also included are materials related to Fredrickson's involvement as Director of NHI with the Cardiac Transplantation Meeting held on December 28, 1967 in response to Dr. Christiaan Barnard's groundbreaking attempt to transplant a human heart.
The Morocco sub-series consists of materials relating to Fredrickson's activities as medical advisor to King Hassan II beginning in 1975 and his election to the Moroccan Academy of Sciences in 1991. Researchers interested in this aspect of Fredrickson's career should also consult the Diaries sub-series of Series I: Personal and Biographical.
In 1983, Fredrickson became first vice president, then president, CEO and trustee of HHMI. Fredrickson oversaw the sale of the Institute's sole asset, the Hughes Aircraft Company, for six billion dollars, as well as the Institute's subsequent expansion into the largest source of philanthropic support for biomedical research in the United States, dispensing research grants and supporting laboratories in hospitals, educational institutions, and research organizations. Moreover, Fredrickson organized the relocation of the Institute from Coconut Grove, Florida, to Chevy Chase, Maryland.
Box Folder
National Heart Institute, 1958-1974
39 34 Cardiac Transplantation Conference, 1958-1969
39 35 Clinical Director, 1966
39 36-37 Typing, 1966-1974
39 38 Tangier Lab Photos, ca. 1960s
39 39 Tangier Correspondence, 1967-1975
39 40 Tangier Reprints, 1968-1975
39 41 Lipid Disorders and Decisions Regarding Therapy, 1970
39 42 Tangier Disease, after 40 years, 1970-1999
39 43 Population Survey, 1970 Nov
39 44 HPL, 1976-1980
39 45 Tangier Disease, 1986 Nov 5
President, Institute of Medicine, 1971-1997
39 46 [Memoirs], 1971-1990
39 47 Extraordinary Meeting of Council, 1973 Dec 19
39 48 [Acceptance], 1973-1974
39 49 [Reminiscences], 1974-1997
39 50 Presidency Notes, 1997
Moroccan Activities, 1980-1994
39 51 Academy of Sciences, 1980-1986
39 52 Morocco Diary, 1990 Aug 23
39 53 Rabat, 1994 Nov 28
President and CEO, Howard Hughes Medical Institute, 1977-1999
39 54 Unscanned [Materials from Profiles in Science], 1977-1987
39 55 HHMI Diary Logs, 1981-1999
39 56 Cloister, 1984
39 57 HHMI Reprise, 1986-1989
39 58 HH Diary, 1986-1998
39 59 Testimony Before Science Policy Task Force, 1986 Apr 23
39 60 Congressional Testimony, Congressman Pepper, 1987 Mar 6
40 1 HHMI Papers, 1988-1999
NIH Advisory Committee, 1988-1996
40 2 Becker Affair, 1988
40 3 Intramural Clinical Program Retreat, 1989
40 4 NIH Director Searches, 1989-1990
40 5 Meeting, 1990 Jan 29
40 6 Briefing Materials, 1990 Feb 26
40 7 Meeting Minutes, 1990 Apr 25
40 8-9 Healy Period, 1990-1993
40 10 NIH Revitalization Act of 1993, 1992-1993
40 11 Varmus, Harold, 1993-1999
40 12 FY 1997 Appropriation Struggle, 1995-1996
Foundation for Biomedical Research, 1990
40 13 FBR, 1990
40 14 Memorandum, 1990
40 15 Board of Directors Annual Meeting, 1990 Oct 22
40 16 Research, Animals, and Man, [1990?]
Culture Warp, 1988-1998
40 17 Story of the NIH Grants, 1988
40 18 Analysis of NIH Intramural Program, 1988-1995
40 19 A Healthy NIH Intramural Program, 1988
40 20 Intramural Research Program Final Draft, 1994
40 21 Implementation and Progress, 1994
40 22 Crisis in Explanations, 1997
40 23 Warp To Do, 1994-1995
40 24 Decline, 1994-1995
40 25 News, 1994-1998
Clinical Research Study, 1976-2000
40 26 Careers in Clinical Research, 1993
40 27 CLNRES.ASK, 1993
40 28 Clinical Center History, 1976-1999
41 1 Consensus, 1989
41 2 DRG - 50 Years of Peer Review, 1996
41 3 Institute of Medicine Notes, 1984-1993
41 4-6 [Loose Reprints], 1989-2000
41 7 NIH Clinical Center, 1993-1998
41 8 NIH Clinical Research, 1952-1998
41 9 NIH Consensus, 1977-1988
41 10 NIH Division of Research Grants, 1981-1992
41 11 NIH General Clinical Research Centers Program, 1992-1993
41 12 NIH Medical Scientist Training Program, 1993
41 13 NIH Office of Human Subjects Research, 1979-1993
41 14 NIH Peer Review, 1961-1995
41 15 NIH Priority Report, 1998
41 16 Patient-Oriented Research, 1999
41 17 President's Biomedical Research Panel, 1976-1993
41 18-19 Research Training Overview, 1990-1993
41 20 Responsible Conduct in Research, 1988-1995
41 21 Science in the National Interest, 1980-1994
41 22 Third World Clinical Research, 1997-1998

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Series IX: NIH Clinical Center, 1937-1996

The Clinical Center Series consists of Fredrickson's research as a Scholar-In-Residence at the National Library of Medicine into the origins and history of the Clinical Center of the National Institutes of Health. Materials include letters, interviews, and Fredrickson's notes. Before his death in 2002, Fredrickson gave several presentations on the history of the Clinical Center, but never published a book. Researchers interested in Fredrickson's project should also consult Series XI: Audio-Visual Materials for videotapes of Fredrickson's presentations and the Unpublished sub-series of Series III: Writings for drafts of the presentations.
Box Folder
42 1-2 General, 1963-1991
42 3 ABC, 1989-1990
42 4 Chronology, 1987-1991
42 5 Appropriations, 1946-1991
42 6 Approval, 1947-1988
42 7 Ambulatory Care and Research Center, 1970-1979
42 8 Early Intramural Staff, 1953-1992
42 9 National Science Foundation, 1954-1993
42 10 1990s Information, 1989-1995
42 11 [Pamphlets], 1987-1993
42 12 [Memorabilia], [n.d.]
42 13 Bullwinkle, Alfred J., 1946-1994
42 14 Ewing, Oscar R., 1990
42 15 Dyer, Rolla Eugene, 1930-1990
42 16 Henschel, Richard, 1987
42 17 Hill, Joseph Lister, 1987-1991
42 18 Hollis, Mark and Sebrill, W. Henry, 1987
42 19 Keefe, Frank Bateman, 1990-1991
42 20 Hilleboe, Herman, 1964-1990
42 21 Lasker, Mary, 1944-1994
42 22-22a Parran, Thomas, 1946-1991
42 23 Mountin, Joseph M., 1981
42 24 Masur, Jack, 1951-1990
42 25 Randall, Joseph Eugene, 1951
42 26 Richards, A. N., [n.d.]
42 27-28 Shannon, James Augustine, 1964-1994
42 29 Sheele, Leonard A., 1963-1993
42 30 Thompson, Lewis Ryers, 1955-1991
42 31 Topping, Norman, 1956-1990
42 32 Van Slyke, Cassius J., 1989-1991
42 33 Early NIH Staff, 1930-1937
42 34 [Before the Clinical Center], 1930-1991
42 35 Development of a Clinical Research Center, 1937-1948
42 36 Concepts, 1943-1990
42 37 National Advisory Cancer Council, 1937-1977
42 38 Planning, 1947-1990s
42 39 Mental Health, 1937-1990s
42 40 [Clinical Center] Site, 1947-1991
42 41 France, 19th Century, 1979-1985
42 42 The Charité Hospital of Humbodlt University, 1990
42 43 Pasteur Hospital, 1986-1993
42 44 Rockefeller Hospital, 1993
42 45 Chronology, 1947-1991
42 46 Construction Begins, 1947-1988
42 47 Dimensions of Proposal, 1984-1990s
42 48 Scientific Advisory Board, 1935-1991
43 1 Office of Scientific Research and Development, Committee on Medical Research, 1934-1994
43 2 Baldwin, Calvin B., 1937-1961
43 3-4 Operating Principles, 1948-1993
43 5-7 Ethics, 1988-1993
43 8 Rules, 1966-1994
43 9 Peer Review, 1993
43 10 Science to 1950, 1960-1992
43 11 Clinical Investigation to 1950, 1981-1989
43 12 Clinical Investigation post 1950, 1987-1994
43 13 [Outline and Draft], [ca. 1994]
43 14 Research and Development, 1976-1996
43 15-16 NIH Consensus Conferences, 1978-1992
43 17 Office of Scientific Integrity, 1992-1993
43 18 Technical Consensus, 1978-1992
43 19 Working Notes, 1987-1994
43 20 Early NIH, 1944-1992
43 21 SciFraud: Imanishi-Kari, 1991

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Series X: Photographic Materials, 1914-1997

Box Folder
Personal Photographs, 1914-1997
43 22 Portrait of Blanche Sharp Fredrickson, 1914
43 23 Intern Class at Peter Bent Brigham Hospital, 1949-1950
43 24 DSF with Post-Doctoral Colleagues, ca. 1965
43 25 Cologne Church Slide?, 1970
43 26 Portrait, 1971
43 27 DSF and Eric Fredrickson at the Nordic Museum in Stockholm, ca. 1972
43 28 Portrait, 1974
43 29 DSF, Family, and Theodore Cooper, [ca. 1975]
43 30 Various Portraits, 1976-1997
43 31 Letter from King Hassan II, 1977
43 32 U.S.S.R., 1977 [?]
43 33 Portrait, 1985
43 34 NAS Keynote Speaker, 1987 Oct
43 35 Visit to Monticello with French Scientists, 1989 Oct
43 36 Sharp Family Photographs, 1989
43 37 DSF's Study, [ca. 1989]
43 38 Childhood Scrapbook Reproductions, [ca. 1997?]
44 1 DSF in Jordan, [n.d.]
44 2 DSF and Madame Fredrickson, [n.d.]
44 3 Family, [n.d.]
44 4 Prints of Framed Objects, [n.d.]
44 5 Unidentified Reception, [n.d.]
Professional Photographs, 1946-1998
44 6 Clinical Center Research Photos, 1946 - ca. 1967
44 7 Delta-4-Chloestenone, 1953
44 8 NLM Set, [ca. 1960s -1990s]
44 9 DSF's Visit to Tangier Island, [ca. 1963]
44 10 Visit to Relatives of Tangier Disease - Pt. Cecil Norris in KY and Mayo Clinic, [ca. 1963]
44 11 Russian Trip, 1963
44 12 European Trip, 1965
44 13 DSF and Hubert Humphrey, [ca. 1967]
44 14 International Summer School of Pathological Neurochemistry, 1967
44 15 Cardiac Transplantation Conference, 1967 Dec 28
44 16 NIH Scientist Photos, 1969
44 17 Molecular Disease Branch, 1971
44 18 NHLBI Branch Chiefs, 1971
44 19 27th Brazilian Congress of Cardiology, 1971 Jul 10-18
44 20 Rep. James Symington Visit, 1973
44 21 USSR Trip, 1973 Mar 18-25
44 22 VI Jiménez Díaz Memorial Lecture, 1974 Jul 4
44 23 Institute of Medicine Photos, 1975
44 24 Fall Guy Lecture, 1975
44 25-26 NIH Director Inauguration, 1975
44 27-28 NIH Alumni Reunion, 1975
44 29 NIH Director Photographs, 1976-1981
44 30 Senator J. Glenn Beall, Jr. Visit, 1976 Feb 2
44 31 Joseph A. Califano Visit, 1977
44 32 Carter / Callaghan Visit, 1977
44 33 NIH Director Reappointment, 1977
44 34 Xavier University of Louisiana MBS Banquet, 1977
44 35 Meeting to Find Successor to Hans Stetten, Deputy Director (Science), 1978
44 36 rDNA Photos, 1978
44 37 [First Institute Relay], 1978
44 38 Prince and Princess Hitachi Visit, ca. 1978
44 39 Senate Appropriations Committee Hearing, 1978 Feb-Mar
44 40 1978 China Trip - Contact Sheets, 1978 Jul
44 41-42 1978 China Trip, 1978 Jul
44 43 DSF and Seymour Perry, 1978 Sep
44 44 Joseph A. Califano Visit, 1979 Mar 8
44 45 Patricia Roberts Harris Visit, 1979 Sep 12
44 46 Purkyne Medal, 1980 Feb 10
44 47 King Baudouin and Queen Fabiola of Belgium Visit, 1980 Apr 22
44 48 Mount St. Helens Trip, 1980 May 22
44 49 Vincent T. DeVita, NCI Director, Swearing-In Ceremony, 1980 Aug 8
44 50 12th Annual Honor Awards Ceremony, 1980 Dec 1
44 51 Richard S. Schweiker Visit, ca. 1981
44 52 Koop, C. Everett, 1981
44 53 Nairobi Photos, 1981
44 54 NIH Discussion, 1981
44 55-56 NIH Farewell Party, 1981 Jun 30
44 57 Beltsville Agricultural Research Center, 1982 Oct 8
45 1 Nobel Ceremony, 1985
45 2 HHMI, 1984-1986
45 3 Sackler Award, 1986
45 4 Friends of NLM Patron Dinner, 1988 Dec
45 5 Ronald Reagan / White House Science Council, 1989
45 6 Les Droits de L'Homme Symposium, 1989 Oct 27
45 7 Clinical Center Research Slides, 1990
45 8 Catalog, 1990 Feb 6
45 9 Sandoz Award, 1991
45 10 Hassan II, 1994
45 11 Morocco Meeting, 1998 May 5-7
45 12 Awards, [n.d.]
45 13 [Cholesterol Cartoon], [n.d.]
45 14 Christian Anfinsen, [n.d.]
45 15 [Dr. Lowe], [n.d.]
45 16 Fondazione Carlo Erba, [n.d.]
45 17 Groups, [n.d.]
45 18 Jim Dixon, [n.d.]
45 19 Unidentified Groundbreaking, [n.d.]
45 20 Unknown, [n.d.]
45 21 Unknown Banquet, [n.d.]
45 22 rDNA Materials, [n.d.]
Lab Photographs, 1959-1967
OS3 9 [Tangier Tonsils], 1959
45 23 Tangier Disease Tonsils, 1960
45 24-26 Tangier Disease [includes 2 folders of negatives], [ca. 1960s]
45 27 Tangier Disease Lantern Slide, [n.d.]
45 28 Russia, 1963
45 29 England, 1966
45 30 1967 Beirut Trip, 1967
45 31 Familial Hyperlipoproteinemia, [n.d.]
45 32 National Heart Institute - Molecular Disease Branch, [n.d.]
45 33 Unknown, [n.d.]
OS3 10 NHLI-MDB, [n.d.]

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Series XI: Audio-Visual Materials, 1978-1997

Box Folder
Video, 1978-1997
46 House Call with Dr. Timothy Johnson, [3/4 inch tape], 1978 Mar
46 House Call with Dr. Timothy Johnson, [VHS], 1978 Mar
46 Compilation Tape: 1) Dr Marshall Nirenberg Nobel Award -NIH; 2) House Call; 3) Ben Wattenberg at Large, [Beta], [1978-1985?]
46 NIH Director's Award Ceremony, [3/4 inch tape], 1980 Dec 1
46 NIH Director's Award Ceremony, [VHS], 1980 Dec 1
46 Dr. Donald Fredrickson at the National Institutes of Health, [VHS], 1981
46 [Compilation] Director's Award 1981 and Resignation 1981 Jun 19, [Beta], 1981
46 [Compilation] Director's Award 1981 and Resignation 1981 Jun 19, [VHS], 1981
46 Shannon Bust Ceremony Tape, [Beta], 1984 Mar 23
46 Howard Hughes Medical Institute/NIH Video News Release, [Beta], 1985 Oct 1
46 Ben Wattenberg at Large, [3/4 inch tape], [1985?] Oct 23
46 Dr. Fredrickson's Interview with Dr. Green, [Beta], 1987 Mar 27
46 Clinical Center: The Beginnings, [3/4 inch tape], 1991 Feb 7
46 Clinical Center: The Beginnings, [VHS "non-audio"], 1991 Feb 7
46 Clinical Center: The Beginnings, [VHS], 1991 Apr 11
46 Clinical Center: The Beginnings, [VHS], 1991 Apr 11
46 NIH: The Crucible Years (1930-1948), [VHS], 1991 May 6
46 NIH: The Crucible Years (1930-1948), [3/4 inch tape], 1993 Jul 2
46 NIH: The Crucible Years (1930-1948), [VHS], 1993 Jul 2
46 The ABRI - Institute Coalition, [VHS], [n.d.]
46 Clinical Center 40th Anniversary, [VHS], [n.d.]
46 The Health Century - 4th of 4 Molecular Biology for NIH Centennial, [Beta], [n.d.]
46 Who Lives, Who Dies, Who Decides? Panel #1 Introduction and Technology, [VHS], [n.d.]
46 Who Lives, Who Dies, Who Decides? Panel #2 Resource Allocation, [VHS], [n.d.]
46 Who Lives, Who Dies, Who Decides? Panel #3 Quality of Life/Who Decides?, [VHS], [n.d.]
Audio Tapes, 1982-1997
46 Easton Talks, Tapes #1 and #2, [n.d.]
46 Los Alamos Presentation, 1982 Jul 21
46 [Fredrickson on the Recombinant DNA Controversy], [1997?] Apr 17
46 Interview with Donald S. Fredrickson tapes [5 tapes], 1997 May 21
46 Recording of Dr. Fredrickson reading "The Moral", 1997 Jul 14

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Last reviewed: 04 January 2008
Last updated: 05 March 2007
First published: 16 May 2003
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