Current NCDC Weather Conditions
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Courtesy of the National Climatic Data Center
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Conditions at
11:53pm on 9/19/08



This is a graphic showing current weather conditions in Asheville

This is a graphic showing current weather conditions in Asheville

This is a graphic showing current weather conditions in Asheville

Dew Point 55.6°F
Humidity 84%
Barometer 1021.0 millibars
Rate 0.039 millibars/hour
Wind Direction SSE
Heat Index 65.2 °F
Rainfall for Today 0.00 in
Total Rainfall 17.82in
Today's Extremes
High Temperature 74.1°F at 3:22pm
Low Temperature 53.7°F at 7:36am
High Heat Index 74.9°F at 3:22pm
Peak Wind Gust 21mph at 11:22am
Astronomical Data
Sunrise 7:18am
Sunset 7:33pm
Moonrise 9:59pm
Moonset 12:04pm