National Institute for Literacy

What's New Archives 2001

Note: Many of the links below may have expired. Contact website or publication for reference.

December 28, 2001

Check out the new NIFL "Policy Update" Education Funding Bill Approved by Congress.

Investments in literacy can combat urban blight is just one of this week’s News Flashes on our page of up-to-date literacy and education information from around the country and the world.

Afghan Reaction in the United States is this week’s Story of the Week from CNN & Western/Pacific LINCS.

December 26, 2001

On January 7-11, 2002, three special guests will join the NIFL-Family list to discuss and share ideas about family literacy programs which focus on school-aged children and their families. Each of these guests have a different background that qualifies them to share from their experiences how family literacy is effective with the school-aged target audience. The guests will be Laura Bercovitz, Brenda Logan, and J.L. "Shani" Yero.
You may join the discussion by subscribing to the NIFL-Family list on LINCS at:

Literacy technology centers and others have been newly added to the LINCS Grants Database of over 400 grants and funding resources. California Literacy requests proposals for the creation of Literacy Technology Centers. The three winning applicants will receive a fully functioning computer learning center, equipped with five computers, Internet access, educational and basic office software, and free training in both the educational use of technology and the technical services needed to maintain the learning center. Deadline is January 18, 2002.

Adult Numeracy Network Annual Meeting (April 2002) is included in the LINCS Calendar of Events. The Adult Numeracy Network Annual Meeting will be held at the Venetian Hotel in Las Vegas on Sunday, April 21, 2002 from 9 to 4. This meeting is in conjunction with the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics which will hold its 80th annual meeting in Las Vegas, Nevada from April 21 - 24, 2002.

Teaching young children to resist bias: What parents can do is one of the new additions to the LINCS Materials Database. This article discusses what parents and teachers can do to teach young children about bias.

December 21, 2001

Congress Boosts FY ’02 Adult Ed Appropriations is just one of this week’s News Flashes on our page of up-to-date literacy and education information from around the country and the world.

Full-time ABE/GED Instructor - Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Washington has been added to the LINCS Job Announcements page.

News from NALD : Storysacks Canada Website Now Online!

December 19, 2001

Monsanto Fund and others have been newly added to the LINCS Grants Database of over 400 grants and funding resources. Monsanto is dedicated to the belief that the more young people understand the necessity for science literacy, the more they will be able affect the quality of their lives in the years ahead. The deadlines for proposals are January 1 and July 1, annually.

Evolution is one of the new additions to the LINCS Materials Database. This interactive Web site, supporting the PBS series, has streaming imagery, animations, simulations, dynamic timelines, conversations with experts, current news bulletins, and extensive links to evolution-related learning resources worldwide.

Laubach Literacy & Literacy Volunteers of America, Inc. 2002 Joint National Conference (May 2002) is included in the LINCS Calendar of Events. The first Joint National Conference will be held in San Diego, California.

December 14, 2001

Literacy: Want Fries with That? is just one of this week’s News Flashes on our page of up-to-date literacy and education information from around the country and the world.

Research Associate - Center for Applied Linguistics is one of the latest additions to the LINCS Job Announcements page.

News from NALD : Adult Education in the US and UK by Tom Sticht

December 12, 2001

Technology opportunities program 2002 grants and others have been newly added to the LINCS Grants Database of over 400 grants and funding resources. Since 1994, the Technology Opportunities Program (TOP) has been awarding grants for model projects demonstrating innovative uses of network technology. Congress appropriated $12.4 million for grants through TOP for Fiscal Year 2002. TOP expects the federal amounts awarded to range from $200,000 to $750,000, with an average of approximately $500,000. The application deadline for 2002 TOP grants is March, 21, 2002.

Investing in workers' basic skills: Lessons from company-funded workplace-based programs is one of the new additions to the LINCS Materials Database. This report is written for those interested in promoting company-funded workplace basic skills programs. The results reported are from research into companies' rationales for funding and supporting workplace basic skills programs.

December 7, 2001

The woman who put dyslexia on the map is just one of this week’s News Flashes on our page of up-to-date literacy and education information from around the country and the world.

Instructor/Case Manager - Metropolitan Washington CareerPath Project is one of the latest additions to the LINCS Job Announcements page.

December 5, 2001

Swalm Foundation and others have been newly added to the LINCS Grants Database of over 400 grants and funding resources. Most Swalm Foundation grants are made to human service organizations in Texas that serve the homeless, the educationally and economically disadvantaged, survivors of domestic violence, victims of child abuse and neglect, and the mentally or physically disabled. Programs related to literacy, early childhood development, after-school activities, parenting, senior assistance, and health education are some of the areas that the Foundation has supported in the past.

Bringing literacy to life: Issues and options in adult ESL literacy is one of the new additions to the LINCS Materials Database. This handbook on adult English as a Second Language (ESL) literacy education represents a synthesis of ideas derived from various sources. It is meant as a resource for teachers who have some experience in teaching but are new to ESL literacy.

From the National Center for Education Statistics : NCES StatChat Live : The Next Event, 12/6/2001 2:00:00 PM EST / 12/6/2001 7:00:00 PM GMT will be: Results From the 2000 Program for International Student Assessment of 15-Year-Olds in Reading, Mathematics, and Science Literacy

November 30, 2001

Opinion : Everyone has stake in fighting illiteracy is just one of this week’s News Flashes on our page of up-to-date literacy and education information from around the country and the world.

Computer Teacher Position - Stanley M. Isaacs Neighborhood Center has been added to the LINCS Job Announcements page.

November 28, 2001

Susan Cowles, project director for the LINCS Science & Numeracy Special Collection, will join a team of environmentalists exploring persistent environmental pollutants in coastal seas of Antarctica early next year. Her travel from January 2 to March 3 is supported by "Teachers Experiencing Antarctica and the Arctic (TEA)," a program of the National Science Foundation. You can follow Susan's expedition. Watch for her journals at the Polar Science Home Page, which also provides online science and numeracy resources as well as curricular materials for teachers, tutors, and learners. Susan will answer questions from learners at Susan also teaches classes in adult basic skills development at Linn-Benton Community College, Corvallis, Oregon.

Starbucks Foundation is included in the LINCS Grants Database of over 400 grants and funding resources. The next deadline for submitting a concept paper to the Starbucks Foundation for a literacy grant is April 1, 2002. The foundation provides up to $10,000 in funding to organizations that serve low-income and underserved children or youth. Proposals should build in the involvement of a local Starbucks store (examples of ways of doing so are on the website).

November 21, 2001

Are GED Graduates Really “Graduates?” is just one of this week’s News Flashes on our page of up-to-date literacy and education information from around the country and the world.

2002 Pfizer Foundation health literacy community grants and others have been newly added to the LINCS Grants Database of over 400 grants and funding resources. The program will support innovative community-based interventions that increase health literacy in underserved populations. Priority populations: Low-income; Low-literate; Culturally diverse; Elderly. Application deadline is January 18, 2002.

Resources for adult educators in response to the World Trade Center crisis and its aftermath is one of the new additions to the LINCS Materials Database. In response to the World Trade Center crisis and its aftermath, the Literacy Assistance Center has compiled a list of resources relevant to the adult education community. The LAC staff has focused the resource list on four broad areas: Alternative Media, Collections of Educational Resources, Curriculum Development, and Social Services.

From PBS LiteracyLink : GED CONNECTION Free Web-based learning activities now available.

November 16, 2001

Inmate Education Is Found to Lower Risk of New Arrest is just one of this week’s News Flashes on our page of up-to-date literacy and education information from around the country and the world.

ESOL/Computer Instructors F/T, P/T is one of the latest additions to the LINCS Job Announcements page.

Laid Off Workers Giving Back to Community is this week’s Story of the Week from CNN & Western/Pacific LINCS

November 14, 2001

The NIFL-Family List will have guest speakers November 12-21. Dr. Doug Powell with Parenting Education at Purdue University and Diane D'Angelo with RMC Research Corporation will lead a discussion using the USDOE publication they wrote as a foundation to the discussion: Guide to Improving Parenting Education in Even Start Family Literacy Programs.
You may join the discussion by subscribing to the Family Literacy List on LINCS at:

Research on adult and family literacy and others have been newly added to the LINCS Grants Database of over 400 grants and funding resources. The National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD), National Institute on Aging (NIA), and National Institute for Literacy (NIFL), in partnership with the Department of Education, Offices of Vocational and Adult Education (OVAE), Special Education and Rehabilitation Services (OSERS), Elementary and Secondary Education (OESE), and Office of Educational Research and Improvement (OERI), invite research grant applications to develop new knowledge on adult literacy learning and new knowledge relevant to the critical factors that influence the instruction and development of literacy (reading and writing) competencies in adults and in young children (birth through kindergarten entrance) through adult and family literacy program activities, to identify or design the most effective program structures and models of service delivery.

ACTE Annual Convention (December 2001) is included in the LINCS Calendar of Events. The Association for Career and Technical Education is the largest national education association dedicated to the advancement of education that prepares youth and adults for careers.

What really matters for struggling readers: Designing research-based programs is one of the new additions to the LINCS Materials Database. What Really Matters for Struggling Readers helps teachers design reading remediation and intervention programs around well-established reality- and research-based components.

November 9, 2001

Scotland’s appalling literacy rate is just one of this week’s News Flashes on our page of up-to-date literacy and education information from around the country and the world.

Instructional Design Specialist (Web-Based) - National Center for Family Literacy has been added to the LINCS Job Announcements page.

News from NALD : Celebration of Veteran's Day, November 11, 2001 - Research Note by Thomas G. Sticht

November 7, 2001

Language acquisition and instruction awards and others have been newly added to the LINCS Grants Database of over 400 grants and funding resources. These awards are designed to recognize outstanding individual contributions to the fields of second language/foreign language acquisition and instruction. Two awards of $1,000 each are made annually. The deadline for submissions is December 1.

Department of Veterans Affairs Veterans Day home page is one of the new additions to the LINCS Materials Database. The Veterans Day home page includes the 2001 teacher's guide, classroom projects and activities, posters, history of Veterans Day.

November 2, 2001

The November 2001 edition of e*literacy, NIFL's electronic newsletter, is now online. Lead Story : NICHD-NIA-NIFL Invest $3.3 Million in Adult and Family Literacy Research.

Teacher honored for efforts in literacy is just one of this week’s News Flashes on our page of up-to-date literacy and education information from around the country and the world.

October 30, 2001

Special education and rehabilitative services: Migrant and seasonal farmworkers program and others have been newly added to the LINCS Grants Database of over 400 grants and funding resources. The Department of Education is particularly interested in applications for projects that provide vocational rehabilitation services including vocational skills development, job placement, job training, occupational skills training programs, language skills development, English as a Second Language for vocational rehabilitation services to individuals with disabilities who are migrant or seasonal farmworkers.

1st Family Literacy Alliance Regional Forum (November 2001) is included in the LINCS Calendar of Events. This premiere event takes place in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, and provides an opportunity to learn more about family literacy - from an overview of the national perspective to hands-on information you can use to improve your family literacy program.

Annual review of adult learning and literacy: Volume 2 is one of the new additions to the LINCS Materials Database. This book's topic encompasses all aspects of literacy from a global perspective. It connects the objectives of literacy education with broader areas of social welfare, including health, employment, and political and economic empowerment.

What's New at the Regional LINCS Web sites: Eastern LINCS : ABLE Net Develops First Pennsylvania Online Teacher Preparation Course for the GED 2002

October 26, 2001

NCAL to Create National Technology Lab for Adult Education is just one of this week’s News Flashes on our page of up-to-date literacy and education information from around the country and the world.

Senior Research Associate - Center for Applied Linguistics is one of the latest additions to the LINCS Job Announcements page.

Sikh Family Takes Precautions is this week’s Story of the Week from CNN & Western/Pacific LINCS

October 24, 2001

Reading is for life literacy program and others have been newly added to the LINCS Grants Database of over 400 grant and funding resources. Reading is For Life is a new literacy program that has been established for schools in the vicinity of Deluxe Corporation operating facilities. The program supplies grant funding to eligible schools in need. Preference may be given to programs that reach students in grades K-3. There is no deadline or formal application form.

Scarves of many colors: Muslim women and the veil is one of the new additions to the LINCS Materials Database. This award-winning audio-tape and curriculum engage students in thinking critically about stereotypes of "covered" Islamic women. The audiotape introduces a range of U.S. and Middle Eastern women who tell stories and offer insight.

October 19, 2001

Now more than ever, adult illiteracy a dire situation is just one of this week’s News Flashes on our page of up-to-date literacy and education information from around the country and the world.

October 17, 2001

The October 2001 edition of e*literacy, NIFL's electronic newsletter, is now online. Lead Story : Sandra Baxter Appointed Interim NIFL Director.

Eastern LINCS is pleased to announce the publication of the Fall 2001 Eastern LINCS quarterly electronic newsletter. Packed with news and information for the adult education and literacy community, this resource provides regular updates to practitioners, program administrators and state level adult education staff throughout the Eastern LINCS region. To access the newsletter visit:

Native American language projects and others have been newly added to the LINCS Grants Database of over 400 grant and funding resources. Financial assistance provided by the Administration for Native Americans is designed to assist applicants in designing projects which will promote the survival and continuing vitality of Native American languages.

Technology @ Work 2001 Conference (November 2001) is included in the LINCS Calendar of Events. The Technology @ Work 2001 Conference, sponsored by FEGS, IBM and the Literacy Assistance Center (LAC), that was originally scheduled for October 3 has a new date. The conference will be held on Friday, November 30, 2001. is one of the new additions to the LINCS Materials Database. has information on dyslcalculia, dyslexia and special education. It includes legal questions, teaching techniques, articles, and links.

October 12, 2001

Check out the new NIFL "Policy Update" : U.S. House Approves Education Funding Bill Senate Action Expected Soon

Literacy Volunteers of America, Inc. National Conference To Continue as Planned is just one of this week’s News Flashes on our page of up-to-date literacy and education information from around the country and the world.

Organizational Specialist (Higher Education) - National Education Association has been added to the LINCS Job Announcements page.

What's New at the Regional LINCS Web sites: NorthwestLINCS : Oregon Family Literacy Guide

October 10, 2001

Check out the new NIFL "Policy Update": House Proposes $55 Million Increase for Adult Education

Presidential award for reading and technology and others have been newly added to the LINCS Grants Database of over 400 grant and funding resources. The annual International Reading Association Presidential Award for Reading and Technology honors educators who have made an outstanding contribution to the field of reading education through the use of technology. Entries must be received by November 15.

Put reading first: The research building blocks for teaching children to read -- Kindergarten through grade 3, a new publication from The Partnership for Reading, is one of the new additions for teachers/tutors in the LINCS Materials Database. This new guide, designed by teachers for teachers, summarizes what researchers have discovered about how to successfully teach children to read. It describes the findings of the National Reading Panel Report and provides analysis and discussion in five areas of reading instruction: phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, and text comprehension.

October 5, 2001

Gene discovery sheds new light on language skill is just one of this week’s News Flashes on our page of up-to-date literacy and education information from around the country and the world.

Editor for The Reading Teacher - International Reading Association has been added to the LINCS Job Announcements page.

News from NALD : Research Note by Tom Sticht - Oct 2, 2001 Functional Context Education for National Security

October 3, 2001

Prime time family reading time 2002 grants and others have been newly added to the LINCS Grants Database of over 400 grant and funding resources. Prime time is a public library reading, discussion and storytelling series based on illustrated children’s books. It is designed to help under-served families bond around the act of reading and learning together. Deadline for applications is October 31, 2001.

Cancer, Culture and Literacy Institute (January 2002) is included in the LINCS Calendar of Events. The Institute consists of a series of educational activities (e.g., seminar/workshops, web-based education, mentoring experience with nationally recognized scholars, etc.) geared toward doctorally prepared individuals interested in the field of cancer control/population science that incorporates issues of culture and literacy.

Earth calendar is one of the new additions to the LINCS Materials Database. The Earth Calendar is a daybook of holidays and celebrations around the world. It has holidays listed for each day of the year. Holidays can be viewed by date, country, or religion or searched by keyword.

September 28, 2001

Education initiatives survive attacks is just one of this week’s News Flashes on our page of up-to-date literacy and education information from around the country and the world.

Developer and coordinator - Montreal General Hospital is one of the latest additions to the LINCS Job Announcements page.

September 26, 2001

Select service areas of Early Head Start and others have been newly added to the LINCS Grants Database of over 400 grant and funding resources. Grants will be competitively awarded to eligible applicants, including current Head Start and Early Head Start grantees, to operate Early Head Start programs in select service areas. Deadline is December 3, 2001.

Health literacy month (October 2001) is included in the LINCS Calendar of Events. Health literacy month is a grass-roots campaign to promote understandable health communication around the world.

Thinking outside the browser: Experiencing new approaches to Web-based instruction is one of the new additions for teachers/tutors in the LINCS Materials Database. This new article from Reading Online lets us see how interactive Internet teaching and learning could be applied in many contexts with learners of all ages.

September 21, 2001

Resolutions to Keep Programs Running is just one of this week’s News Flashes on our page of up-to-date literacy and education information from around the country and the world.

News from NALD : The Summer Edition of the NALD Networks newsletter is now online!

September 19, 2001

National Book Scholarship Fund and others have been newly added to the LINCS Grants Database of over 400 grant and funding resources. The purpose of the National Book Scholarship Fund is to provide local literacy programs throughout the United States with New Readers Press books and other materials essential to begin a new literacy outreach program or to significantly expand an existing effort. The deadline for grant applications is December 6, 2001.

New skills for a new economy awareness and action campaign is one of the new additions to the LINCS Materials Database. In a recent report, New Skills for a New Economy, MassINC authors John Comings, Andrew Sum, and Johan Uvin identified 1.1 million workers in Massachusetts who are not adequately prepared for the New Economy. MassINC, with the support of a variety of sponsoring organizations, private individuals, and other groups, is now leading an effort to put the issue of adult education and basic skills training on the public agenda via the "New Skills for a New Economy Awareness and Action Campaign."

September 14, 2001

The September 2001 HOT Sites pages are now up on LINCS. HOT Sites highlights outstanding adult education and literacy-related sites on the World Wide Web.

Consortium Targets 'Get Ready for Life' Campaign to Fight Low Literacy is just one of this week’s News Flashes on our page of up-to-date literacy and education information from around the country and the world.

Treatment not Time is this week’s Story of the Week from CNN & Western/Pacific LINCS

News from NALD : Message from the UNESCO Director-General on the occasion of International Literacy Day

September 12, 2001

Literacy Action Network and others have been newly added to the LINCS Grants Database of over 400 grant and funding resources. The Student Coalition for Action in Literacy Education (SCALE) has announced a Request for Proposals from campus-based literacy programs interested in joining the Literacy Action Network (LAN). SCALE will award 10-12 subgrants of up to $10,000 to institutions of higher education proposing exciting projects connecting direct service literacy tutoring programs to service-learning courses or co-curricular seminars. Proposals must arrive in the SCALE office by 5:00pm on September 24, 2001.

Virtual revolution: Trends in the expansion of distance education is one of the new additions to the LINCS Materials Database. Based on a review of the latest trends in organizing distance education, Virtual revolution finds that distance education can be a great asset as long as academic decision-making is placed in the hands of teaching professionals.

September 7, 2001

The National Institute for Literacy Launches America's Literacy Directory web site. On September 7, the National Institute for Literacy and its partners, the U.S. Department of Education, the U.S. Department of Labor, and Verizon, launched America's Literacy Directory (ALD). The ALD is an Internet-based searchable database of local literacy providers from all 50 states and U.S. territories.

Libraries hold key to deterring illiteracy is just one of this week’s News Flashes on our page of up-to-date literacy and education information from around the country and the world.

Computer Teacher Position - Stanley M. Isaacs Neighborhood Center is one of the latest additions to the LINCS Job Announcements page.

September 5, 2001

Lloyd A. Fry Foundation and others have been newly added to the LINCS Grants Database of over 400 grants and funding resources. The mission of the Fry Foundation is to improve the quality of life for Chicago's disadvantaged residents by promoting solutions to problems associated with urban poverty. Adult literacy programs are among the activities funded. Proposal deadlines are December 1, March 1, June 1, and September 1 for review at a board meeting two months later.

Online directory of ESL resources is one of the new additions to the LINCS Materials Database. The directory is meant to be an online reference for the most useful ESL resources. It cites resources that are appropriate for learners of all ages - preK through adult, college students, and low literacy learners.

From PBS LiteracyLink : Delaware Governor Ruth Ann Minner will be Litlinker Forum guest for September. Governor Minner is a GED graduate. She has been one of Delaware's strongest proponents of literacy during her time in public service, especially adult literacy. From September 1-15 you can email her questions and have them answered on the website.

August 31, 2001

NIFL Director Andy Hartman Announces Departure

New NIFL newsletter! : The National Institute for Literacy is pleased to release the first edition of our new monthly electronic newsletter, e*literacy. Each issue will be filled with the latest information on activities to move adult and family literacy from the margins to the mainstream.

There are three new additions to the NIFL Policy and Legislation Special Collection :
Rehabilitation Act of 1973
Individuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA), Amendments of 1997
Americans with Disabilities Act

Five Cartoonists Use Comic Strips to Promote Literacy is just one of this week’s News Flashes on our page of up-to-date literacy and education information from around the country and the world.

Positions in the Literacy Field - RMC Research Corp. has been added to the LINCS Job Announcements page.

From PBS LiteracyLink : Annual *Celebrate Literacy* web site celebrates International Literacy Day (and September as Literacy Month). This year the theme is the GED.

August 29, 2001

Q13 Cares Fund and others have been newly added to the LINCS Grants Database of over 375 grants and funding resources. Q13 Cares Fund of Seattle, Washington makes grants to to nonprofit organizations in the KCPQ/KTWB-TV viewing areas. Interests include literacy and reading enhancement.

Health literacy introductory kit is one of the new additions to the LINCS Materials Database. The American Medical Association Foundation has established a Signature Program on Health Literacy and is coordinating the implementation of that program with the American Medical Association. The first product, the Health literacy introductory kit is a self-study program aimed at raising physicians' awareness about the prevalence of low health literacy and how it can directly affect their relationship with their patients.

August 24, 2001

Check out the new NIFL "Policy Update": Congress Back to Work in September - Education and Funding Top the Agenda

News from NIFL : The Year-One Report of the National Literacy Summit celebrates the achievements of the first year since the launch of the initial Summit report, From the Margins to the Mainstream: An Action Agenda for Literacy. That report represented the adult literacy field's best thinking about how to improve the nation's system of adult literacy, language, and lifelong learning services. The Year-One Report also defines Year Two wherein the Summit Initiative will move to improve the context of adult literacy's operational environment by enhancing the field's ability to friend-raise and fund-raise to reach the goal: "By 2010, a system of high quality adult literacy, language, and lifelong learning services will help adults in every community make measurable gains toward achieving their goals as family members, workers, citizens, and lifelong learners."

ESL Holds Narrow Lead In ’00 Enrollments is just one of this week’s News Flashes on our page of up-to-date literacy and education information from around the country and the world.

News from NALD : A Message for International Literacy Day 2001 - Ten Million American Adults Almost Totally Illiterate!

August 22, 2001

Newsday Charities and others have been newly added to the LINCS Grants Database of over 375 grants and funding resources. Newsday Charities makes grants to nonprofit organizations in Nassau, Suffolk, and Queens counties in New York. Interests include adult and family literacy programs, ESL programs.

American Educational Research Association 83rd Annual Meeting (April 2002) is one of the conferences newly added to the LINCS Calendar of Events. AERA 2002 will be held in New Orleans. The theme will be "Validity and Value in Education Research".

American Family Immigration History Center is one of the new additions to the LINCS Materials Database. The American Family Immigration History Center allows users to explore the extraordinary collection of immigrant arrival records stored in the Ellis Island Archives. Searching the archives can help inform your own family's story- inspiring a new sense of your place in the larger story of American immigration.

August 17, 2001

Fight against illiteracy continues is just one of this week’s News Flashes on our page of up-to-date literacy and education information from around the country and the world.

Executive Director - D.C. LEARNs is one of the latest additions to the LINCS Job Announcements page.

What's New at the Regional LINCS Web sites: Western LINCS : Nevada Connections Posted Online Nevada Connections, a newsletter produced by Community College Southern Nevada, has been posted online. Available in Adobe Acrobat format, each issue covers topics that are important for Nevada's adult workforce.

August 15, 2001

Indianapolis Star Charities and others have been newly added to the LINCS Grants Database of over 375 grants and funding resources. Indianapolis Star Charities is dedicated to improving education and literacy in Central Indiana. Grant applications are accepted throughout the year.

Adult Education Research Conference (May 2002) is one of the conferences newly added to the LINCS Calendar of Events. AERC 2002 will be held in Raleigh, North Carolina. Paper proposals are due September 29, 2001.

Mathematics and democracy: The case for quantitative literacy is one of the new additions to the LINCS Materials Database. This new book is intended to create a national discussion of the increasingly important links among mathematics, numeracy, and democracy in the changing world of the twenty-first century.

August 10, 2001

ETS Response to Washington Post Article, 'Adult Illiteracy, Rewritten is just one of this week’s News Flashes on our page of up-to-date literacy and education information from around the country and the world.

Director - System for Adult Basic Education Support (SABES) has been added to the LINCS Job Announcements page.

August 8, 2001

AERA/OERI research grants program and others have been newly added to the LINCS Grants Database of over 375 grant and funding resources. The American Educational Research Association (AERA) invites education-related research proposals. Priority will be given to research that addresses mathematics and literacy education and the education of poor, urban, or minority students. Applications for the second round of awards, effective February 2002, are due December 15, 2001. Applications for the third round of awards, effective May 2002, are due March 15, 2002.

SCALE's Read. Write. Act. Conference (October 2001) is included in the LINCS Calendar of Events. The Student Coalition for Action in Literacy Education (SCALE) has announced that Paul Rogat Loeb will provide the keynote address for the national Read. Write. Act. Conference in Chapel Hill, NC, October 18-20, 2001. Paul, an associated scholar at Seattle's Center for Ethical Leadership, is an author and speaker nationally respected for his views on social involvement and his passion for social change. If you would like more information about Paul Rogat Loeb, please visit his web site at

Women and literacy is one of the new additions to the LINCS Materials Database. The Women and literacy page contains links to sites relevant to women's issues, particularly in relation to women's work as learners and literacy practitioners.

August 3, 2001

D'Amico New Assistant Secretary for Vocational, Adult Education is just one of this week’s News Flashes on our page of up-to-date literacy and education information from around the country and the world.

Various Openings - English Language Center at LaGuardia Community College is one of the latest additions to the LINCS Job Announcements page page.

August 1, 2001

The NIFL communication group has launched the 2001 International Literacy Day area on the NIFL Web site. On these pages you will find information on International Literacy Day, events in Washington, ideas for local events, writings by literacy learners, and local, national and international literacy information and statistcs. You can get there by clicking on the International Literacy Day graphic on the right side of the NIFL homepage or going directly to: /nifl/literacy_day/ild_2001.html

Chicago Tribune Charities and others have been newly added to the LINCS Grants Database of over 375 grant and funding resources. The mission of Chicago Tribune Charities is helping people master their world through the support of literacy and employment programs in metropolitan Chicago.

COABE National Conference (May 2002) is included in the LINCS Calendar of Events. The Commission on Adult Basic Education will hold its 2002 National Conference in Charleston, South Carolina. Proposals will be due no later than December 1, 2001. is one of the new additions to the LINCS Materials Database. is a list of thousands of links to newspapers from around the world. The newspapers can be used for current events discussion or translation practice.

July 27, 2001

On July 17th an article titled Adult Illiteracy, Rewritten was published in the Washington Post. This article criticized the National Adult Literacy Survey. Both NIFL Director Andy Hartman and National Adult Education Professional Development Consortium Director Lennox McLendon have written responses to the article. Read the article and the responses in News Flashes.

Senior Professional Associate (Education Outreach Programs) - National Education Association has been added to the LINCS Job Announcements page.

From PBS LiteracyLink : GED Connection available from PBS LiteracyLink beginning Fall 2001

July 25, 2001

Fox 61 Family Fund and others have been newly added to the LINCS Grants Database of over 375 grant and funding resources. Fox 61 Family Fund supports adult and child literacy programs in Connecticut. Applications are considered throughout the year.

Experiential learning: A theoretical critique explored from five perspectives is one of the new additions to the LINCS Materials Database. The ERIC Clearinghouse on Adult, Career, and Vocational Education has posted the full-text of this new major publication that explores four perspectives on experiential learning: psychoanalytic, situative, critical cultural, and enactivist. The publication opens dialogue between and within each of these perspectives to help mark a path for educators' philosophy and practice.

July 20, 2001

Adult Illiteracy, Rewritten is just one of this week’s News Flashes on our page of up-to-date literacy and education information from around the country and the world.

Doctor Found Guilty of Elder Abuse is this week’s Story of the Week from CNN & Western/Pacific LINCS

News from NALD : Has the National Adult Literacy Survey (NALS) Defamed the Competence of America's Labor Force? Research note by Thomas G. Sticht; NALD Networks newsletter is now online Feature articles include Women's Literacy and Social Transformation by Nancy J. Hartling.

July 18, 2001

Barbara Bush Foundation for Family Literacy is included in the LINCS Grants Database of over 375 grant and funding resources. The 2002 national grant competition was announced on July 2. Deadline is September 7.

Job searching in the 21st century is one of the new additions for teachers/tutors in the LINCS Materials Database. This new Myths and Realities from the ERIC Clearinghouse on Adult, Career and Vocational Education examines how information technology may be changing the way people look for jobs.

July 13, 2001

Experts: Low Health Literacy Takes Toll On Patients is just one of this week’s News Flashes on our page of up-to-date literacy and education information from around the country and the world.

July 11, 2001

Palm products donation program is included in the LINCS Grants Database of over 375 grant and funding resources. The program offers donations of Palm handheld computing devices to enable nonprofit groups to streamline work processes and improve information management.

Reduce, reuse, recycle: ESL textbook/workbook is one of the new additions for teachers/tutors in the LINCS Materials Database. This workbook is for teaching low-level ESL students about reducing environmental waste. Three editions of this guide are available online. Each edition is based on the same workbook, covering a total of twelve different languages. A Tutor Guide explains how to use the ESL exercises effectively, and to help you get the most from “Reduce Reuse Recycle” as an ESL textbook.

July 6, 2001

Role Model For Literacy Dies At 103 is just one of this week’s News Flashes on our page of up-to-date literacy and education information from around the country and the world.

Coordinator of Technology Projects - OTAN (The Outreach & Technical Assistance Network) has been added to the LINCS Job Announcements page.

David Reinking, editor of "Handbook of literacy and technology: Transformations in a post-typographic world," co-editor of Reading Research Quarterly and Head of the Department of Reading Education at the University of Georgia, will be joining the NIFL Literacy and Technology Discussion List for an interactive dialogue from Monday, July 23-Friday, July 27. On July 9, David Reinking's introduction and links to his suggested readings will be posted. From July 9 - July 18 subscribers may post preliminary questions and comments for Professor Reinking.
Those of you who want a head start can read about Professor Reinking on his home age at the University of Georgia:
You may join the discussion by subscribing to the Literacy and Technology list on LINCS at: /lincs/discussions/discussions.html

What's New at the Regional LINCS Web sites: Eastern LINCS : Eastern LINCS Summer 2001 Newsletter;
NIFL Web Accessibility Standards NIFL Web Accessibility Standards have been created in response to the amendment to section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act, which requires equal access to the Federal government’s electronic and information technology. Standards are based on the “Requirements for Accessible Electronic and Information Technology Design” from the U.S. Dept. of Ed. Office of the Chief Information Officer (OCIO).

July 3, 2001

The ESL Special Collection mini-grants competition is included in the LINCS Grants Database of over 375 grant and funding resources. The mini-grants are available for both instructors and adult learners. The grants are for $500 each, and applications are accepted through July 16, 2001.

Unlocking Human Potential To Learn (August 2001) is included in the LINCS Calendar of Events. UNEVOC-Canada, the Canadian Centre for UNESCO's International Project on Technical and Vocational Education, will host an international conference and workshops dealing with innovative approaches, strategies, and best practices for teaching learning-how-to-learn skills. This conference and training workshops entitled Unlocking Human Potential for Learning is to be held in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada.

We shall overcome: Historic places of the Civil Rights Movement is among the new additions to the LINCS Materials Database. This National Register of Historic Places Travel Itinerary tells the powerful story of how and where the centuries-long struggle of African Americans to achieve the promise of America culminated in the modern Civil Rights Movement. Many of the places where these seminal events occurred, the churches, schools, homes, and neighborhoods, are listed in the National Register of Historic Places and are included in this itinerary.

June 29, 2001

Immigrant Children Excelling in School is just one of this week’s News Flashes on our page of up-to-date literacy and education information from around the country and the world.

Program Manager, Field Development - Corporation for Enterprise Development has been added to the LINCS Job Announcements page.

What's New at the Regional LINCS Web sites: Eastern LINCS : Gov. Ridge Signs Family-Literacy Legislation Continuing his commitment to Pennsylvania families, Gov. Tom Ridge signed legislation on June 22 establishing permanent funding for Pennsylvania's Family Literacy programs.

June 27, 2001

21st Century Workforce Summit is the latest NIFL "Policy Update".

ABE-to-college transition program and others have been newly added to the LINCS Grants Database of over 375 grant and funding resources. The Nellie Mae Education Foundation (formerly Nellie Mae Foundation) announces its first Request for Proposals (RFP) in the area of college transition programs for students in adult literacy programs. If your 501(c)(3) organization provides Adult Basic Education, ESOL, GED, or diploma classes as a primary educational service to New England residents, you are invited to respond with a proposal. Deadline is July 27, 2001.

2002 Laubach Literacy Action Biennial Conference (May 2002) is included in the LINCS Calendar of Events. Laubach Literacy Action is inviting proposals for presentations that highlight new ideas, successful programs and projects, effective practices, and current literacy issues. They are particularly interested in proposals that address the "literacy for all" theme. Applications must be postmarked by August 31, 2001.

Discovery Channel's quiz center is one of the new additions for teachers/tutors in the LINCS Materials Database. The Quiz Center allows instructors to create, edit, and manage quizzes, even without any prior web publishing experience.

June 22, 2001

Hard lesson is just one of this week’s News Flashes on our page of up-to-date literacy and education information from around the country and the world.

Training Coordinator - The Working for America Institute is one of the latest additions to the LINCS Job Announcements page page.

What's New at the Regional LINCS Web sites: Eastern LINCS : Eastern LINCS First Meeting Minutes Posted The first meeting on May 31 - June 1, 2001 in Hartford, CT was a success! Many of partners and affiliates participated by presenting overviews of their organizations. Midwest LINCS : English Is Soup! ...a phonics resource for ESL adults is now online.

June 20, 2001

Henry and Ruth Blaustein Rosenberg Foundation and others have been newly added to the LINCS Grants Database of over 375 grant and funding resources. The Rosenberg Foundation awards grants to nonprofit organizations sponsoring high quality programs, including literacy programs, in the metropolitan Baltimore area.

Academic Assistance Center is one of the new additions for students/learners in the LINCS Materials Database. The Teachers and Staff of AOL's Academic Assistance Center have come together to provide link access to their favorite or best information sites as a service to their students and students of the Internet. Many subject areas are included.

June 15, 2001

Lawmakers move to improve literacy, the 'new civil right' is just one of this week’s News Flashes on our page of up-to-date literacy and education information from around the country and the world.

Program Secretary - Center for Applied Linguistics has been added to the LINCS Job Announcements page page.

What's New at the Regional LINCS Web sites: Western LINCS : Web Tools Added to LINCS Site. The Western/Pacific LINCS site has a new feature called Web Tools. It's a one-stop shop for all the resources You may need to view special items on Web pages You may encounter, such as Adobe Acrobat files, Macromedia Flash animations, and much more. For more information, visit the Web Tools page.

News & Events from NIFL : Department of Education Testifies before House Appropriations Subcommittee

News from NALD : New literacy discussion on-line - Creating Change: Taking Account of Violence

June 13, 2001

Buckeye Book Fair and others have been newly added to the LINCS Grants Database of over 375 grant and funding resources. Buckeye Book Fair invites Ohio libraries, schools and adult literacy programs to apply for a 2001 grant. Grants of up to $1,000 will be awarded for the enhancement of their book collections and the promotion of reading. Application deadline is September 15, 2001.

Health and Literacy Action Conference (September 2001) is one of the conferences newly added to the LINCS Calendar of Events. The primary purpose of this conference is to provide an opportunity for health and literacy workers to meet, share experiences, and learn about recent developments in health and literacy. It will take place in St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada.

In plain language: The need for effective communication in medicine and public health is among the new additions to the LINCS Materials Database. This video, produced by the Health Literacy Studies group at NCSALL, is available to view online or as a tape.

June 8, 2001

Start-up of Council for Advancement of Adult Literacy (CAAL) is just one of this week’s News Flashes on our page of up-to-date literacy and education information from around the country and the world.

Executive Director - SEIU 1199Upstate/Health Alliance is one of the latest additions to the LINCS Job Announcements page page.

What's New at the Regional LINCS Web sites: Eastern LINCS : DC Adult Education Office Finalizes Partnership Agreement

Secret Japanese-American Mission is this week’s Story of the Week from CNN & Western/Pacific LINCS

June 6, 2001

SBC national telecommunications partnership awards: Bridging the digital divide and others have been newly added to the LINCS Grants Database of over 375 grant and funding resources. The awards recognize outstanding work in facilitating the integration of telecommunications technology into education. Application deadline is July 9, 2001.

Ethics: The role of adult and vocational education is one of the new additions for teachers/tutors in the LINCS Materials Database. This new ERIC Trends and Issues Alert investigates the trends and issues involved in teaching social responsibility in adult and vocational education.

June 1, 2001

Sign Language Improves Reading Skills is just one of this week’s News Flashes on our page of up-to-date literacy and education information from around the country and the world.

Librarian / Literacy Coordinator - Lee Co. Florida is one of the latest additions to the LINCS Job Announcements page page.

What's New at the Regional LINCS Web sites: Western LINCS Mini-grants for the development of outstanding ESL curricula are now available!

From PBS LiteracyLink : LitLinker Forum with Emma Rhodes The LitLinker Forums feature individuals who have contributed significantly to literacy in the United States. Emma Rhodes founded the Emma Rhodes Education and Multi-purpose Center, a combination adult education center, utility payment center, and coin laundry serving Little Rock, Arkansas. From June 1 to June 14 you are invited to ask Emma Rhodes any questions you have about adult literacy or her story.

May 30, 2001

Community Technology Centers program grant and others have been newly added to the LINCS Grants Database of over 375 grant and funding resources. The purpose of the Community Technology Centers program is to promote the use of technology in education through the development of model programs that demonstrate the educational effectiveness of technology in low-income or economically-distressed urban & rural communities.

World assembly of adult education (August 2001) is included in the LINCS Calendar of Events. The Sixth World Assembly and the General Assembly of the International Council for Adult Education will be held in Ocho Rios, Jamaica, from August 9 to 12, 2001 with the theme Creativity and Democratic Governance; Adult Learning: A Strategic Choice. The ICAE General Assembly and a meeting of the ICAE Executive Committee will follow the three-day World Assembly. There will also be special celebrations, fair and an exhibition.

Within these walls is one of the new additions for students/learners in the LINCS Materials Database. Within These Walls tells the stories of five families who lived in a house in Massachusetts over 200 years and made history in their kitchens and parlors, through everyday choices and personal acts of courage and sacrifice

May 25, 2001

Merger Announced in the literacy capital of America is just one of this week’s News Flashes on our page of up-to-date literacy and education information from around the country and the world.

Instructional Specialist ABE/ESOL is one of the latest additions to the LINCS Job Announcements page page.

May 23, 2001

Hands-on English minigrants program is in the LINCS Grants Database of over 375 grant and funding resources. Every year Hands-on English awards a few small grants (of up to $200) to ESL teachers and tutors for innovative classroom projects. The application deadline is June 30th.

ELT: Evolution of Learning & Teaching (November 2001) is one of the conferences newly added to the LINCS Calendar of Events. ELT is an online-only conference for teachers of English as a Foreign/Second Language. Submission deadline for presentation proposals is August 17, 2001.

Does basic skills education affect adults' literacy proficiencies and reading practices? is among the new additions to the LINCS Materials Database. In this article the authors discuss why basic skills education May not lead to improved literacy skills and offer implications for educational policy pertaining to adult education.

May 17, 2001

The No-Book Report: Skim It and Weep is just one of this week’s News Flashes on our page of up-to-date literacy and education information from around the country and the world.

Director of Acquisitions and Development - New Readers Press is one of the latest additions to the LINCS Job Announcements page page.

News & Events from NIFL : Information Requested for the Production of an Instructional Video for the National Reading Excellence Initiative

What's New at the Regional LINCS Web sites: Eastern LINCS : What Works Literacy Partnership Web Site Launched. With the assistance of Eastern LINCS, WWLP has published a new Web site with a new, less expensive Web host.

Donating Houses to the Community Instead of Demolition is this week’s Story of the Week from CNN & Western/Pacific LINCS

May 16, 2001

Verizon Foundation NY/CT workforce development and literacy 2001 and others have been newly added to the LINCS Grants Database of over 375 grant and funding resources. The Verizon Foundation has let a Request for Proposals (RFP) for new or existing programs that address basic literacy and workforce development. Grants ranging from $25,000 up to $100,000 to serve populations in Verizon's New York and Connecticut landline service territories. Deadline is June 15, 2001.

Fifth Biennial Getting in Touch with Literacy Conference (November 2001) is one of the conferences newly added to the LINCS Calendar of Events. The GITWL Conference is designed to provide a forum for discussion of literacy for people who are blind or visually impaired.

Why use the Internet with students? is one of the new additions for teachers/tutors in the LINCS Materials Database. Peg Coker of Literacy Volunteers of America, Fox Valley has put together these instructional materials and lesson plans for literacy volunteers to use with adult students.

May 11, 2001

Northwest LINCS now online! The Northwest LINCS site is the newest of five Regional Technology Centers that comprise the LINCS system. Seven states make up the NW Regional Technology Center: Alaska, Idaho, Montana, Oregon, Utah, Washington, Wyoming.

Mev Miller will be facilitating a discussion on the NIFL Women & Literacy listserv from May 14 through May 18. The focus of the discussion will be on women-centered literacy materials. You May join the discussion by subscribing to the Women & Literacy list on LINCS at: /lincs/discussions/discussions.html

S 1 Could Boost CTCs is just one of this week’s News Flashes on our page of up-to-date literacy and education information from around the country and the world.

Adult Educator/Program Manager - Queens Library is one of the latest additions to the LINCS Job Announcements page page.

News & Events from NIFL : Department of Education Testifies before House Appropriations Subcommittee

May 9, 2001

The LINCS Assessment Special Collection is now online. The accompanying discussion list will be open to the public in early July.

Even Start Family Literacy Program grants for Indian tribes and tribal organizations and others have been newly added to the LINCS Grants Database of over 375 grant and funding resources. These grants are for improving the educational opportunities of low-income families by integrating early childhood education, adult literacy or adult basic education, and parenting education into a unified family literacy program for federally recognized Indian tribes and tribal organizations.

Women and minorities in high-tech careers is among the new additions to the LINCS Materials Database. This new ERIC Digest presents a number of ways that schools and teachers can attract women and minorities to high-tech careers and prepare them for work.

May 4, 2001

Department of Education to highlight adult literacy is just one of this week’s News Flashes on our page of up-to-date literacy and education information from around the country and the world.

Houston Read Commission Seeking Executive Director has been added to the LINCS Job Announcements page page

Automakers Try To Get Electric Car Mandate Rescinded is this week’s Story of the Week from CNN & Western/Pacific LINCS

May 2, 2001

Read Indeed! adult literacy grants and others have been newly added to the LINCS Grants Database of over 375 grant and funding resources. The Library of Michigan Foundation invites grant applications from libraries and non-profit community-based literacy organizations in Michigan. Deadline is June 15, 2001.

Implications of Distance Education on CTE is among the new additions to the LINCS Materials Database. This issue of ERIC Digest discusses the implications of distance education for Career and Technical Education, with an emphasis on the implications of distance education through Information and Communication Technology.

Dr. Lennox L. McLendon, Executive Director of the National Adult Education Consortium will join the National Literacy Advocacy list as a guest during the week of May 7th. Lennox McLendon has over thirty years experience in adult education and literacy. In his current role as the Executive Director of the National Adult Education Consortium, he has two functions: First, to respond to the adult education information needs of the Congress and White House staff members. Secondly, to facilitate professional development activities for the state directors of adult education and their staff members. You May join the discussion by subscribing to the National Literacy Advocacy list on LINCS at: /lincs/discussions/discussions.html

April 27, 2001

Bush drops in on mother's literacy fund-raiser is just one of this week’s News Flashes on our page of up-to-date literacy and education information from around the country and the world.

Information and Outreach Coordinator - Center for Applied Linguistics has been added to the LINCS Job Announcements page page

What's New at the Regional LINCS Web sites: Eastern LINCS : The Eastern LINCS Web site has been updated with new announcements of upcoming conferences; Eastern LINCS activities and new projects; partners in the news; featured Web-based materials; and more! Check out the Eastern LINCS What’s New page to see the announcements. The Eastern LINCS Facts and Statistics page, Programs and Activities page, and Showcase page have also been updated.

April 25, 2001

eGrants and others have been newly added to the LINCS Grants Database of over 375 grant and funding resources. Verizon Foundation now offers eGrants to nonprofit organizations for Internet access. Local literacy organizations are encouraged to apply.

Through the golden door: Educational approaches for immigrant adolescents with limited schooling is among the new additions to the LINCS Materials Database. This book provides guidelines for teaching immigrant adolescents with little or no prior formal schooling and low literacy skills.

April 20, 2001

President Bush Unveils Funding Proposal for Literacy is the latest NIFL "Policy Update".

News & Events from NIFL “Closing the Reading Gap”, a letter to the editor of the New York Times from NIFL Director Andy Hartman.

Literacy: a family affair is just one of this week’s News Flashes on our page of up-to-date literacy and education information from around the country and the world.

Webmaster/Technology Coordinator - Center for Applied Linguistics is one of the latest additions to the LINCS Job Announcements page page.

Grand Jury Indicts Couple in Dog Mauling is this week’s Story of the Week from CNN & Western/Pacific LINCS

From PBS LiteracyLink : The United States Distance Learning Association has declared April 15-21 as Distance Learning Week. In recognition of Distance Learning Week, the PBS Adult Learning Service and PBS LiteracyLink, in cooperation with the Instructional Telecommunications Council (ITC), present a special online feature highlighting issues and resources in distance education.

April 18, 2001

Even Start Statewide Family Literacy Initiative grants and others have been newly added to the LINCS Grants Database of over 375 grant and funding resources. These grants are awarded to states for planning and implementing statewide family literacy initiatives. The deadline is June 11, 2001.

Research to practice (Focus on basics) is among the new additions to the LINCS Materials Database. This latest issue of Focus on Basics includes a cover story on the working conditions of adult literacy teachers.

April 12, 2001

Teaching families the value of literacy is just one of this week’s News Flashes on our page of up-to-date literacy and education information from around the country and the world.

News from NALD : Release of "Catching up with the Swedes: Probing the Canada-Sweden Literacy Gap"

April 11, 2001

John Edward Fowler Memorial Foundation and others have been newly added to the LINCS Grants Database of over 375 grant and funding resources. The Foundation is interested in funding adult literacy organizations in the inner-city of Washington, D.C. and the close-in suburbs of Maryland and Virginia.

Multilingual and Cross-Cultural Perspectives on Dyslexia: 2002 International Conference(July 2002) is one of the conferences newly added to the LINCS Calendar of Events. This event is sponsored by the International Dyslexia Association and the British and European Dyslexia Associations. It will take place in Washington, DC. The deadline for submissions is July 15, 2001.

Sociocultural factors in social relationships: Examining Latino teachers' and paraeducators' interactions with Latino students is among the new additions to the LINCS Materials Database. This study examined the impact of sociocultural factors on the interactions between Latino language minority students and Latino paraeducators and the relationships that result from these interactions. The study explored whether a knowledge of students' culture and communities, primary language, and interaction styles helps paraeducators and their cooperating teachers meet the students' academic and social needs.

The NIFL Women & Literacy List is pleased to announce that from Monday, April 16 to Friday April 27th, we will be joined by a guest discussion facilitator. Our facilitator's name is Hediana Utarti (pronounced: oo-tar-tea). Hediana is originally from Jakarta, Indonesia, and she spent the last 12 years of her adult life in Honolulu, HI. From 1992 -2000, she worked as the Co-Director of the Women's Center at the U. of Hawaii at Manoa. Since 1998 she has also worked at the Family Peace Center, a domestic violence agency in Honolulu as support group facilitator. Presently (since June 2000) she is continuing her career in domestic violence work through her work at the Asian Women's Shelter in San Francisco where she serves as the Coordinator for Volunteer Program and the Queer Asian Women's Services program. You may join the discussion by subscribing to the Women & Literacy list on LINCS at: /lincs/discussions/discussions.html

Special guest on the NIFL Family List, Dr. Meta Potts. Topic: Variances in Family Literacy Programs. When: April 16-20 (or longer, if enough interest). Meta Potts served as Director of Adult Learning Services for the National Center for Family Literacy, as the first NCFL Director of the NCFL Family and Child Education Program for the Bureau of Indian Affairs and as Director of Training Research and Development before she moved to Phoenix, Arizona, in 1998. She heads her own consulting business, Literacy FOCUS. You may join the discussion by subscribing to the Family list on LINCS at: /lincs/discussions/discussions.html

April 6, 2001

Britain near bottom for adult literacy is just one of this week’s News Flashes on our page of up-to-date literacy and education information from around the country and the world.

Grantwriter – Literacy Volunteers of America is one of the latest additions to the LINCS Job Announcements page page.

Prison Abuse Investigated is this week’s Story of the Week from CNN & Western/Pacific LINCS

News from NALD : NALD Networks Now Online

April 4, 2001

Research institute on early literacy for infants, toddlers, and young children with visual impairments is included in the LINCS Grants Database of over 375 grant and funding resources. The application deadline has been extended to April 20, 2001.

Adult development is one of the new additions for teachers/tutors in the LINCS Materials Database. This recent ERIC Trends and Issues Alert reviews some of the trends related to changing conceptions of adult development, highlighting connections to adult education. Includes a list of resources.

Off the Grid with Solar Power is this week’s Story of the Week from CNN & Western/Pacific LINCS

March 30, 2001

Assistant Secretary Nominee to be D’Amico of IN is just one of this week’s News Flashes on our page of up-to-date literacy and education information from around the country and the world.

Research Coordinator - Lindy Boggs National Center for Community Literacy is one of the latest additions to the LINCS Job Announcements page page.

What's New at the Regional LINCS Web sites: Eastern LINCS : Pennsylvania Governor and Mrs. Ridge Receive National Family Literacy Award, The second edition of the Eastern LINCS newsletter is filled with news and resources from across the region.

March 28, 2001

New Leaders fellowship and others have been newly added to the LINCS Grants Database of over 375 grant and funding resources. A small number of full New Leaders fellowships are available on a competitive basis to extremely talented people with the drive and commitment needed to become very successful urban school leaders. Those selected for the fellowship will serve in a yearlong, full-time paid residency with an outstanding mentor principal in an urban school; participate in coursework in management and education tuition-free; receive placement assistance to get a leadership position in a district or charter school; receive two years of intensive professional development and support after the full-time program; and become a lifetime member of a community of leaders dedicated to improving education for all children through better school leadership.

Level 2 numeracy kit is one of the new additions for teachers/tutors in the LINCS Materials Database. This kit for training adult numeracy tutors is designed to be adaptable to a program's unique situation. It can be used in its entirety as a training workshop or sections of the kit can stand alone to help trainers focus on specific numeracy needs.

March 23, 2001

Higher Literacy Improves Breastfeeding Rates is just one of this week’s News Flashes on our page of up-to-date literacy and education information from around the country and the world.

Executive Director - American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages is one of the latest additions to the LINCS Job Announcements page page.

Court of Appeals Rules Against Napster is this week’s Story of the Week from CNN & Western/Pacific LINCS

From PBS LiteracyLink : Reaching Adult Learners in New Ways Free live satellite event, May 3, 2001. Join the panelists and your adult education colleagues across the country to explore how various technologies can impact your learners and your programs. "Technology-How it Can Empower Teaching and Learning in Adult Literacy, Language, and Lifelong Education in the 21st Century" PBS-Produced Report: A National Vision for 21st Century Adult Literacy Education

News from NALD : Literacy, Numeracy and Labour Market Outcomes in Canada

March 21, 2001

BCI Corporation Contributions Program and others have been newly added to the LINCS Grants Database of over 375 grant and funding resources. BCI makes charitable contributions to nonprofit organizations involved with literacy. Support is given on a national basis. There are no deadlines to apply.

International Dyslexia Association 52nd Annual Conference (October 2001) is one of the conferences newly added to the LINCS Calendar of Events. Highlights include a symposium on Dyslexia and English as a Second Language.

Do my ESOL students have learning disabilities?: A practical manual for ESOL instructors concerned about learning disabilities and the ESOL learner is one of the new additions for teachers/tutors in the LINCS Materials Database. This manual defines learning disabilities and describes specific types, provides ways of screening for learning disabilities, and recommends specific classroom strategies.

March 16, 2001

News & Events from NIFL On March 19, Verizon, NIFL, and other partners will launch the “Ask Verizon Reads” web site at the Dallas Zoo


Dyslexia caused by brain defects, study indicates is just one of this week’s News Flashes on our page of up-to-date literacy and education information from around the country and the world


Literacy Specialist – Partners in School Innovation has been added to the LINCS Job Announcements page page.

March 14, 2001

Mazda Foundation and others have been newly added to the LINCS Grants Database of over 375 grant and funding resources.

Welfare reform and child well-being is among the new additions to the LINCS Materials Database.

March 9, 2001

States Invest Heavily in ESL Programs is just one of this week’s News Flashes on our page of up-to-date literacy and education information from around the country and the world.

Vice President of Field and External Services – National Center for Family Literacy is one of the latest additions to the LINCS Job Announcements page page.

What's New at the Regional LINCS Web sites: Eastern LINCS : Animated description of LINCS

Saving AIDS Drugs for African Victims is this week’s Story of the Week from CNN & Western/Pacific Literacy LINCS

News from NALD : WE LEARN Launches Research Study on Women-Centered / Women-Positive Basic Literacy Materials

PBS Adult Learning Service and PBS LiteracyLink invite you to participate in our annual Distance Learning Week web site! The United States Distance Learning Association has declared April 15-21, 2001, as Distance Learning Week. This year we would like to highlight distance learner success stories and feature interviews with distance learning educators: Is Distance Education as effective as traditional? How is the Internet being used as a Distance Education? What is the impact of classroom technology used on student?

If you have any questions please contact, Tonyea Tharpe, 703-739-5131 or e-mail at

March 7, 2001

Azadoutioun Foundation and others have been newly added to the LINCS Grants Database of over 375 grant and funding resources.

March 2, 2001

Should We Toss Our TVs? is just one of this week’s News Flashes on our page of up-to-date literacy and education information from around the country and the world.

What's New at the Regional LINCS Web sites: Eastern LINCS : Facts and Statistics: Visit the Eastern LINCS Web site and click on the Facts & Statistics button to view links to literacy and demographic statistics by states and U.S. territories in the region. Five Things to Consider When Choosing Online Learning How do you know if online learning is for you? Read this brief article by Eastern LINCS new Instructional Designer, Stefanie Williams. 5 Things You Can Do with the Eastern LINCS Newsletter (After you finish reading it, or course)

Blackouts Hit California is this week’s Story of the Week from CNN & Western/Pacific Literacy LINCS

February 28, 2001

Aslan Foundation and others have been newly added to the LINCS Grants Database of over 350 grant and funding resources.

American Library Association Annual Conference (June 2001) is one of the conferences newly added to the LINCS Calendar of Events.

Pathways: A primer for family literacy program design and development is among the new additions to the LINCS Materials Database.

February 23, 2001

Reading Tests May Mean Better Care is just one of this week’s News Flashes on our page of up-to-date literacy and education information from around the country and the world.

Program Director - Northeast Skills Training Project is one of the latest additions to the LINCS Job Announcements page page.

The NIFL Science & Numeracy Special Collection, in cooperation with the Numeracy discussion list, is pleased to announce a four-week (Feb 26-Mar 23 ) online discussion of issues dealing with adult literacy standards for science. Postings to the Numeracy discussion list will also be posted to a whiteboard at the Science & Numeracy Special Collection website: This is not a “real-time” chat, so you will be able to post and read messages at your convenience, regardless of the time zone you live in. The impetus for having a discussion at this time is a request by Judy Titzel of World Education. Judy, Cara Anaam, and a team of practitioners who are working on the revision of Massachusetts ABE science standards. You may join the discussion by subscribing to the Numeracy list on LINCS at: /lincs/discussions/numeracy/numeracy.html

Beginning February 26, Jennifer Cromley from NIFL will join the NIFL-Family discussion list for a discussion of her book, "Learning to Think, Learning to Learn: What the Science of Thinking and Learning Has to Offer Adult Education." To subscribe to any NIFL discussion list go to: /lincs/discussions/discussions.html

What's New at the Regional LINCS Web sites: Eastern LINCS : First Eastern LINCS Regional Meeting To Be Held at COABE Conference Our first Eastern LINCS Regional Meeting will be held in partnership with the Southern LINCS region at the Commission on Adult Basic Education’s 2001 National Conference at the Peabody Hotel in Memphis, TN.

February 21, 2001

Landmark Communications Foundation and others have been newly added to the LINCS Grants Database of over 350 grant and funding resources.

Noon day project is among the new additions to the LINCS Materials Database.

February 16, 2001

Georgetown Researchers To Present Evidence Of Biological Cause Of Dyslexia is just one of this week’s News Flashes on our page of up-to-date literacy and education information from around the country and the world

Editor - Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy is one of the latest additions to the LINCS Job Announcements page page.

What's New at the Regional LINCS Web sites: Western/Pacific LINCS : Western/Pacific Partners Get New LINCS Sites! Western/Pacific LINCS has designed new Web sites for three of its state partners, Arizona, Hawaii, and Nevada. The redesigns are meant to give all LINCS partners a similar look and feel. Eastern LINCS : Eastern LINCS is the new web host for the New Jersey Association of LifeLong Learning (NJALL) a professional association that encourages the growth and development of lifelong learning and lifelong learners in the state of New Jersey.

California Power Surplus City is this week’s Story of the Week from CNN & Western/Pacific Literacy LINCS

February 14, 2001

Coors Brewing Company Contributions Program and others have been newly added to the LINCS Grants Database of over 350 grant and funding resources.

Vision and action agenda for adult ESL language and literacy instruction (draft outline) is among the new additions to the LINCS Materials Database.

The Winter 2001 issue of the EFF Voice Newsletter is now available on-line at: /lincs/collections/eff/eff_publications.html This issue of the EFF Voice focuses on current research and development efforts to construct an assessment framework for the EFF Content Standards that will link to the National Reporting System. Maine, Ohio, Oregon, Tennessee, and Washington -- the five states participating in this year's research and development work are also featured. The complete list of EFF publications is located at: /lincs/collections/eff/eff_publications.html

February 9, 2001

RAND Reading Study Group Releases Report is just one of this week’s News Flashes on our page of up-to-date literacy and education information from around the country and the world.

CETE Director Position is one of the latest additions to the LINCS Job Announcements page page.

Science & Numeracy Special Collection. Please visit the section on learner resources, found at Here you can see resources in science and numeracy that have been chosen for direct and independent use by learners. The Showcase section features a set of exercises, "Where's the Math?", to accompany the featured website of the Earth and Moon Viewer.

Coming up on NIFL-Family Discussion list: Near the end of February, Jennifer Cromley from NIFL will join the list for a discussion on her book, "Learning to Think, Learning to Learn: What the Science of Thinking and Learning Has to Offer Adult Education.”. To subscribe to any NIFL discussion list go to: /lincs/discussions/discussions.html

What's New at the Regional LINCS Web sites: Eastern LINCS : Premiere issue of Eastern LINCS Regional Newsletter available! This newsletter will be issued quarterly to the partners and affiliates of Eastern LINCS to provide national, regional and state-level news updates and to encourage sharing of information throughout the region.

News from NALD : UNESCO's Director-general says education and cultural diversity are key to bridging digital gap

February 7, 2001

Scripps Howard Foundation Literacy Grant Program and others have been newly added to the LINCS Grants Database of over 350 grant and funding resources.

Is the GED a valuable credential? is among the new additions to the LINCS Materials Database.

February 2, 2001

Ballots still present literacy test is just one of this week’s News Flashes on our page of up-to-date literacy and education information from around the country and the world.

Information Resources Officer 2 - AlphaPlus Centre is one of the latest additions to the LINCS Job Announcements page page.

Energy Regulation Debate is this week’s Story of the Week from CNN & Western/Pacific Literacy LINCS

Announcement: From February 5 through February 16, Mark Warschauer will join the NIFL-TECHNOLOGY discussion list as a guest speaker. Mark Warschauer is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Education at the University of California, Irvine. Information on his publications and projects is available at his Website at (soon to be migrated to a new URL at UC Irvine).

From PBS LiteracyLink : LitLinker Forum with Michael Miller Motivational and inspirational Speaker Michael Miller has overcome great challenges to become the voice of the new millennium. From February 1 to February 15 we invite you to ask our guest any questions you have about adult literacy or his story.

January 31, 2001

Microsoft technology leadership grants and others have been newly added to the LINCS Grants Database of over 350 grant and funding resources.

Digital steppingstones workshops (February and March, 2001) is one of the conferences newly added to the LINCS Calendar of Events.

Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder in adults is among the new additions to the LINCS Materials Database.

January 26, 2001

New health literacy web site and a video is just one of this week’s News Flashes on our page of up-to-date literacy and education information from around the country and the world.

Training Specialist - National Center for Family Literacy is one of the latest additions to the LINCS Job Announcements page page.

What's New at the Regional LINCS Web sites: Southern LINCS : Our partners in West Virginia have launched their ADULT BASIC EDUCATION PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT SCHEDULE running from January 1 to June 30, 2001. And from our Virginia partners. . .The Winter 2001 session of The Adult Learner Online will run from February 1 to March 30, 2001.

News from NALD : NEW WEBSITE! Instructor Resources for The Novels for Adult Learners

January 24, 2001

Coming up on a LINCS Online Discussion List: Beginning Wednesday, January 24, Jeri Levesque will be guest discussion leader on the NIFL-Family list. The discussion will focus on, "Can family literacy programs prepare families for a technology-driven society?" Jeri just recently addressed this very question in the last issue of "Focus on Basics."

Field-initiated studies (FIS) education research grant program and others have been newly added to the LINCS Grants Database of over 350 grant and funding resources.

Management Assistance Program for Nonprofits (MAP) is among the new additions to the LINCS Materials Database.

January 19, 2001

The National Assessments of Adult Literacy (NAAL) Website is Redesigned is just one of this week’s News Flashes on our page of up-to-date literacy and education information from around the country and the world.

ESL Teachers Wanted in Taiwan is the latest addition to the LINCS Job Announcements page page.

Deregulation of Power Sends Prices Skyward is this week’s Story of the Week from CNN & Western/Pacific Literacy LINCS

What's New at the Regional LINCS Web sites: Southern LINCS : The Virginia Adult Learning Resource Center receives a $50,000 grant from Verizon.

News from NALD : Using the Internet to encourage and celebrate student writing

January 17, 2001

AOL Time Warner Foundation and others have been newly added to the LINCS Grants Database of over 350 grant and funding resources.

Workplace education guide, 1999 is among the new additions to the LINCS Materials Database.

January 12, 2001

MassINC report: New Skills for a New Economy : Adult Education's Key Role in Sustaining Economic Growth and Expanding Opportunity is just one of this week’s News Flashes on our page of up-to-date literacy and education information from around the country and the world


Death Row Inmate Nominated For Nobel Prize is this week’s Story of the Week from CNN & Western/Pacific Literacy LINCS

News from NALD : Adult Literacy Leader Launches National Program Accreditation Service in the US

January 11, 2001

Check out the new NIFL "Policy Update": Community Technology Centers Can Help Bridge the Digital Divide for Adult Education and Literacy Programs

Emergency immigrant education program and others have been newly added to the LINCS Grants Database of over 350 grant and funding resources.

ThisNation is among the new additions to the LINCS Materials Database.

January 5, 2001

New additions to the Job Announcements page page include Program Manager - Queens Public Library - and more!

See the latest News Flashes for up-to-date literacy and education information from around the country and the world. In this week's Flashes: Congress/Clinton Approve New Immigration Law - and more!

News from NALD : January 4, 2001 marks the first World Braille Day

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Last updated: Monday, 21-Aug-2006 15:27:13 EDT