Department of the Interior

Departmental Manual

Effective Date: 11/16/79

Series: Delegation

Part 205: General Delegations

Chapter 5: Administrative Services

Originating Office: Office of Planning and Performance Management

205 DM 5

5.1 Advertising. Assistant Secretaries and the Inspector General may authorize the publication of advertising, notices, or proposals (44 U.S.C. 3702).

5.2 Telephone Service in Private Residences. Assistant Secretaries and the Inspector General may authorize or approve payments for telephone service in the private residences of officers or employees in the field, when the service is required for the efficient conduct of their official duties. (31 U.S.C. 679 and the provisions of the Department of the Interior appropriation acts).

5.3 Library Books, Subscriptions and Memberships.

A. Delegation of Authority. Assistant Secretaries and the Inspector General may authorize or approve orders/payments for books and subscriptions, including dues for related library memberships in societies or associations concerned with functions of the Department. (Department of the Interior annual appropriation acts). This authority will be exercised in accordance with the provisions of 481 DM.

B. Redelegation. The authority contained in 205 DM 5.3A for the approval of library memberships for organizational units located outside the Washington Metropolitan Area may be redelegated only to associate or assistant heads of bureaus.

5.4 Long Distance Telephone Calls. Assistant Secretaries; the Solicitor; the Inspector General; and the heads of Secretarial offices not under the supervision of an Assistant Secretary are authorized to make certifications for long distance telephone calls to the effect that the use of the telephone was necessary in the interest of the Government (31 U.S.C. 680a).

5.5 Leases. Assistant Secretaries and the Solicitor may exercise the authority delegated to the Secretary by FPMR 101-18 and specifically 101-18.105 with respect to acquisition by lease of space in buildings and land located in the United States and its territorial possessions.

5.6 Economy Act. In accordance with the provisions of the Act of March 4, 1915, as amended (commonly referred to as the Economy Act, 31 U.S.C. 686), Assistant Secretaries, the Inspector General, and the Solicitor are authorized to enter into agreements or place orders with other Federal departments, establishments, bureaus or offices to obtain materials, supplies, equipment, work or services of any kind. Such agreements or orders may only be executed if funds are available therefor, such work or services cannot be as conveniently or as cheaply performed by private agencies, and it is in the best interest of the Government to do so.

5.7 Amendment Authority. This chapter does not limit the authority delegated to the Assistant Secretary - Policy, Budget, and Administration by 209 DM 4. The Assistant Secretary - Policy, Budget, and Administration is authorized to amend, limit, suspend, or revoke any authority granted by or pursuant to this chapter. This authority may hot be redelegated.

11/16/79 #2212

Replaces 8/13/79 #2193

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