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2008 Application Catalog

Preceptorships - Division of Cancer Prevention

Foundations of Prevention Research Groups

Basic Prevention Science Research Group [ Full Listing ]

Iqbal U. Ali, Ph. D.
Molecular studies of cancer prevention using state-of-the-art technologies that focus on tumor suppressor genes, oncogenes, and various signaling pathways and repair mechanisms.

Biometry Research Group [ Full Listings ]

Stuart G. Baker, Sc.D.
Causal inference, cancer screening, cancer biomarkers, and missing data.

Vance Berger, Ph.D.
Design and analysis of medical studies, especially randomized clinical or prevention trials. This includes all types of biases that can interfere with valid comparisons of medical interventions.

Grant Izmirlian, Ph.D.
Monitoring clinical trials, the analysis of microarray data and machine learning in the classification of proteomics data.

Victor Kipnis, Ph.D.
Biostatistical methodology, statistical modeling, statistical methods in nutritional epidemiology, and monitoring of clinical trials.

Pamela Marcus, Ph.D.
Cancer screening, including both methodology associated with and implementation of cancer screening trials.

Blossom Patterson, Ph.D.
Selenium kinetics, compartmental modeling, dietary assessment, and latent class analysis.

Philip Prorok, Ph.D.
Design and analysis of cancer screening programs, mathematical modeling of screening, analysis of cancer natural history data, analysis of censored duration data, and stochastic processes.

Jian-Lun Xu, Ph.D.
Stochastic modeling in cancer study, survival analysis, multivariate analysis, nonparametric inference, asymptotic theory, and analysis of biased sampling data.

Cancer Biomarkers Research Group [ Full Listings ]

Jacob Kagan, M.Sc., Ph.D.
Identification of nonrandom genetic alterations, loci and candidate tumor suppressor genes as well as oncogenes in prostate cancer, leukemia and lymphoma

Sudhir Srivastava, Ph.D.*
Developing molecular signatures of cancer cells for cancer detection and risk assessment, and initiating national-level early detection research programs with primary emphasis on cancer screening, early detection, risk assessment, and informatics.

Chemopreventive Agent Development Research Group [ Full Listing ]

James A. Crowell, Ph.D., Group Chief

Izet Kapetanovic, Ph.D.

Levy Kopelovich, Ph.D.

Ronald Lubet, Ph.D.

Winfred Malone, Ph.D., M.P.H.

Marjorie Perloff, M.D.

Vernon Steele, Ph.D., M.P.H.

Community Oncology and Prevention Trials Research Group [ Full Listing ]

Worta McCaskill-Stevens, MD, MS
Clinical aspects of breast cancer prevention, risk assessment, recruitment and development of infrastructures to conduct clinical trials in a community-based setting.

Lori M. Minasian, M.D., F.A.C.P.
Management of extramural research in psychosocial oncology, symptom management, and rehabilitation aspects of cancer control.

Early Detection Research Group [ Full Listing ]

John Gohagan, Ph.D.
Decision analysis, technology assessment, cost effectiveness, and quality of life.

Nutritional Science Research Group [ Full Listings ]

Young S. Kim, Ph.D.
Cloning and the characterization of disease-related genes.

John A. Milner, Ph.D.
Impact of dietary essential and non-essential components on genetic pathways associated with cancer prevention.

Sharon Ross, Ph.D., M.P.H.*
Impact of diet on DNA methylation and how aberrant DNA methylation processes influence cancer risk, identification of dietary patterns and dietary factors, including dietary ingredients in dietary supplements, that modulate cancer risk, in particular the identification of gene-nutrient interactions that influence cancer risk.

Harold Seifried Ph.D.
Biochemistry, toxicology, genetics, natural products, chemical structure activity, and protein chemistry.

Jacqueline Whitted, Ph.D., M.P.H.*
Diet and cancer prevention in ethnic populations.

Other programs within the Division of Cancer Prevention offering preceptorship opportunities:

Other programs within the NCI offering preceptorship opportunities:

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A Service of the National Cancer Institute
Department of Health and Human Services National Institutes of Health