Department of the Interior

Departmental Manual

Effective Date: 5/27/83

Series: Delegation

Part 235: Bureau of Land Management

Chapter 3: General Administrative Delegation

Originating Office: Bureau of Land Management


This chapter has been given a new release number.* No text changes were made.

235 DM 3

3.1 Delegation of Authority. Subject to the limitations in 235 DM 3.2 and 3.3, the Director of the Bureau of Land Management is authorized to exercise all of the authority delegated to the Assistant Secretary - Land and Water Resources in the following DM chapters. Any limitations contained in the following chapters are applicable to this redelegation:

A. 205 DM 2 - Attendance at Meetings and Acceptance of Contributions.

B. 205 DM 5 - Administrative Services.

C. 205 DM 6 - Budget and Financial Administration.

D. 205 DM 7 - Claims by the United States for Property or Money.

E. 205 DM 8 - Personnel Management.

F. 205 DM 9 - Personal Property Management.

G. 205 DM 10 - Real Property Management, including the authority to make the determinations required by 205 DM 10.1B(1), (2), and (3).

H. 205 DM 11 - Procurement and Contracting.

I. 205 DM 14 - Land Management Programs.

J. 205 DM 15 - Travel and Transportation.

K. 205 DM 16 - Advisory Committee Management.

L. 295 DM 1 - Disaster Assistance.

M. 296 DM 1 - Fire Protection and Assistance.

3.2 Procurement Limitations. With regard to procurement authority (205 DM 11) redelegated in 235 DM 3.1, all proposed procurements estimated to equal or exceed $200,000 shall be submitted to the Assistant Secretary - Land and Water Resources for review and approval. This submission shall occur as early as possible in the procurement cycle and prior to issuance of a solicitation. In the case of unsolicited proposals, the review shall be made prior to entering into negotiations with the prospective contractor.

3.3 Personnel Limitations. With regard to personnel management authority (205 DM 8) redelegated in 235 DM 3.1, except when required by 370 DM 311 to be submitted for Secretarial approval through and with the concurrence of the Assistant Secretary - Land and Water Resources, all appointments to or details to or from the following positions will be submitted to the Assistant Secretary - Land and Minerals Management for approval:

A. Headquarters positions for division or office heads and deputies and at GS-15 or above, irrespective of title.

B. Regional, area and state office positions for deputy, associate or assistant regional, area or state directors.

C. Service center directors and service center positions for deputy, associate or assistant directors.


5/27/83 #3410

Replaces 5/27/83 #2500