TRICARE, Your Military Health Plan

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Autism Services Demonstration
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Computer and Electronic Accomodations Program (CAP)

Continued Health Care Benefit Program (CHCBP)

Extended Care Health Option (ECHO)
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Foreign Force Member Health Care Option

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Resources for Healthy Choices

In-Utero Fetal Surgical Repair

Line of Duty Care

Pre-activation Benefit for National Guard and Reserve
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Transitional Assistance Management Program (TAMP)
TRICARE Standard and Extra


TRICARE Reserve Family Demonstration Project

Women, Infants and Children (WIC) Overseas

Beneficiary Home > Overview > Special Programs > Continued Health Care Benefit Program (CHCBP) TEXT SIZE   (+)   (-)Print This Page

Continued Health Care Benefit Program

The Continued Health Care Benefit Program (CHCBP) is a premium-based health care program administered by Humana Military Health Care Services, Inc. (Humana Military).  CHCBP offers temporary transitional health coverage (18-36 months) after TRICARE eligibility ends.  If you qualify, you can purchase CHCBP within 60 days of loss of eligibility for either regular TRICARE or Transitional Assistance Management Program (TAMP) coverage.

CHCBP acts as a bridge between military health benefits and your new civilian health plan.  CHCBP benefits are comparable to TRICARE Standard with the same benefits, providers and program rules.  The main difference is that you pay premiums to participate.  The premiums for this coverage are $933 per quarter for individuals and $1,996 per quarter for families.

Who is eligible?
Under certain circumstances, the following beneficiaries may be eligible:

  • Former active duty service members released from active duty (under other than adverse conditions) and their eligible family members.  Coverage is limited to 18 months.
  • Unremarried former spouses who were eligible for TRICARE on the day before the date of the final decree of divorce, dissolution or annulment.  Coverage is usually limited to 36 months however some unremarried former spouses may continue coverage beyond 36 months if they meet certain criteria. Contact Humana Military for details.
  • Children who cease to meet the requirements to be an eligible family member and were eligible for TRICARE on the day before ceasing to meet those requirements.  Coverage is limited to 36 months.
  • Certain unmarried children by adoption or legal custody. Coverage is limited to 36 months.

For more information about CHCBP, visit the CHCBP Web site or call 1-800-444-5445.  Contact your regional contractor or a Beneficiary Counseling and Assistance Coordinator (BCAC) to discuss your eligibility for this program.

Last Modified: June 5, 2008

Program Contractor
Humana Military Healthcare Services, Inc.
CHCBP Web site

CHCBP Claims Submission
P.O. Box 7031
Camden, SC 29020

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