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All Invited to JASAON XIV Broadcasts

NASA employees and their families are invited to the live broadcasts for JASON XIV at the Owens Science Center, 9601 Greenbelt Road. This year's broadcasts, "From Shore to Sea" will take place from Santa Barbara, Calif. and Anacapa Island. The expedition research team includes GSFC's Dr. Gene Feldman, 902, Patrick Coronado, 935 and Sallie Smith, 130.3.

The JASON Project is a multi-disciplinary program that sparks the imagination of students and enhances the classroom experience. From oceans to rain forests, from polar regions to volcanoes, the JASON Project explores Planet Earth and exposes students to leading scientists who work with them to examine its biological and geological development.

Space has been reserved for NASA employees and their families on the following dates:

Friday, January 30, 9:30-11:00 a.m.
Thursday January 29, 9:30 -11:00 a.m.
Saturday, February 1, 12:30-2:00 p.m., 2:00 - 3:30 p.m.
Friday, February 7, 2:00 - 3:30 p.m.

All broadcasts begin 30 minutes after seating
Reservations/questions call Abby Bookhultz, Owens Science Center, 301-918-8750

For more information on the JASON Project, go to: http://www.jasonproject.org


February Blood Drive

The Red Cross will be here on Wednesday February 5, 2003, from 8:30 a.m. to 2:15 p.m., in the Building 8 Auditorium to accept blood donations. To schedule an appointment, please call Mary Ann Reboso 6-6296 or Lisa Cutler 6-7409 by the close of business on February 4.


-Several Goddard employees depend on blood products to sustain life
-Each donation could possibly save 3-4 lives
-Each donation produces 7 different blood products
-Our area uses approximately 1,000 units of blood daily

Most healthy persons at least l7 years of age can donate every eight weeks, with a minimum weight of 110 lbs. The process of giving blood is always under the supervision of a Medical Unit Supervisor. The procedure includes a medical check, actual donation, and some time for relaxation and refreshments. Please be sure to get sufficient rest the night before and eat a well balanced breakfast and lunch the day you donate. You never know whose life that you may help save.

You may not donate blood if you have spent 3 months or more in the UK since 1980; or if you have traveled to the United Kingdom, eastern Europe, western Europe, the country of Oman, and Turkey since 1980 and spent a total of 6 months or more in all of these countries. For more information on blood donation eligibility requirements see: www.givelife.org


Regional Finance Office (RFO) Moving to Bldg. 17

The RFO is moving from bldg. 18 to bldg. 17 the weekend of Jan. 24 - Jan. 26, 2003. RFO staff phone numbers will be unavailable Friday, Jan. 24; phone mail will be available. The same RFO staff phone numbers will transfer from bldg. 18 to bldg. 17. RFO staff computers will be unavailable beginning noon, Friday, Jan. 24, 2003.

The RFO will be operational Monday, January 27. Payroll's new office number is bldg. 17, room N140; travel's new office number is bldg. 17, room N137. New room numbers for all employees will be posted on both buildings.


Call for Papers - 6th MAPLD International Conference

Abstracts are being accepted for the 6th annual Military and Aerospace Programmable Logic Devices (MAPLD) International Conference. Programmable devices, technologies and related aspects of digital engineering will comprise the major emphasis of this conference.

This year, there will be a special emphasis on papers with the following themes:

  • Reliability of Hardware and Designs; Fault Tolerance
  • Reconfigurable/Adaptive Computing Systems
  • Long-term Space Missions: > 15 Years
  • Hardware and Software: The line is blurring
  • Radiation Hardening by Design
  • Digital Signal Processing with Programmable Devices
  • Design Security
  • "War Stories" and Lessons Learned

The event will occur on September 9-11, 2003 at the Reagan Building and International Trade Center, Washington, D.C.

For more info, visit: http://klabs.org/richcontent/MAPLDCon03/admin/mapldcon03_cfp.html


Volunteers Needed for Educational Program

Goddard Education Programs has received a request for volunteers for:

Calvert County Science Fair, volunteers to serve as judges for the Calvert County Science Fair for all grade level students on Saturday, February 22, 2003 at Calvert High School, 1305 Dares Beach Road, Prince Frederick, MD. The Science Fair committee cordially extends an invitation to you for participation in judging exhibits, and interviewing students to determine the depth of their knowledge as well as the assessment of the overall project and display. Judges will contribute by listening to their project explanation, and presenting suggestions in a supportive manner. Participation begins at 8:15 a.m. in the Planetarium (the domed building located on the Calvert High School campus) with refreshments and a briefing discussing logistics, concluding judging activities by 10:30 a.m. We hope your participation will be viewed as an effective tool for increasing student understanding of science. If you are interested, please contact Dr. Glen Moulton, Supervisor of Science, Calvert County Public Schools, at 410-535-7216 or email Mrs. Hilley at hilleyp@calvertnet.k12.md.us.

Liberty High School Science Fair, volunteers to serve as judges for the first annual Liberty High School Science Fair in April 2003. The event is sponsored by the Science Club and is for students in grades 9-12. The Science Fair committee cordially extends an invitation to you for participation in judging exhibits, interviewing each student about his/her projects and experiences investigating selected math, science and technology topics. If you are interested, please contact Kelly McCauley, Science Coordinator, at ManateeRay@aol.com.

Timonium Elementary School Career Day, volunteers will serve as speakers to highlight their careers by providing interactive learning experience for students. There are booths available for students to visit whereby they can choose three careers that interest them the most. The activity will be an all day event on Wednesday, May 21, 2003, from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm for the entire student body. The school is located in Baltimore County. Lunch will be provided. If you are interested, please contact Aggie DiBacco-Miller, Professional School Counselor, at 410-887-7661. The school Fax number is 410-887-7662.

The Federation of Galaxy Explorers, volunteers are needed to assist in educating and inspiring youth in space related science and engineering by expanding the frontiers of science and technology. The mission of the Galaxy explorers is to educate, guide and prepare the next generation to accept the challenge of expanding humankind's presence in space. You can learn more about the program at www.foge.org. Volunteers will participate in after school activities with easy to understand educational materials that provide a hands-on understanding of space science, earth science, engineering and rocketry. Another theme, Space Citizenship, will address the role of government, power of citizens in a democracy, and the promise of space expressed in art, writing, history and business. Organized into local "Mission Teams" meeting on a monthly basis, materials, workbooks and web site support for instruction with hands-on activities are provided. Field trips and awards are part of the program encouraging self-esteem through achievement and recognition. For more information, please contact Morgan Bracken at mbracken@hst.nasa.govor 301-901-6051.