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Science, Steroids, and Youth: A Research Roundtable on Anabolic Steroids

National Press Club
Washington, DC

April 14, 2000


The 1999 results of the Monitoring the Future Study, which is an annual survey of drug abuse among adolescents across the country, showed:

Over time, abuse of anabolic steroids is associated with the following health risks:

As an initial response to this problem, the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) sponsored "Science, Steroids and Youth: A Research Roundtable on Anabolic Steroids." The meeting fostered much discussion regarding the problem of steroid abuse while informing the public and scientific community about the development of effective prevention interventions for steroid abuse. This event not only allowed NIDA to address disturbing trends in steroid abuse and attitudes but also afforded us an opportunity to showcase some our best science in this area.

The speakers for the round table included Charles Yesalis, Sc.D., Pennsylvania State University; Marilyn McGinnis, Ph.D., Mount Sinai School of Medicine; Harrison Pope, M.D., Harvard University; and Linn Goldberg, M.D. and Diane Elliot, M.D., Oregon Health Sciences University. Following is a brief summary of their presentations:

For more information on steroid abuse and NIDA's steroid initiative see: www.steroidabuse.org

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