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Sarah Masek

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City Council

(505) 768-3100

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Document Actions

South Yale Sector Plan


The Council passed legislation authorizing development of a Sector Plan for the area north of Gibson Boulevard, east of University Boulevard, south of St. Cyr Ave. SE and generally west of Columbia Drive. The Sector Plan bill was signed by the Mayor and has become law.

The legislation imposes a building moratorium on approval of conditional uses (including dwelling units) and has created interim design guidelines for the area. The legislation requires that the City work closely with the residents of the Clayton Heights and Victory Hills Neighborhoods during the planning process.

Both the City of Albuquerque and the State of New Mexico are providing funding for the project. The project will be managed jointly by the Planning Department and City Council Services.

South Yale Sector Plan Legislation

South Yale Sector Plan Area

South Yale Sector Plan Interim Design Guidelines.

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