Rural Utilities Programs

This type of assistance is available to rural communities and small-incorporated towns/cities not larger than 10,000 inhabitants (1990 Census) to develop public water and wastewater systems, telecommunications and other utility projects.

Water and Waste Disposal Loans (WWD)

Water and Waste Disposal loans are made to public entities such as municipalities, counties, special purpose districts, tribal governments and corporations not operated for profit. Interest rates are fixed and may be as low as 4.5 percent. Terms may be up to 40 years. Rural Utilities Service also guarantees water and waste disposal loans made by banks and other eligible lenders.


Water and Waste Disposal Grants (CF)

Grants are made to reduce water and waste disposal costs to a reasonable level for rural users. Grants may not exceed 75 percent of eligible project costs. Grants may be made to applicants that have a median household income that is below the state's non-metropolitan median household income.


Solid Waste Management Grants (SWM)

Grants are made to public and private nonprofit organizations for providing technical assistance and training to associations to reduce or eliminate pollution of water resources and improve planning and management of solid waste facilities.


Distance Learning and Telemedicine Loan and Grant Program (DLT)

The loans and grants are made to encourage and improve services in rural areas through the use of telecommunications, computer networks, and related technologies. Funds can be used to acquire equipment, software, instructional programming, technical assistance and other appurtenances.


 More detailed information on these programs can be obtained from the national site:

Water and Waste:

Distance Learning Program:

 For program clarification on your specific eligibility please contact the Rural Development office near you: Local Assistance

Rural Development - Southern New England Jurisdiction
For information about this web page, contact: Maril Alsup Stockwell at