Table 88
Adults age 18 or older who receive treatment for serious mental illness who experience improvement, United States, 2002
Population group No help Some/little help Lot/great deal
Percent SE Percent SE Percent SE
Total   9.1 0.6 32.2 1.0 58.7 1.1
Age 12-17 10.3 0.7 35.4 1.1 54.3 1.2
18-44 * * 29.6 1.9 63.8 2.0
45-64 * * * * 63.1 4.4
65 and over            
Race AI/AN * * * * * *
Asian * * * * * *
NHOPI * * * * * *
Black * * 37.4 4.6 51.5 4.5
White 8.5 0.6 31.6 1.1 59.9 1.1
Ethnicity Hispanic (all races) * * 36.7 4.1 53.1 4.2
Non-Hispanic, all races 9.0 0.6 31.8 1.0 59.1 1.1
Non-Hispanic, White 8.4 0.6 31.0 1.1 60.6 1.2
Non-Hispanic, Black * * 37.7 4.6 50.9 4.4
Gender Male 13.9 1.2 34.8 1.9 51.2 2.0
Female 6.8 0.6 30.9 1.2 62.2 1.3
Educationa Less than high school graduate 15.8 2.2 34.0 2.7 50.2 3.0
High school graduate 9.2 0.9 31.3 1.7 59.5 1.8
At least some college 7.2 0.7 32.1 1.4 60.7 1.4

a Estimates by education are only available for persons aged 18 or older.

* Data do not meet the criteria for statistical reliability, data quality, or confidentiality.

Key: NHOPI: Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander; AI/AN: American Indian or Alaska Native; SE: Standard error;

Source: Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, Office of Applied Studies, National Survey on Drug Use and Health.

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