Mental Health and Substance Abuse

Americans with mental disorders including substance abuse in past year (2001-2003)............. 26.4%32
Persons age 18-64 receiving care in year of onset for: major depressive episode (2001-2003)... 37%33
bipolar disorder........................ 39%33
dysthymia............................... 42%33
Median delay among those who eventually get mental health treatment (2001-2003)................ 8 years33
Persons age 12 and over with alcohol and/or illicit drug dependence/abuse (2003)................... 22 million34
Persons with alcohol dependence with treatment in the onset year (2001-2003)...................... 21%33
Persons with drug dependence with treatment in the onset year (2001-2003).......................... 26%33
Median delay among substance abusers who eventually get treatment (2001-2003)................. 6 years33
Costs for health care services related to the diagnosis and treatment of substance abuse and mental disorders (2001)............................................................................................... $104 billion35
Mental health careiii and substance abuse treatment differ by.............................................. race34,36, 37, 38, 39, 40
  ethnicity34,36, 37

In a cross-national survey among adults in 14 countries conducted from 2001-2003, the United States had the highest rate with any mental disorders including substance abuse (26%), severity of mental disorders (8%), anxiety disorders (18%), mood disorders (10%), and impulse-control disorders (7%) in the past year.32, In response to the need for mental health and substance abuse treatment in the United States, guidelines have been developed to improve the quality of mental health and substance abuse treatment, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46 and quality improvement programs have been shown to improve outcomes and reduce costs.47, 48

iii Differences in care are observed, though prevalence of mental disorders for racial/ethnic minorities in the United States is similar to that for Whites. Differences in care may in part reflect variation in preferences/cultural attitudes towards mental health.

Treatment: Reported Help From Mental Disorder Treatment HIV and AIDS

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