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NOAA Climate Program Office
NOAA Research
Department of Commerce
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Last Updated
August 26, 2005

GEWEX Continental-Scale International Project (GCIP)

The Global Energy and Water Cycle Experiment (GEWEX) Continental-Scale International Project (GCIP), fully implemented in 1995 and phased out in 2001, was launched in the Mississippi River basin to take advantage of the extensive existing meteorological and hydrological networks. These networks provide the best opportunity for obtaining data sets essential to achieving the overall GCIP goal:

To demonstrate skill in predicting changes in water resources on time scales up to seasonal and annual as an integral part of the climate system.

GCIP had many major scientific achievements including 1) closure of water and energy budgets in the Mississippi River Basin, 2) development of land surface and hydrological models, and 3) water resource management applications. A GCIP legacy is the comprehensive and accessible observational database for the Mississippi River basin. The GCIP follow-on, GEWEX Americas Prediction Project (GAPP), will exploit these datasets with an evolving program of model development that will permit observations and analyses to be extended spatially within the U.S. or applied globally with new observations.



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