Corporation for National and Community Service


Monday, November 13, 2006

Office of the Director
AmeriCorps*State & National


Policy Update - November 2006

Message from the Director

I am particularly pleased to announce our new slot conversion and transfer policy in this Update. We hope this added flexibility will make it easier for programs to get things done. We received positive feedback on the first issue of the Update, and will continue to publish new issues as we develop new policies and procedures designed to decrease burden for you, and increase ease of doing business with us.

New Policy Allows Increased Flexibility in Slot Conversion and Transfer

As of November 13, 2006, you will be allowed to convert slot types on other than a one-to-one basis in order to maximize enrollment. All conversions will be Trust neutral, are subject to availability of funds in the Trust, and are subject to prior approval.

The total number of MSYs and education award amounts in the grant may not be increased as a result of the slot conversion. Please see the AmeriCorps Communication Center for the complete text of this and other policies described in this newsletter.

Click here to read the policy.

Have a Policy Question?

Your Program Officer is the expert!  Give him or her a call.

You Asked for It!

The AmeriCorps statute and regulations are now available in keyword searchable format under “Manage Current Grants and Projects” on the web site. The chapter headings are also clickable for easier access to the information you need.

Policy Briefs 

Electronic Signatures on Timesheets
(click here to read the policy)  

We have approved a new policy that allows all AmeriCorps State and National grantees to use electronic timekeeping systems as your system of record when three conditions are met:

  1. you have an established written policy establishing the use of the electronic timekeeping system;
  2. you have a secure, verifiable electronic signature system that (a) identifies and authenticates a particular person as the sources of the electronic signature; and (b) indicates such person’s approval of the information contained in the electronic message; and
  3. you do not allow changes to the electronic record once appropriate electronic signatures have been applied unless there is a clear auditable record of the revision.

Electronic timesheets that meet these criteria can now be considered the timesheet of record. It is not necessary to print out and file timesheets in hard copy by member, although you must be able to produce them on request.

Electronic Storage of Member Files
(click here to read the policy)  

We have approved a new policy that allows you to store member files in digital format. It also provides minimum standards that such systems must meet. We expect you to conform to requirements on privacy and security outlined in the current grant provisions.

New Living Allowance Q and A  

We pay our living allowances on a monthly basis. How should we handle situations in which members come on board late in the month or exit early in the month at the end of their term? 

You should establish a written policy that is reasonable. For example, if a member comes on board within the first two weeks of the month, you might set policy that gives them the entire living allowance. If they start service later than that, you could prorate the amount based on the number of days in the month they will serve. The same would hold true for the end of service. If they leave within the first two weeks of the month, their living allowance is based on the number of days in the month they served. If they serve over the 2-week cut-off, they would get the full living allowance. You can establish different cut-off points as long as they are reasonable, documented in policy, and followed consistently.

Change in Grant Provisions: Childcare for Part-time Members Serving Full-time 

If you have less-than-full-time members serving full time (i.e. members serving a half-time position in six months), and would like to provide childcare, you may now do so by working directly with NACCRRA, without prior Corporation approval.

For State Commissions

New Procedure for Submitting State Competitive Continuation Applications
(click here to read the policy)

Currently, you submit your continuation applications as one package to the Corporation, with a summary recommendation. Staff reviews the subapplications, checks factors such as enrollment and retention, and submits their recommendation for final funding approval to the Director of AmeriCorps and the CEO.

Starting with 2007 program year applications, the Chief Executive Officer will – unless the CEO determines otherwise based on availability of funds, material information not contained in the state commission summary recommendation, or other good cause – make final decisions on continuation funding for competitive grants based principally on summary recommendations (including whether to increase, hold level, or decrease funding) submitted by each state commission.  To effectuate this policy, each state commission will consider in its summary recommendation enrollment and retention rates as well as selection criteria published by the Corporation and commission.

Did You Know?

The definition of compelling personal circumstances, from the AmeriCorps Regulations?  Section 2522.230 states “Compelling personal circumstances include:

  1. Those that are beyond the participant's control, such as, but not limited to:
    1. A participant's disability or serious illness;
    2. Disability, serious illness, or death of a participant's family member if this makes completing a term unreasonably difficult or impossible; or
    3. Conditions attributable to the program or otherwise unforeseeable and beyond the participant's control, such as a natural disaster, a strike, relocation of a spouse, or the nonrenewal or premature closing of a project or program, that make completing a term unreasonably difficult or impossible;
  2. Those that the Corporation, has for public policy reasons, determined as such, including:
    1. Military service obligations;
    2. Acceptance by a participant of an opportunity to make the transition from welfare to work; or
    3. Acceptance of an employment opportunity by a participant serving in a program that includes in its approved objectives the promotion of employment among its participants.

Compelling personal circumstances do not include leaving a program:

  1. To enroll in school;
  2. To obtain employment, other than in moving from welfare to work or in leaving a program that includes in its approved objectives the promotion of employment among its participants; or
  3. Because of dissatisfaction with the program.

Coming Attractions

Entering Enrollment Periods in WBRS

We are working on simplifying this process so you will be in charge of entering your enrollment period, without the current requirement for Program Officer approval. If you have questions or concerns about this, please let us know.

Eliciting Public Comment

We are now accepting public comment on the following information collections and proposed rule. If you have opinions on these issues, or want a copy to review, feel free to let me know via e-mail (

  • 2008 AmeriCorps State Application Instructions
  • 2008 AmeriCorps National Application Instructions
  • 2008 Admin/PDAT/Disability Application Instructions
  • Criminal Background Record Checks Proposed Rule

What Do You Think?

How can we make this quarterly update more useful?  What other policy tools would be helpful? Contact with your ideas.


VIEWED ON: Wednesday, September 17, 2008