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A winning balance of in-house, outsourced and services-based resources

April 30, 2007

Indian Outsourcing Firms Go After Homegrown Deals

U.S. companies are the biggest customers of Indian outsourcing providers like Infosys and Wipro. So how worried are those firms now that the some U.S. economic indicators show signs of slowing down?
A recent article in The Hindu implies that India’s export business in items like precious metals and jewelry, rather than its outsourcing industry, is […]

April 27, 2007

As Dollar Declines, so Do Chances of Getting a Good Offshore Deal

The U.S. dollar has been taking a beating lately in the currency markets. A weak dollar makes it far less financially compelling for U.S. firms to purchase supplies from foreign companies — whether those supplies are widgets or IT services.
One possible answer for U.S. companies is to purchase their goods and services from countries where […]

April 26, 2007

Has IT Lost Its Cachet?

What to make of the apparent dichotomy between two items spotlighted by IT Business Edge blogger Michael Lindenberger?
Legislation that would “expand scholarships, stipends and training for science, technology and engineering teachers’ workshops and master’s degree programs” was recently approved by the U.S. House of Representatives, one of two bills that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi says […]

April 25, 2007

Does This Outsourcing Initiative Make Me Look Inefficient?

Why are diet aids so popular? It’s simple. People want to be skinny without having to exercise or pay any attention to their diets.
Many companies seem to have a similar outlook on outsourcing– viewing it as a nearly magical way to slim down those bottom lines. Problem is, as with the diet aids, outsourcing doesn’t […]

April 24, 2007

Accenture a Poster Child for Outsourcing Innovation

We’ve blogged about the market share erosion of U.S.-based outsourcing providers, many of whom are losing contracts to Indian providers like Wipro and Infosys.
But one member of the so-called Big Six — Accenture, IBM, HP, ACS, CSC and EDS — does not appear to be suffering too badly. Indeed, as a recent BusinessWeek article relates, […]

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