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Today on java.netSeptember 16, 2008

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Substance 5.0, Flamingo 3.1 released
Kirill Grouchnikov is announcing the release of new versions several of his Swing projects, starting with version 5.0 of the major performance issues and to ensure the long-term code health of the project" Flamingo component suite 3.1 is also available. "The goal of the project is to provide a small and cohesive set of powerful UI components with functionality similar to or superseding that of Vista Explorer and Office 2007, and this release closes many gaps towards realizing this goal." Today's releases also include a number of Substance plug-ins for other projects.

JSF 2.0 team seeks community input on prioritizing issues
Ed Burns is putting out a call for input on which JSF 2.0 issues are most important. " We have 37 open spec issues, not including some ones floating around on the EG list that I need to put into the issue tracker. Of those 37, there are 20 that I’ve classified as “hard”, with help from FOJSF Yara Senger. If you care to help, please look at those hard issues and use the “vote for this issue” feature to help us choose which of those hard ones to do first."

Security for Web Services
In the latest installment of the SDN's "From the Trenches at Sun Security" series, Security for Web Services, Marina Sum talks to Sidharth Mishra, technical product manager for identity management at Sun. They talk about the specific challenges of securing web services, the standards for message-level security, and how OpenSSO can be used to provide message-level security.


Fabrizio Giudici Bye bye, Mac OS X?
This week I can officially say that - at the moment - Mac OS X is no longer my primary operating system. My primary operating system is where I more often work and read the email, so since I've switched from Apple Mail to Thunderbird now I mostly work on Linux.    Fabrizio Giudici

Cay Horstmann Applet Dragging in Linux
This is a brief description on how to try out applet dragging in Ubuntu Linux with JDK 6 update 10. (Now there is a product name only a mother could love...)   Cay Horstmann

Support for Programmatic Authorization in WebServices With Metro 1.3
Starting with Promoted Build 36 of SailFin, Metro 1.3 users can perform Programmatic Authorization decisions inside their SEI Implementations.    Kumar Jayanti


Re: @PreDestroy
This will not work reliably. There is no guarantee that PreDestroy methods will be called when your application is undeployed or shutdown, which is probably what you want. I tried to do exactly the same thing you did - but PreDestroy is not guaranteed to work that way. I solved the problem by implementing a lifecycle listener. This gets notified by the app server of lifecycle events such as startup and shutdown.  

How does an EJB invocation from outside glassfish get assigned roles?
I've got a situation where one glassfish instance (external front end) hosting a web deployment is talking to another glassfish hosting ejbs and the same web deployment (internal front end). The internal web works just fine talking to its ejbs, but the external one can't call the ejbs, although the calls are making it through to the ejb tier, the backend is refusing them with "javax.ejb.AccessLocalException: Client not authorized for this invocation" (logged in the glassfish instance hosting the ejbs).  

Re: Java Runtime Settings not remembered?
That's b31 I just downloaded and installed. The icon always shows and the blue flash always occurs. It maybe your fixes don't work on Firefox 2. A lot of people still use Firefox 2. I understand that the intention of the blue flash is for "security reasons" My view is that it's just silly and annoying and carries no meaning. I challenge you to test your design decision on real people out in the real world. Set up in the closest mall and demonstrate the blue flash to them and see if they think it makes Java more secure.  

Hardware Specs
II am just getting into BD-J development and am trying to assess the performance levels of different players. I have done some research online with regards to the hardware components used in the available players but it seems as though most companies are tight lipped about the internals. Anyone know of any white papers, technical manuals for various blu-ray players which document memory, cpu, storage, etc? This would help a lot to gauge the capabilities of the various players.  

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