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August 29, 2008

Can British Buy Help Infosys Win Higher Value Business?

This is a big week for outsourcing-related acquisition announcements. HP speedily closed its $13.9 billion acquisition of EDS. A rumor broke that BT may sell some or all of its 31 percent ownership stake in India’s Tech Mahindra.
And India’s Infosys is buying a British consulting company to expand its presence in Europe, reports the New […]

August 28, 2008

Is BT Divesting Stake in India’s Tech Mahindra?

Even as a very big outsourcing deal closed in the U.S., with HP completing its $13.9 billion purchase of EDS, there came word of a possible smaller sale. British Telecom is reportedly considering divesting some or all of its 31 percent ownership stake in India’s Tech Mahindra, reports the Financial Times.
According to the article, BT […]

Waiting for More Specifics on HP’s Acquisition of EDS

In speedy fashion, HP has closed the biggest outsourcing deal in recent memory, its $13.9 billion acquisition of EDS. As I wrote this spring (and I wasn’t the only one), the impetus for the deal was HP’s desire to compete with IBM in the lucrative tech consulting and outsourced services space and also to capitalize […]

August 26, 2008

America Needs More Engineers

Techies are often advised to brush up on their broader business skills, such as project management. Yet in at least some fields, too many folks following this advice may have contributed to shortages of people with the right kinds of skills.
According to an MLive.com story, U.S. automakers and their suppliers are having trouble finding enough […]

August 25, 2008

Cutting Through Some of the Confusion on IT Job Numbers

Earlier this month I wrote about a couple of recent job surveys that seemed to contain discrepancies about the number of IT jobs gained — or lost — over the past year.
Numbers from the U.S. Department of Labor’s Bureau of Labor Statistics, which indicated the information industry lost 13,000 jobs in July and 44,000 jobs […]

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