:: Straight to the Source :: XML

A winning balance of in-house, outsourced and services-based resources

November 30, 2007

GPS-Enabled Employee Monitoring: Big Brother, Better Business or Both?

So what’s your take on using GPS-enabled devices to monitor employees? Is it Big Brother, better business or both?
IT Business Edge recently interviewed an executive from Xora, a provider of GPS-enabled mobile resource management software, who shared a number of ways that his company’s clients use the product. Among them: streamlining the payroll process, boosting […]

November 28, 2007

SaaS: It’s Not Just About the Money

Buying technology in many ways isn’t so different from buying other goods and services. We consumers tend to be lured — at least initially — by low price. But we generally won’t stick with something unless it meets — or hopefully exceeds — our expectations.
After some trial-and-error, we often find that the option that is neither […]

November 27, 2007

BPO + SaaS = Business Services

As offshore business process outsourcing (BPO) firms look to expand their business models, they are reportedly angling to make acquisitions, especially in geographies with growing demand for outsourced services, such as Europe.
But two recent acquisitions by India’s Cognizant Technology Solutions point the way to what could become a broader trend, the convergence of BPO and […]

Software Licensing Problems, with an Outsourcing Twist

It’s no secret that traditional software licensing models are under pressure from a variety of newer options such as software-as-a-service and open source software. And that many vendors see such options as a competitive threat.
But here’s a case with an outsourcing-influenced twist: Japanese automaker Nissan is suing Software AG because it objects to the hefty […]

November 26, 2007

Immigration Is Tricky Issue for Presidential Candidates

We blogged back in July about how outsourcing was becoming a key issue of the 2008 presidential election. Immigration — both legal and illegal — was still in the headlines following the defeat of a sweeping reform proposal, with lawmakers from both parties willing to pander to Americans’ fear of immigrants coming into the U.S. […]

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