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September 26, 2007

Network World Survey: Job Satisfaction Not Rising as Fast as Salaries

While a recent salary survey by Network World seems to offer some good news for IT pros — raises outpacing the rate of inflation and handsome bonuses — it may not be enough. Survey respondents appear less than satisfied with their compensation.
According to the survey, base pay for IT pros rose 5.2 percent in 2006, […]

September 24, 2007

Can ‘Geek Chic’ Help Reverse IT Staffing Shortage?

Many folks in the technology industry have the same low opinion of CNN commentator Lou Dobbs as Dobbs has of offshoring.
In a MercuryNews.com article, Phil Bond, president and CEO of the Information Technology Association of America, singles Dobbs out by name. In it, Bond says pundits like Dobbs have helped create a negative […]

September 21, 2007

Indian Workers Find Prosperity Can Bring Some Pain

India’s outsourcing industry has improved the financial status of its workers — so much so that research firm Technology Forecasters predicts a steep rise in spending on consumer goods like TVs and refrigerators. Young Indians’ love of gadgetry — and increasing ability to buy it — is driving investment in the country by such companies […]

September 20, 2007

Offshoring Key Part of Strategy for InformationWeek 500 Execs

Based on interviews with tech executives at the top 11 companies in this year’s edition of the annual InformationWeek 500, there is little doubt of the tremendous impact that offshore outsourcing is having on their businesses.
Most of the execs view offshoring as a way to improve their capabilities rather than just a cost-cutting measure.
Jacquelyn Barretta, […]

September 19, 2007

Don’t ‘Dumb Down’ Workers’ Tasks Too Much, Warn Researchers

In order to drive efficiency, many companies utilize automation and other features to simplify tasks for their workers. Yet this may be the wrong approach, warns an assistant professor of management at Florida State University.
While this does boost productivity in the short term, over time it can lower both employee satisfaction and productivity, says Stephen […]

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